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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> 2018 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
2018 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
Editorial [2018] ADRY 1
Rather bad than mad? A reconsideration of criminal incapacity and psychosocial disability in South African law in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [2018] ADRY 2
Legal capacity of parties with intellectual, psycho-social and communication disabilities in traditional courts in Kwazulu-Natal [2018] ADRY 3
Protection of the rights of persons with mental disabilities to liberty and informed consent to treatment: A critique of Gordon Maddox Mwewa & Others v Attorney General & Another [2018] ADRY 4
Rearticulating ubuntu as a viable framework for the realisation of legal capacity in sub-Saharan Africa [2018] ADRY 5
Implementing article 13 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in South Africa: Reasonable accommodations for persons with communication disabilities [2018] ADRY 6
Leaving the woods to see the trees: Locating and refocusing the activities of non-state actors towards the effective promotion of access to justice of persons with disability [2018] ADRY 7
Benin (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 8
Comoros (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 9
Mauritania (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 10
Rwanda (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 11
The Gambia (Country Reports) [2018] ADRY 12
A step to zero attacks: Reflections on the rights of persons with albinism through the lens of X v United Republic of Tanzania (Regional Developments) [2018] ADRY 13
Progress towards inclusive primary education in selected West African countries (Regional Developments) [2018] ADRY 14
Peter Blanck & EiliĆ³noir Flynn (eds): The Routledge Handbook of Disability Law and Human Rights (2017) 277 (Book Review) [2018] ADRY 15