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African Human Rights Law Journal
>> 2021 African Human Rights Law Journal
2021 African Human Rights Law Journal
Editorial [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 1
Special focus: The African Children's Charter at 30: Reflections on its past and future contribution to the rights of children in Africa [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 2
The Sen-Nussbaum diagram of article 11(3) of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: Facilitating the relationship between access to education and development [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 3
Cascading impacts of climate change and the rights of children in Africa: A reflection on the principle of intergenerational equity [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 4
Evaluating the role of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in the COVID-19 era: Visualising the African child in 2050 [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 5
The African Children's Charter and ending corporal punishment of children in Africa: A work in progress [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 6
Towards a transformative child rights discourse in Africa: A reflexive study [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 7
Understanding the nature, scope and standard operating procedures of the African Commission's special procedure mechanisms [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 8
Barriers to fulfilling reporting obligations in Africa under the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 9
A teleological approach to interpreting socio-economic rights in the African Charter: Appropriateness and methodology[Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 10
The 'Africa we want' in the African Union's Agenda 2063 on the realisation of women's human rights to access justice [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 11
Tension between the individual's fundamental human rights and the protection of the public from infectious and formidable epidemic diseases[Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 12
Sub-regional organisations and the responsibility to protect: A case for the localisation and normative repatriation of sub-regional authority for coercive measures[Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 13
An assessment of the regulatory legal and institutional framework of the mining industry in South Africa and Kenya for effective human rights protection: Lessons for other countries[Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 14
Utilising the due diligence standard to interrogate Kenya's accountability efforts with regard to survivors of sexual violence in the 2007 - 2008 post election violence [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 15
The right to privacy under the Constitution of Kenya and the criminalisation of consensual sex between same-sex adults [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 16
The Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015 as a harbinger for the elimination of unlawful detention in Nigeria [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 17
Liberalisation of Nigeria's abortion laws with a focus on pregnancies resulting from rape: An empirical analysis [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 18
The challenges to gender equality in the legal profession in South Africa: A case for substantive equality as a means for achieving gender transformation [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 19
Is the forfeiture of criminally-acquired property in Tanzania compliant with the Constitution? [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 20
The protection of individual labour rights in Zimbabwe [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 21
Realising the right of access to water for people living on farms: The impact of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court decision in Mshengu v uMsunduzi Local Municipality [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 22
One step forward, two steps back: A review of Mushoriwa v City of Harare in view of Zimbabwe's constitutional socio-economic rights [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 23
AHRLJ Full-text PDF [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 24
AHRLJ Full-text PDF [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 25
Editorial [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 26
Forty years of the African Charter and the reform issues facing the discourse and practice of human rights [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 27
The African human rights system as 'norm leader': Three case studies [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 28
The African Charter: Just one treaty among many? The development of the material jurisdiction and interpretive mandate of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 29
Protecting the right to life during assemblies: Legal and jurisprudential developments in the African human rights system [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 30
An analysis of the contribution of the African human rights system to the understanding of the right to health[Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 31
The impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic rights of older persons in Africa: The urgency of operationalising the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 32
The right to reparations in the Contentious process before the African Court on Human and People's Rights: A comparative analysis on account of the revised Rules of Court [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 33
Monitoring the Implementation of its own decisions: What role for the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights? [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 34
Business and human rights versus corporate social responsibility: Integration for victim remedies [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 35
Tackling inequality and governance challenges: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 36
Worthy of membership? Rwanda and South Africa on the United Nations Human Rights Council [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 37
Mechanisms adopted in curbing unsafe infant abandonment: A comparison between Namibia and South Africa [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 38
Implementing transitional justice in post-transition Central African Republic: What viable options? [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 39
Ethnocentric nationality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An analysis under international human rights law [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 40
The right to sustainable development in article 43(3) of the Ethiopian Constitution [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 41
Rethinking abortion laws in Nigeria: the trauma of rape victims of Boko Haram [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 42
The right of victims of core international crimes to reparation in Nigeria [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 43
The impact of climate change on economic and social rights realisation in Nigeria: International cooperation and assistance to the rescue? [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 44
Duty without liability: The impact of article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the right to health care in Nigeria [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 45
Revisiting personal immunities for incumbent foreign heads of state in South Africa in light of the Grace Mugabe decision [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 46
The rationality test in lockdown litigation in South Africa [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 47
The right to 'unlove': The constitutional case for no-fault divorce in Uganda [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 48
Securing legal reforms to the use of force in the context of police militarisation in Uganda: The role of public interest litigation and structural interdict [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 49
Decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights during 2020: Trends and lessons [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 50