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South Africa: Water Tribunal
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South Africa: Water Tribunal
>> South Africa: Water Tribunal decisions beginning with H ...
South Africa: Water Tribunal decisions beginning with H ...
Haasfontein Beleggings (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Water and Sanitation and Another (WT 245/03/2016) [2021] ZAWT 2 (15 March 2021)
Hendrik Sand Van Heerden (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs (WT21/09/2009) [2010] ZAWT 10 (20 August 2010)
Hentiq 2850 (Pty) Limited v Provincial Head: North West, Department of Water and Sanitation and Another (WT001/15/NW) [2017] ZAWT 5 (17 March 2017)
HHH Boerdery Trust on behalf of Osborne Boerdery (Pty) Limited v Director General: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (WT15/03/2006) [2006] ZAWT 1 (7 November 2006)
HP van Niekerk Family Trust v Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; du Plessis Scheepers Trust v Department of Water and Forestry; Michau v Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (WT 04/07/2007) [2009] ZAWT 6 (24 April 2009)
Human and Others v Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry and Another (WT 04/08/2008) [2009] ZAWT 7 (19 January 2009)