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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
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The African Disability Rights Yearbook
>> 2013 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
2013 The African Disability Rights Yearbook
The right to primary education of children with disabilities in Malawi: A diagnosis of the conceptual approach and implementation (Chapter 1) [2013] ADRY 1
Forgotten or included? Disabled children's access to primary education in Cameroon (Chapter 2) [2013] ADRY 2
Choice, support and inclusion: Implementing article 19 of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Kenya (Chapter 3) [2013] ADRY 3
A critical analysis of the legal and institutional frameworks for the realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe (Chapter 4) [2013] ADRY 4
Prospects and practices for CRPD implementations in Africa (Chapter 5) [2013] ADRY 5
'Nothing about CRPD monitoring without us': A case study on the involvement of the disability movement in policy-making in Zambia (Chapter 6) [2013] ADRY 6
Western Cape forum for Intellectual Disability v Government of the Republic of South Africa: A case study of contradictions in inclusive education (Chapter 7) [2013] ADRY 7
Towards an effective litigation strategy of disability rights: The Zimbia experience (Chapter 8) [2013] ADRY 8
Disability Rights in the African Regional Human Rights System during 2011 and 2012 (Regional Developments) [2013] ADRY 9
Making progress: The African Committe of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the Rights of CHildren with Disabilities (Regional Developments) [2013] ADRY 10
Disability Rights in the Sub-Regional Economic Communities during 2011 and 2012 (Regional Developments) [2013] ADRY 11
Cameroun (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 12
Cote D'Ivoire (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 13
Ghana (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 14
Mozambique (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 15
Namibia (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 16
Nigeria (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 17
Republique Democratique Du Congo (RDC) (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 18
South Africa (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 19
Tanzania (Country Reports) [2013] ADRY 20