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African Human Rights Law Journal
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African Human Rights Law Journal
>> African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
E Ecoma, B --- "A post-mortem assessment of the #EndSARS protest and police brutality in Nigeria" [2023] AHRLJ 8
Ebobrah, S.T --- "Human rights development in African sub-regional economic communities during 2011" [2012] AHRLJ 10
Ebobrah, S.T --- "Human rights developments in African sub-regional economic communities during 2010" [2011] AHRLJ 11
Editorial [2015] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [2016] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [2017] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [2018] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [2019] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [2020] AHRLJ 1
Editorial (Adolescent sexual and reproductive rights in the African region) [2017] AHRLJ 22
Editorial (Editorial) [2013] AHRLJ 22
Editorial (Special Focus: Dignity takings and dignity restorations) [2018] AHRLJ 30
Editorial (Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 37
Editorial (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 12
Editorial (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 16
Editorial (Vol 2) [2017] AHRLJ 16
Editorial (Vol 2) [2018] AHRLJ 21
Editorial [Volume 10 No 1] [2010] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [Volume 11 No 1] [2011] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [Volume 12 No 1] [2012] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 26
Editorial [Volume 22 No 1] [2022] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [Volume 22 No 2] [2022] AHRLJ 14
Editorial [Volume 23 No 1 2023] [2023] AHRLJ 1
Editorial [Volume 23 No 2 2023] [2023] AHRLJ 11
Editorial [Volume 24 No 1 2024] [2024] AHRLJ 1
Editorial introduction to special focus: The rule of law in sub-Saharan Africa: Reflections on promises, progress, pitfalls and prospects [2018] AHRLJ 11
Editorial: Special focus on the functional dimensions of the right to development [2019] AHRLJ 18
Equality constitutional adjudication in South Africa (Chapter 14 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 30
Ernest Ojukwu et al Handbook on Prison Pre-trial Detainee Law Clinic (Recent Publications Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 21
Establishing state liability for personal liberty violations arising from arrest, detention and malicious prosecution in Lesotho [2017] AHRLJ 8
Ethnocentric nationality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An analysis under international human rights law [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 40
Evaluating the role of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in the COVID-19 era: Visualising the African child in 2050 [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 5
Evidence obtained through violating the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in South Africa [2015] AHRLJ 4
Exploring the contours of African sexualities: Religion, law and power (Chapter 9 Vol 1) [2014] AHRLJ 10
Ezeudu, M-J --- "Revisiting corporate violations of human rights in Nigeria's Niger Delta region: Canvassing the potential role of the International Criminal Court" [2011] AHRLJ 3