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African Human Rights Law Journal
>> 2018 African Human Rights Law Journal
2018 African Human Rights Law Journal
Editorial [2018] AHRLJ 1
Revisiting the normative framework of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights in the context of evidence obtained through human rights violations: Has it served its purpose? [2018] AHRLJ 2
Circumventing obstacles to the implementation of recommendations by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights [2018] AHRLJ 3
Analysing the monitoring mechanisms of the African Women's Protocol at the level of the African Union [2018] AHRLJ 4
Civic space and the human rights advocacy in the extractive industry in Uganda: Implications of the 2016 Non-Governmental Organisations Act for oil and gas civil society organisations [2018] AHRLJ 5
A critique of the judicial attitude towards matrimonial property rights under customary law in Nigeria's southern states [2018] AHRLJ 6
Implementing legal accountability to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity in Uganda [2018] AHRLJ 7
Boko Haram and the child's right to education in Africa: Examining the accountability of non-state armed groups [2018] AHRLJ 8
Payment obligations of taxpayers pending dispute resolution: Approaches of South Africa and Nigeria [2018] AHRLJ 9
Does the Mauritian Constitution protect the right to privacy? An insight from Madhewoo v The State of Mauritius [2018] AHRLJ 10
Editorial introduction to special focus: The rule of law in sub-Saharan Africa: Reflections on promises, progress, pitfalls and prospects [2018] AHRLJ 11
An overview of the crisis of the rule of law in Africa [2018] AHRLJ 12
The rule of law and democracy in Ghana since independence: Uneasy bedfellows? [2018] AHRLJ 13
Standing, access to justice and the rule of law in Zimbabwe [2018] AHRLJ 14
Prosecuting international crimes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Using victim participation as a tool to enhance the rule of law and to tackle impunity [2018] AHRLJ 15
Women's access to regional justice as a fundamental element of the rule of law: The effect of the absence of a women's rights committee on the enforcement of the African Women's Protocol [2018] AHRLJ 16
Large-scale agricultural land acquisitions and Ethiopia's ethnic minorities: A test for the rule of law [2018] AHRLJ 17
The challenges for the rule of law posed by the increasing use of electronic surveillance in sub-Saharan Africa [2018] AHRLJ 18
The right to privacy in the age of surveillance to counter terrorism in Ethiopia [2018] AHRLJ 19
The Nairobi Principles on Accountability as a means of monitoring and enforcing the rule of law and accountability for international crimes in Africa [2018] AHRLJ 20
Editorial (Vol 2) [2018] AHRLJ 21
Implications of the African Union's stance on immunity for leaders on conflict resolution in Africa: The case of South Sudan and lessons from Habre's case [2018] AHRLJ 22
The domestic impact of the decisions of the East African Court of Justice [2018] AHRLJ 23
Challenges when drafting legal aid legislation to ensure access to justice in African and other developing countries with small numbers of lawyers: Overcoming obstacles to including the use of non-lawyers to assist persons in conflict with the law [2018] AHRLJ 24
Survival rights for children: What are the national and global barriers? [2018] AHRLJ 25
Recent legal responses to child marriage in Southern Africa: The case of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Malawi [2018] AHRLJ 26
Onuoha Kalu v The State and flaws in Nigeria's death penalty jurisprudence [2018] AHRLJ 27
The concept of surrogacy in Nigeria: Issues, prospects and challenges [2018] AHRLJ 28
Cultural values as a source of law: Emerging trends of ubuntu jurisprudence in South Africa [2018] AHRLJ 29
Editorial (Special Focus: Dignity takings and dignity restorations) [2018] AHRLJ 30
From reparations to dignity restoration: The story of the Popela community [2018] AHRLJ 31
From disgust to dignity: Criminalisation of same-sex conduct as a dignity taking and the grassroots battle to achieve dignity restoration? [2018] AHRLJ 32
The shadow of legal pluralism in matrimonial property division outside the courts in Southern Nigeria [2018] AHRLJ 33
Human rights developments in the African Union (January 2017-September 2018) (Recent Developments) [2018] AHRLJ 34
In default: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights v Libya [2018] AHRLJ 35