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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
The African Disability Rights Yearbook Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
A critical analysis of the legal and institutional frameworks for the realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe (Chapter 4) [2013] ADRY 4
A step to zero attacks: Reflections on the rights of persons with albinism through the lens of X v United Republic of Tanzania (Regional Developments) [2018] ADRY 13
Access to healthcare for persons with disabilities in Eswatini: A triadic exploration of barriers [Volume 9] [2021] ADRY 8
Access to justice for persons with disabilities in Malawi: Exploring some challenges and possibilities in the criminal justice system [Volume 8] [2020] ADRY 7
African Disability Rights Yearbook [Volume 8] FULL-TEXT [2020] ADRY 1
Albinism in Africa: A proposed conceptual framework to understand and effectively address a continental crisis [2017] ADRY 7
Ande, M.K & Mezmur, BD --- Progress, gaps and next steps: Mapping ACERWC's work on the rights of children with disabilities [2023] ADRY 8
Angola (Country Reports) [2016] ADRY 10
AS Kanter: The development of disability rights under international law: From charity to human rights (2014) (Book Review) [2015] ADRY 16