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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> 2019 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
2019 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
Editorial [2019] ADRY 1
The implications of article 12 of the Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities for the legal capacity of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in Ethiopia [2019] ADRY 2
Human rights and access to healthcare for persons with albinism in Africa [2019] ADRY 3
Conflicting discourses on conceptualising children with disabilities in Africa [2019] ADRY 4
Right to self-representation for people with mental disabilities in Kenya's courts [2019] ADRY 5
The place of sign language in the inclusive education of deaf learners in Zimbabwe amid CRPD (mis)interpretation [2019] ADRY 6
Left in the periphery: An analysis of voting rights for persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe [2019] ADRY 7
Tchad (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 8
Mali (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 9
Burundi (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 10
Republic of Congo (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 11
South Sudan (Country Reports) [2019] ADRY 12
Leveraging the international human rights system to advance local change for South African women with disabilities (Regional Developments) [2019] ADRY 13
The right to an adequate standard of living in the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples (Regional Developments) [2019] ADRY 14
Simon Foley: Intellectual disability and the right to a sexual life (2019) (Book Review) [2019] ADRY 15