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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> 2016 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
2016 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
Editorial [2016] ADRY 1
Stigma as barrier to the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa [2016] ADRY 2
Realising the inclusion of youth with disabilities in political and public life in Kenya [2016] ADRY 3
Reading 'disability' into the non-discrimination clause of the Nigerian Constitution [2016] ADRY 4
Legislative mechanisms for combating violence against children with disabilities in selected African jurisdictions: A critical appraisal [2016] ADRY 5
My right to know: Developing sexuality education resources for learners with intellectual disability in the Western Cape, South Africa [2016] ADRY 6
(Re)thinking sexual access for adolescents with disabilities in South Africa: Balancing rights and protection [2016] ADRY 7
The development and use of Sign Language in South African schools: The denial of inclusive education [2016] ADRY 8
Implementing article 33 of CRPD: Tanzanian approach [2016] ADRY 9
Angola (Country Reports) [2016] ADRY 10
Gabon (Country Reports) [2016] ADRY 11
Senegal (Country Reports) [2016] ADRY 12
The jurisprudence of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities and its implications for Africa (Regional Developments) (Innocentia Mgijima-Konopi) [2016] ADRY 13
The right to work and employment in Southern Africa: A commentary on how selected employment laws fare against article 27 of the CRPD (Regional Developments) [2016] ADRY 14
Don Kulick & Jens Rydstrom: Loneliness and Its Opposite: Sex, Disability, and the Ethics of Engagement (2015) (Book Review) [2016] ADRY 15