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African Human Rights Law Journal
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African Human Rights Law Journal
>> African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Ibe, S --- "Implementing economic, social and cultural rights in Nigeria: Challenges and opportunities" [2010] AHRLJ 9
Ibrahim, M --- "Evaluating a decade of the African Union's protection of human rights and democracy: A post-Tahrir assessment" [2012] AHRLJ 3
Identities and citizenship in Sudan: Governing constitutional principles (Chapter 6 Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 17
Ilori, T---"Protecting digital rights through soft law: Ensuring the implementation of the revised Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa" [2024] AHRLJ 2
Implementation of the right to social security in Nigeria [2017] AHRLJ 19
Implementing environmental rights in Kenya's new constitutional order: Prospects and potential challenges (Chapter 9 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 25
Implementing legal accountability to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity in Uganda [2018] AHRLJ 7
Implementing transitional justice in post-transition Central African Republic: What viable options? [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 39
Implications of the African Union's stance on immunity for leaders on conflict resolution in Africa: The case of South Sudan and lessons from Habre's case [2018] AHRLJ 22
Improving the administration of justice by military courts in Africa: An appraisal of the jurisprudence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights [2019] AHRLJ 4
In default: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights v Libya [2018] AHRLJ 35
Incompatibility of national law with the African Charter on Human and People's Rights: Does the African Court on Human and People's Rights have the final say? [2016] AHRLJ 2
Insurgency in Nigeria: Addressing the causes as part of the solution (Chapter 12 Vol 1) [2014] AHRLJ 13
Interpretation and international law in South African courts: The Supreme Court of Appeal and the Al Bashir saga (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 17
Interpreting the human right to water as a means to advance its enforcement in Uganda [2016] AHRLJ 10
Intervention pursuant to article 4(h) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union without United Nations Security Council authorisation (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 15
Is the forfeiture of criminally-acquired property in Tanzania compliant with the Constitution? [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 20
Islamic Kafalah as an alternative care option for children deprived of a family environment (Chapter 2 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 18