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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Health emergencies post COVID-19: What guidance can Africa's Disability Protocol provide? [Volume 8] [2020] ADRY 13
Holness, W --- Adapting prevention and early intervention measures and parenting capacity assessments in neglect cases involving parents with intellectual disabilities in South A [2023] ADRY 2
Holness, W; Mthembu, T --- "Criteria for law reform on comprehensive sexuality education for children with disabilities in South Africa" [2022] ADRY 6
Hosaneea, Z --- "Reservation on the CRPD from a Mauritian perspective" [2022] ADRY 7
How assessments of testimonial competence perpetuate inequality and discrimination for persons with intellectual disabilities: An analysis of the approach taken in South Africa and Zimbabwe (Chapter 3) [2015] ADRY 4
Human rights and access to healthcare for persons with albinism in Africa [2019] ADRY 3
Hush Women! The complex disabled woman in Nigeria's legal and human rights framework [Volume 8] [2020] ADRY 3