African Human Rights Law Journal
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2012 African Human Rights Law Journal
2012 African Human Rights Law Journal
- Editorial [Volume 12 No 1] [2012] AHRLJ 1
- Liebenberg, S --- "Engaging the paradoxes of the universal and particular in human rights adjudication: The possibilities and pitfalls of 'meaningful engagement'" [2012] AHRLJ 2
- Ibrahim, M --- "Evaluating a decade of the African Union's protection of human rights and democracy: A post-Tahrir assessment" [2012] AHRLJ 3
- Appiagyei-Atua, K --- "Minority rights, democracy and development: The African experience" [2012] AHRLJ 4
- Mujuzi, JD --- "The rule of law: Approaches of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and selected African states" [2012] AHRLJ 5
- Odongo, G --- "Caught between progress, stagnation and a reversal of some gains: Reflections on Kenya's record in implementing children's rights norms" [2012] AHRLJ 6
- Moyo, A --- "Reconceptualising the 'paramountcy principle': Beyond the individualistic construction of the best interests of the child" [2012] AHRLJ 7
- Nnamuchi, O; Ortuanya, S --- "The human right to health in Africa and its challenges: A critical analysis of Millennium Development Goal 8" [2012] AHRLJ 8
- Killander, M: Abebe, A.K --- "Human rights developments in the African Union during 2010 and 2011" [2012] AHRLJ 9
- Ebobrah, S.T --- "Human rights development in African sub-regional economic communities during 2011" [2012] AHRLJ 10
- Mwangi, W; Mphepo, T --- "Developments in international criminal justice in Africa during 2011" [2012] AHRLJ 11
- Yeshanew, S.A --- "A study of the African Union's right of intervention against humanity and war crimes" [2012] AHRLJ 12
- Gumboh, E --- "DM Chirwa Human rights under the Malawian Constitution" [2012] AHRLJ 13