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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Madagascar (Country Reports) [2017] ADRY 10
Making progress: The African Committe of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the Rights of CHildren with Disabilities (Regional Developments) [2013] ADRY 10
Malawi (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 10
Mali (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 9
Mauritania (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 10
Mauritius (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 11
Mental illness, stigma and disability rights in Ghana [2017] ADRY 6
Mgijima-Konopi, I & Miti-Drummond, M --- Refugees with albinism in Africa [2023] ADRY 9
Morocco (Country Reports) [2015] ADRY 10
Mothering and Albinism: Recommendations for disability rights in Africa [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 15
Mozambique (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 15
Msipa, D --- "Recognising the testimonial competence of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in Southern Africa: Lessons from Lesotho" [2022] ADRY 13
My right to know: Developing sexuality education resources for learners with intellectual disability in the Western Cape, South Africa [2016] ADRY 6