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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> 2014 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
2014 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
Editorial [2014] ADRY 18
The right to inclusive education in Botswana: Present challenges and future prospects (Chapter 1) [2014] ADRY 1
The Basic Education Act 2013: Why is it one step forward and two steps back for children with disabilities in Kenya (Chapter 2) [2014] ADRY 2
Too little, too late? The CRPD as a standard to evaluate South African legislation and policies for early childhood development (Chapter 3) [2014] ADRY 3
Everybody counts: The right to vote of persons with psychosocial disabilities in South Africa (Chapter 4) [2014] ADRY 4
Termination of pregnancy of persons with mental disabilities on medical advice: A case study of South Africa (Chapter 5) [2014] ADRY 5
Economic discourses of disability in Africa: An overview of lay and legislation narratives (Chapter 6) [2014] ADRY 6
Botswana (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 7
Egypt (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 8
Kenya (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 9
Malawi (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 10
Mauritius (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 11
Uganda (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 12
Zambia (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 13
Zimbabwe (Country Reports) [2014] ADRY 14
Developments regarding disability rights during 2013: The African Charter and African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (Regional Developments) [2014] ADRY 15
Baby steps: Developments at the African Committe of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (2013-2014) (Regional Developments) [2014] ADRY 16
Disability rights in the sub-regional economic communities during 2013 (Regional Developments) [2014] ADRY 17