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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Rather bad than mad? A reconsideration of criminal incapacity and psychosocial disability in South African law in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [2018] ADRY 2
(Re)thinking sexual access for adolescents with disabilities in South Africa: Balancing rights and protection [2016] ADRY 7
Reading 'disability' into the non-discrimination clause of the Nigerian Constitution [2016] ADRY 4
Realising the inclusion of youth with disabilities in political and public life in Kenya [2016] ADRY 3
Rearticulating ubuntu as a viable framework for the realisation of legal capacity in sub-Saharan Africa [2018] ADRY 5
Republic of Congo (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 11
Republique Democratique Du Congo (RDC) (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 18
Right to self-representation for people with mental disabilities in Kenya's courts [2019] ADRY 5
Rwanda (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 11