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African Human Rights Law Journal
>> 2020 African Human Rights Law Journal
2020 African Human Rights Law Journal
Editorial [2020] AHRLJ 1
A crisis of design and judicial practice? Curbing state disengagement from the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights [2020] AHRLJ 2
The subject-matter jurisdiction and interpretive competence of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights in relation to international humanitarian law [2020] AHRLJ 3
The case law of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights in Libya following the Arab uprisings: Lessons learned for the consolidation and legitimation of the Court [2020] AHRLJ 4
Human rights enforcement in Africa: Enhancing the Pan-African Parliament's capacity to promote and protect human rights [2020] AHRLJ 5
Digital neo-colonialism: The Chinese model of internet sovereignty in Africa [2020] AHRLJ 6
Using the right to health framework to tackle non-communicable diseases in the era of neo-liberalism in Uganda [2020] AHRLJ 7
The Zimbabwean Constitutional Court as a key site of struggle for human rights protection: A critical assessment of its human rights jurisprudence during its first six years [2020] AHRLJ 8
The protection of vulnerable witnesses during criminal trials in Malawi: Addressing resource challenges [2020] AHRLJ 9
Rethinking the right to water in rural Limpopo [2020] AHRLJ 10
Does the right to dignity extend equally to refugees in South Africa? [2020] AHRLJ 11
Slowly but surely: The substantive approach to the right to basic education of the South African courts post-Juma Musjid [2020] AHRLJ 12
Assessing the limitations to freedom of expression on the internet in Ethiopia against the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights [2020] AHRLJ 13
Book review: E Durojaye & G Mirugi-Mukundi (eds) Exploring the link between poverty and human rights in Africa [2020] AHRLJ 14
Review: Special issue in Journal of African Law: The African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance at 10 [2020] AHRLJ 15