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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Tanzania (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 20
Tchad (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 8
Tengho, M.S --- "Republique du Cap-Vert" [2022] ADRY 9
Termination of pregnancy of persons with mental disabilities on medical advice: A case study of South Africa (Chapter 5) [2014] ADRY 5
The Basic Education Act 2013: Why is it one step forward and two steps back for children with disabilities in Kenya (Chapter 2) [2014] ADRY 2
The Basic Education Act of 2013 as a tool for advancing early childhood development and education for children with disabilities in Kenya1 [2017] ADRY 2
The development and use of Sign Language in South African schools: The denial of inclusive education [2016] ADRY 8
'The devil is in the details': Ensuring participation and ownership of development programmers for persons with disabilities in Mozambique [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 7
The Gambia (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 12
The hugger-mugger of enforcing socio-economic rights in Ghana: A threat to the rights of persons with disabilities (Chapter 6) [2015] ADRY 7
The identity question versus appropriateness of legal anti-discrimination measures: Endorsing the disability rights approach to albinism [2017] ADRY 8
The implications of article 12 of the Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities for the legal capacity of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in Ethiopia [2019] ADRY 2
The jurisprudence of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities and its implications for Africa (Regional Developments) (Innocentia Mgijima-Konopi) [2016] ADRY 13
The link between the right to live independently and to be included in the community for persons with psychosocial disability, and the right to work and employment: A critical analysis of Kenyan law [Volume 8] [2020] ADRY 6
The place of sign language in the inclusive education of deaf learners in Zimbabwe amid CRPD (mis)interpretation [2019] ADRY 6
The protection of disabled child victims within the South African criminal justice system: Shining a light on the invisible and forgotten victims of crime[Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 3
The realisation of the right to health of persons with disabilities in the COVID-19 era: Evaluating South Africa's (non) inclusive response [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 4
The right to an adequate standard of living in the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples (Regional Developments) [2019] ADRY 14
The right to inclusive education in Botswana: Present challenges and future prospects (Chapter 1) [2014] ADRY 1
The right to political participation for people with disabilities in Africa (Regional Developments) [2015] ADRY 15
The right to primary education of children with disabilities in Malawi: A diagnosis of the conceptual approach and implementation (Chapter 1) [2013] ADRY 1
The right to work and employment in Southern Africa: A commentary on how selected employment laws fare against article 27 of the CRPD (Regional Developments) [2016] ADRY 14
The rights of older persons with disabilities in the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: A critical analysis [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 14
The sexual and reproductive health rights of women with disabilities in Africa: Linkages between the CRPD and the African Women's Protocol (Chapter 1) [2015] ADRY 2
The socio-economic rights of children with disabilities in South Africa: A comparison between the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [2017] ADRY 4
The voiceless woman: Protecting in intersectional identity under Section 42 of Nigeria's Constitution [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 6
To what extent is global and regional jurisprudence on the right to health of persons with disabilities reflected in Kenyan courts? [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 5
Too little, too late? The CRPD as a standard to evaluate South African legislation and policies for early childhood development (Chapter 3) [2014] ADRY 3
Towards an effective litigation strategy of disability rights: The Zimbia experience (Chapter 8) [2013] ADRY 8
Towards equality for women with disabilities in South Africa: The implementation of Articles 5 and 6 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 2
Tunisia (Country Reports) [2015] ADRY 13