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South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town
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South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town
>> 2023 South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Decisions
2023 South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Decisions
January 2023
Smit v Sofa Planet CC and Others (4424 / 2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 1 (17 January 2023)
Z.K.M v V.A.M (13924 / 2022; 16505 / 2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 2 (17 January 2023)
J.B v R.E (9202 / 2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 3 (17 January 2023)
Ma-Afrika Hotels (Pty) Ltd v Cape Peninsula University of Technology (20599/21; 4517/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 4; [2023] 1 All SA 731 (WCC); 2023 (3) SA 621 (WCC) (19 January 2023)
Becker v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others (3473/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 5; [2023] 2 All SA 73 (WCC); [2023] 4 BLLR 329 (WCC) (19 January 2023)
Kaap Agri Bedryf Limited and Another v Melaplastics Proprietary Limited and Another; In re Kaap Agri Bedryf Limited and Another v Melaplastics Proprietary Limited and Another (12310/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 7 (19 January 2023)
Gila v S (A93/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 8; 2023 (1) SACR 369 (WCC) (19 January 2023)
Kama v Minister of Police (13384/17) [2023] ZAWCHC 180 (20 January 2023)
S v L.J (346/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 6; 2023 (1) SACR 396 (WCC) (24 January 2023)
Z.E v N.E and Another (10914/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 21 (24 January 2023)
S v Kotze; S v Ntulo (371/2022;363/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 15; 2023 (1) SACR 426 (WCC) (25 January 2023)
Mabiala v Minister of Police and Another (9132/2016) [2023] ZAWCHC 13; [2023] 2 All SA 211 (WCC) (26 January 2023)
S v Sias (CC21/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 14 (26 January 2023)
M.L.C.B v Master of the High Court and Others (3656/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 172 (26 January 2023)
Kidrogen RF (Pty) Ltd v Nordien and Others (A159/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 9 (30 January 2023)
Nuwekloof Private Game Reserve Farm Owners' Association v Hanekom N.O and Others (A163/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 10 (30 January 2023)
Van Der Valk N.O and Others v Johnson and Others (20449/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 20 (30 January 2023)
S v Slingers (19/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 11; 2023 (1) SACR 522 (WCC) (31 January 2023)
Lance Dickson Construction CC v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (A211/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 12; 84 SATC 209 (31 January 2023)
February 2023
Kufan Trust and Others v ABSA Bank Limited (3656/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 43 (1 February 2023)
Concretech CC v Mohr and Another (8894 /2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 16 (3 February 2023)
Obiang v Van Rensburg and Others (A119 / 2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 17; [2023] 2 All SA 211 (WCC) (3 February 2023)
Flentov v Trappler and Others (16925/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 18 (6 February 2023)
RCL Foods Consumer (Pty) Ltd v Western Cape Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and Others (5779/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 19 (6 February 2023)
S.J.J.W v Road Accident Fund (19574/2017) [2023] ZAWCHC 25 (8 February 2023)
Varnardo Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another v K2012150042 South Africa (Proprietary) Ltd (19618/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 22; 2023 (4) SA 314 (WCC) (9 February 2023)
Jacobs v S (A 190/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 23 (10 February 2023)
Repas v Repas (A151/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 24 (13 February 2023)
Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town and Another v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (5441/20) [2023] ZAWCHC 28; [2023] 2 All SA 256 (WCC); 2023 (4) SA 249 (WCC) (13 February 2023)
Briers N.O and Others v Salmon N.O and Others (A63/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 26 (14 February 2023)
Blacher v Josephson (A15/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 27; 2023 (3) SA 555 (WCC) (14 February 2023)
Bless v S (A234/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 40 (15 February 2023)
S.M.G.G.T v C.S.T (3574/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 30 (16 February 2023)
Kellerman and Others v Bester N.O and Others (5167/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 29 (17 February 2023)
Nogwazi v S (A201/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 39 (17 February 2023)
Alberts v Road Accident Fund (13304/19) [2023] ZAWCHC 177 (17 February 2023)
JK Structures CC v City of Cape Town and Others (14485/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 31; [2023] 2 All SA 431 (WCC) (20 February 2023)
S v Muridzo; S v Ramafikeng (325/2022;324/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 32 (20 February 2023)
Ndabeni v S (A230/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 33 (21 February 2023)
Britton v Minister of Justice & Correctional Services and Others (1349/18) [2023] ZAWCHC 155 (21 February 2023)
Chapman's Bay Estate Homeowners' Association v Lotter and Others (9387/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 35 (24 February 2023)
De Beer N.O and Others v De Lange and Another (4457/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 37 (24 February 2023)
Matroos v S (A257/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 34 (27 February 2023)
Meier and Others v Du Toit N.O and Others (20736/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 36 (27 February 2023)
IPH Finance Proprietary Limited v Agrizest Proprietary Limited (21771/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 38 (28 February 2023)
Majeng v S (47/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 41 (28 February 2023)
Van Zyl v Master of the High Court, Cape Town and Others (17695/21) [2023] ZAWCHC 175 (28 February 2023)
March 2023
Yanta v S (CC44/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 45; 2023 (2) SACR 387 (WCC) (1 March 2023)
W.R.T v M.C.T (16886/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 42 (3 March 2023)
Vacation Import (Pty) Ltd v Bumina and Others; Vacation Import (Pty) Ltd v Ngaleka and Others (3852/2022;3855/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 44 (3 March 2023)
Ma-Afrika Hotels (Pty) Ltd v Cape Peninsula University of Technology (Application for leave to appeal) (20599/21;4517/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 46 (6 March 2023)
Hoosen v S (412/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 47 (6 March 2023)
Corruseal Corrugated KZN (Pty) Ltd and Another v Zakharov and Another (2108/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 48 (6 March 2023)
Turner and Another v Ntintelo and Another (A 248/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 51 (8 March 2023)
Moodley N.O and Others v Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited and Others (3609/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 49 (9 March 2023)
September v S (A203/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 50; 2023 (1) SACR 662 (WCC) (9 March 2023)
Cooper N.O and Others v Markert Fisheries (Oudtshoorn) CC (13845/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 56; 2023 (5) SA 212 (WCC) (9 March 2023)
Z.I v W.I and Another (13142/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 95 (9 March 2023)
A.K and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (2693/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 52; [2023] 2 All SA 349 (WCC); 2023 (3) SA 538 (WCC) (10 March 2023)
Davids v S (A10/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 57 (10 March 2023)
Makhubela v Stellenbosch District Municipality (20830/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 53 (15 March 2023)
Khoza v Radebe and Others (A113/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 55 (15 March 2023)
C.K v D.H (2896/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 54 (16 March 2023)
E.W v V.H (12272/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 58; [2023] 2 All SA 404 (WCC); 2023 (4) SA 123 (WCC) (17 March 2023)
B.R v D.R (14189/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 59 (17 March 2023)
S v Bergman; S v Matume (14 /884/2021; T1715/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 60; 2023 (1) SACR 533 (WCC) (17 March 2023)
Haggis and Another v S (A147/2013;30/97/1997) [2023] ZAWCHC 64; 2023 (2) SACR 24 (WCC) (17 March 2023)
Lombard v Eureka Limited (707/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 61 (22 March 2023)
T.G v B.J.G (A06/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 92 (23 March 2023)
S.K v J.L.K (3198/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 62 (24 March 2023)
Petzer v Dixon (A07/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 63 (24 March 2023)
Muller v De Waal and Another (15448/17) [2023] ZAWCHC 173 (24 March 2023)
Kenjani and Others v Minister of Police (21234/11) [2023] ZAWCHC 65 (30 March 2023)
April 2023
Western Cape Provincial Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning v Central Karoo District Municipality and Others (4835/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 66; [2023] 7 BLLR 717 (WCC); (2023) 44 ILJ 1832 (WCC) (3 April 2023)
Van Der Schyff v S (A94/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 70 (4 April 2023)
Frutarom (Pty) Ltd v 6 Inches (Pty) Ltd and Another (11200/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 179 (6 April 2023)
GR Sutherland and Associates (Pty) Ltd v V & A Waterfront Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (7471/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 67 (11 April 2023)
Emam v Carlson (20740/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 68 (11 April 2023)
Hunters Valley Homeowners Association v Equestrian Valley (Pty) Ltd and Another (10257/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 71 (11 April 2023)
Nebavest 1 (Pty) Ltd t/a Minster Consulting v Central Plaza Investments 202 (Pty) Ltd and Others (4212/2017) [2023] ZAWCHC 69; [2023] 2 All SA 795 (WCC) (12 April 2023)
Franschhoek Claimants Trust v Executive Mayor Stellenbosch Local Municipality and Others (5057/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 104 (12 April 2023)
JVZ JV and Others v City of Cape Town (4873/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 72 (13 April 2023)
Public Protector of South Africa v Chairperson: Section 194(1) Committee and Others (18882/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 73; [2023] 2 All SA 818 (WCC) (13 April 2023)
W.M.R v A.L.R and Others (12205/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 107 (13 April 2023)
Makhubela v Stellenbosch District Municipality (20830/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 74 (17 April 2023)
Ribbon Dancer Investments CC v Moosa (21019/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 75 (17 April 2023)
Lead Engineering and Projects (Pty) Ltd v Swe Repco SA (Pty) Ltd and Others (16567/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 77 (18 April 2023)
Henson v MEC for Transport and Public Works, Western Cape Government (19918/2013) [2023] ZAWCHC 90 (18 April 2023)
Cancape (Pty) Ltd v Stokes (Leave to appeal) (1152/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 76 (20 April 2023)
Forty Squares (Pty) Ltd and Another v Noris Fresh Produce (Pty) Ltd t/a Golden Harvest and Others (4200/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 78; 2023 (5) SA 249 (WCC) (20 April 2023)
Spalding v Moquini Homeowners' Association (1328/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 99 (20 April 2023)
City of Cape Town v ICT-Works Proprietary Limited (8049/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 86 (23 April 2023)
Basson v Bowring (15893/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 79 (24 April 2023)
Western Cape Provincial Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning v Central Karoo District Municipality and Others (Leave to appeal) (4835/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 80; [2023] 7 BLLR 727 (WCC) (25 April 2023)
Roux v University of Stellenbosch and Others (6577/22; 11368/15) [2023] ZAWCHC 81; [2023] 3 All SA 248 (WCC) (25 April 2023)
K2021765242 (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd v Thibault Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (3518/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 94 (25 April 2023)
Body Corporate Of The Six Sectional Title Scheme No SS 4[....]9 v City of Cape Town (15732/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 82; [2023] 3 All SA 136 (WCC) (26 April 2023)
Bester N.O and Others v Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) t/a MTI and Others (15426/2021;19201/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 83; [2023] 3 All SA 101 (WCC); 2024 (1) SA 112 (WCC) (26 April 2023)
Hendricks v Behardien N.O and Others (2872/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 96 (26 April 2023)
Rota Investments CC v Full Score Trading 131 CC and Others (16881/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 97 (26 April 2023)
African Transformation Movement v Speaker of the National Assembly and Others (7186/2022; 21574/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 101; [2023] 3 All SA 58 (WCC) (26 April 2023)
Marshall v Pillay (3761/17) [2023] ZAWCHC 84 (28 April 2023)
May 2023
Nedbank Limited v Campbell (6350/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 88 (2 May 2023)
Mbane v Gxenya and Another (14211/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 91 (2 May 2023)
Infovest Consulting (Pty) Ltd and Another v Libra Partners LLC (19524/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 85 (3 May 2023)
Tosholo v Road Accident Fund (449/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 87 (4 May 2023)
Modack v Minister of Police and Others (21348/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 108 (4 May 2023)
BCB Cable Jointing CC v Ampcor Khanyisa (Pty) Ltd and Others (4709/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 89; [2023] 3 All SA 81 (WCC) (5 May 2023)
JK Structures CC v City of Cape Town and Others (leave to appeal) (14485 / 2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 93 (8 May 2023)
Lutzen v Knysna Municipality (695/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 100 (8 May 2023)
Modack v Minister of Police and Others (5392/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 109 (8 May 2023)
Julius v Namaqua Wines (Pty) Ltd and Another (5399 / 2012) [2023] ZAWCHC 98 (9 May 2023)
Sandlana v Minister of Police and Another (5546/2016) [2023] ZAWCHC 102; 2023 (2) SACR 84 (WCC) (11 May 2023)
Nyoka v S (CC03/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 121 (11 May 2023)
van Staden v van Staden N.O and Others (12229/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 105; [2023] 3 All SA 307 (WCC) (15 May 2023)
Fisonti v S (CC72/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 110 (15 May 2023)
Pentagon Financial Solutions (Pretoria) (Pty) Ltd and Others v Pieter Willem Basson the Legare Business Trust and Others (13001/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 122; [2023] 3 All SA 560 (WCC) (15 May 2023)
Cape Estate Properties (Pty) Ltd v George Local Municipality and Others (A166/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 106 (16 May 2023)
Inca Concrete Products (Pty) Ltd v Groeneveld Civil Engineering Construction (Pty) Ltd (15445/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 111 (16 May 2023)
SOHCO Property Investments NPC v Stemmett and Others (12553/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 127 (16 May 2023)
Fourie and Another v de Wet and Others (13080/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 112 (17 May 2023)
P.J.D v Zantisi Student Services (Pty) Ltd (5841/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 124 (17 May 2023)
Lewis v Road Accident Fund (17441/2009) [2023] ZAWCHC 120 (18 May 2023)
S v Beja and Another (CC18/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 113 (19 May 2023)
S v Ngete (25/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 116 (19 May 2023)
Pendigo Trade and Investment (Pty) Ltd t/a ITEC Finance v Potgieter (9928/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 114 (22 May 2023)
Jacobson v Finch (18830/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 115 (22 May 2023)
Barense and Another v S (A01/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 125; [2023] 3 All SA 381 (WCC) (22 May 2023)
City of Cape Town v Y.H and Others (A41/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 195 (22 May 2023)
Shabros Property Investment (Pty) Ltd v Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd (2507/2013) [2023] ZAWCHC 118 (23 May 2023)
Communicare NPC v Acting Magistrate Burgins and Others (14664/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 117 (24 May 2023)
S v Koeries (146/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 128; [2023] 4 All SA 629 (SCA); 86 SATC 441 (24 May 2023)
Hetherington and Others v Boat House Langebaan (Pty) Ltd and Another (15777/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 132 (24 May 2023)
Master of the High Court, Cape Town v Gore N.O and Others (18748/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 119 (25 May 2023)
Merchant Commercial Finance 1 (Pty) Ltd Trading as Merchant Factors v Head N.O and Others (11610/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 126 (25 May 2023)
Mcmurray and Others v Heat Pump International (Pty) Ltd and Others (18501/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 123 (26 May 2023)
Steenkamp N.O and Others v Nel and Another (4901/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 176 (26 May 2023)
Becker v Minister of Mineral Resources & Energy and Others (3473/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 189; [2023] 8 BLLR 848 (WCC) (26 May 2023)
S v Mtsholotsholo and Others (CC01/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 340 (26 May 2023)
Ingenuity Property Investments (Pty) Ltd v Ignite Fitness (Pty) Ltd (9845/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 129; [2023] 3 All SA 458 (WCC); 2023 (5) SA 439 (WCC) (29 May 2023)
Van Der Merwe v South African Legal Practice Council and Another (19591/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 341 (29 May 2023)
June 2023
Theart v Theart and Others (9381/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 130 (1 June 2023)
Public Protector of South Africa v Chairperson Section 194(1) Committee and Others (Leave to Appeal) (18882/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 348 (1 June 2023)
Botsane v S (A79/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 131 (5 June 2023)
K2021765242 (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd v Thibault Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others - Application for Leave to Appeal (3518/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 135 (6 June 2023)
Member of the Executive Council for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development and Development Planning, Western Cape Province v Knysna Municipality and Others (3488/2023; 4884/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 133; [2023] 3 All SA 531 (WCC) (7 June 2023)
Payapp (Pty) Ltd and Another v Polanocol (Pty) Ltd and Others (Hulett and Others Intervening) (6482/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 141 (8 June 2023)
Sungay v Schliemann N.O (A58/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 134 (9 June 2023)
Titan Asset Management (Pty) Ltd and Others v Lanzerac Estate Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another (2102 / 2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 136; [2023] 3 All SA 589 (WCC) (9 June 2023)
Maphela v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (834/021) [2023] ZAWCHC 137 (9 June 2023)
Magongo v Dercksens Incorporated (5087/2017) [2023] ZAWCHC 148 (9 June 2023)
Dodd v Road Accident Fund (5975/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 139 (12 June 2023)
Meintjies v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (21207/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 142 (12 June 2023)
Nedbank Limited v Xanita (Pty) Limited (885/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 144 (12 June 2023)
Kidrogen RF (Pty) Ltd v Erasmus and Others (18624/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 140 (13 June 2023)
IPH Finance (Pty) v Masilela (19877/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 143 (13 June 2023)
Levi and Another v Blankitny and Another (2611/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 149 (13 June 2023)
Hartland Lifestyle Estate (Pty) Ltd and Another v APC Marketing (Pty)Ltd and Another (6831/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 150 (13 June 2023)
Carelse v Stuurman N.O. and Another (17199/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 193 (13 June 2023)
ALG Boerdery (Pty) Ltd and Another v Van Heerden and Others (2699/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 145 (14 June 2023)
Grootetjie v S (A78/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 146 (14 June 2023)
AG v YG (3932/2016) [2023] ZAWCHC 147 (15 June 2023)
Kujawa N.O obo M.N v Road Accident Fund (18198/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 153 (19 June 2023)
Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin and Others v Jenkins and Others (12339/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 154 (19 June 2023)
Pienaar Brothers Proprietary Limited v Brian Pienaar North Proprietary Limited and Others (21220/21) [2023] ZAWCHC 151 (20 June 2023)
F.S v Z.B (5593/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 152 (20 June 2023)
Quality Plant Hire CC / Expectra 388 CC Joint Venture and Others v MEC for the Department: Transport & Public Works, Western Cape Government and Others (20263/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 156 (20 June 2023)
Jack v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (18321/2022; 6171/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 284 (26 June 2023)
Harvey N.O. v Theron and Another (8539/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 157 (29 June 2023)
S.P v S.P (6700/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 158 (30 June 2023)
July 2023
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Kgatle and Another (4996 / 2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 159; (2023) 44 ILJ 2564 (WCC) (4 July 2023)
Odendaal v South African Reserve Bank (2271/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 160 (6 July 2023)
Umlazi Civils Pty Ltd v Concor Construction t/a Conradie Development and Another (20967/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 161 (10 July 2023)
Vacation Import (Pty) Ltd v Bumina and Others (3852/2022; 3855/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 162 (10 July 2023)
S v Murphy and Others - Search and Seizure (CC27/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 184; 2024 (1) SACR 138 (WCC) (12 July 2023)
S v Murphy and Others - Reasons for Reconsideration of Previous Ruling (CC27/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 185; 2023 (2) SACR 341 (WCC) (12 July 2023)
S v Murphy and Others - Main Judgment (CC27/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 186 (12 July 2023)
Crazy Splash Swim (Pty) Ltd v Nortje and Others (20743/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 163; (2023) 44 ILJ 2538 (WCC) (13 July 2023)
Turnerland Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd v Taxing Master Western Cape High Court and Another (15037/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 164; 2024 (1) SA 518 (WCC) (13 July 2023)
South African Farm Assured Meat Group CC and Others v Langeberg Municipality and Others (15865/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 165 (13 July 2023)
Equal Education v Provincial Minister for Education Western Cape Province and Others (12880/2019; 4566/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 166; [2023] 3 All SA 698 (WCC) (17 July 2023)
Kruth v Rall N.O. and Others (14625/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 196; 2023 (6) SA 514 (WCC) (18 July 2023)
J.S.H v M.S.H (8470/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 346 (18 July 2023)
S v Ndzishe (221/2023; 222/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 167; 2023 (2) SACR 419 (WCC) (20 July 2023)
Solomon v Solomon and Another (17909/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 182 (20 July 2023)
Superdrive Investments Limited (RF) v Adams (761/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 171 (21 July 2023)
S v Lenting and Others (CC08/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 168; 2023 (2) SACR 409 (WCC) (24 July 2023)
Van As v Additional Magistrate Cape Town and Others (18052/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 170; [2023] 4 All SA 231 (WCC) (24 July 2023)
Tragar Logistics CC v Concargo Supply Chain (Pty) Ltd (461/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 213 (24 July 2023)
Vincemus Investments (Pty) Ltd v Bekker N.O. and Others (12477/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 169 (25 July 2023)
ADP Marine & Modular Proprietary Limited v Rocher and Others (5701/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 225 (25 July 2023)
Goodfind Properties (Pty) Ltd v Blake and Others (12653/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 183 (28 July 2023)
Samuels and Others v Juries (Born Samuels) and Others (2508/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 191 (28 July 2023)
I.N.P v N.P (9117/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 210 (28 July 2023)
Van Veen v Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape and Others (2280/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 174; 2023 (2) SACR 370 (WCC) (31 July 2023)
Van Der Berg v South African Legal Practice Council and Others (6344/2021; 3090/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 178 (31 July 2023)
Kgantlapane v S - Bail Appeal (A122/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 194 (31 July 2023)
S v Lenting and Others (CC08/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 221 (31 July 2023)
August 2023
S v Ntamehlo (CC60/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 181; 2023 (2) SACR 518 (WCC) (2 August 2023)
Van Vuren v Stellenbosch Municipality (72/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 205 (2 August 2023)
Mdanjelwa v Socio Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (3017/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 192 (3 August 2023)
S v Biyela and Others (CC67/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 203 (3 August 2023)
S v T.O (7/2023; C547/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 187; 2023 (2) SACR 507 (WCC) (4 August 2023)
Du Plessis and Another v Master of the High Court, (Cape Town) and Others - Reasons (12024/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 188 (4 August 2023)
Syster v S - Appeal (A101/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 219 (4 August 2023)
Van Rensburg N.O. v Cornelius (A31/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 190 (7 August 2023)
Beginsel v S (A200/2022; 849/2018; 01/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 214 (8 August 2023)
City of Cape Town v Ramm System (Pty) Ltd t/a Ramm Technologies and Another (11437/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 197 (10 August 2023)
Arthur v Director General, Home Affairs (17549/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 198 (10 August 2023)
Spar Group Ltd v Hard As Nails (Pty) Ltd and Others - Rule 30(1) Application (3274/2022; 3752/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 199 (10 August 2023)
DB Property Development Company (Pty) Ltd v Executive Mayor Stellenbosch Municipality and Others (15274/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 200 (10 August 2023)
Electrolux South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Rentek Consulting (Pty) Ltd (19664/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 202; 2023 (6) SA 452 (WCC) (10 August 2023)
J.M.G.W v M.J.W and Another (6034/2016) [2023] ZAWCHC 201 (11 August 2023)
C.C (Nee O) v D.G.C - Appeal (A91/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 204; 2024 (3) SA 109 (WCC) (14 August 2023)
AHMR Hospitality (Pty) Ltd t/a Bakenhof Winelands Venue v Da Silva (A161/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 206; 2024 (3) SA 100 (WCC) (15 August 2023)
Ingenuity Property Investments (Pty) Ltd v Ignite Fitness (Pty) Ltd - Leave to Appeal (9845/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 211 (15 August 2023)
Suleiman v S (A45/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 216 (15 August 2023)
Bester N.O v Master of the High Court and Another (17428/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 208; 2023 (6) SA 199 (WCC) (16 August 2023)
Amandlagcf Construction CC v Tresso Developments (Pty) Ltd and Others (11087/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 209 (17 August 2023)
Montle and Neo Transport Service and Another v Engen Petroleum Limited and Another (20420/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 212 (18 August 2023)
Erasmus v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (9706/21) [2023] ZAWCHC 215; [2024] 1 All SA 153 (WCC); 86 SATC 56 (18 August 2023)
Bester N.O and Others v Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) t/a MTI - Leave to Appeal (15426/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 217 (18 August 2023)
Pietersen and Another v Shadow Academy Global NPC and Another (15687/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 218 (18 August 2023)
Van Der Westhuizen and Others v Akarana Homeowners' Association and Others - Reasons (11867/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 220; 2024 (1) SA 301 (WCC) (22 August 2023)
Roux N.O and Another v Stemmet N.O and Others (17064/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 222 (23 August 2023)
Sodinga v S - Appeal (A81/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 231 (24 August 2023)
NSP Unsgaard (Pty) Ltd v Master of the High Court, Cape Town and Another (11371/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 223 (28 August 2023)
C.R v S.R (11646/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 224 (28 August 2023)
Robert Ross Demolishers (Pty) Ltd v All Persons Listed on "RJR1" Portion 20 of Farm 7787 Cape Division and Others (16136/2012) [2023] ZAWCHC 226; [2023] 4 All SA 521 (WCC) (28 August 2023)
Venioscope (Pty) Ltd v Director-General of the Department of Trade and Industry and Others (A196/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 245 (28 August 2023)
Van Vuren and Others v Van Der Merwe (1054/2019; 23267/2018; 23369/2018; 21511/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 227 (29 August 2023)
Van Veen v Director of Public Prosecutions, Western Cape and Others - Application for Leave to Appeal (2280/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 228 (31 August 2023)
Massbuild (Pty) Ltd t/a Builders Warehouse v Bold Moves 379 (Pty) Ltd and Others (1022/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 232 (31 August 2023)
September 2023
Williams v Pick 'n Pay Retailers (Pty) Ltd and Another (8377/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 229 (1 September 2023)
Nedbank Limited v Xanita (Pty) Limited (Previously Great Ideas Production Company (Pty) Limited) (885/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 230 (1 September 2023)
Ebesa Architects (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town (11824/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 233 (1 September 2023)
Kekkel en Kraai Suid Afrika (Pty) Ltd v Bes-Buhr Trading CC and Others (A05/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 234; [2023] 4 All SA 439 (WCC) (1 September 2023)
Horn v S - Appeal (A51/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 235 (5 September 2023)
Jiyana v Regional Court Magistrate (Commercial Crimes Court 7, Bellville) and Another (17662/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 236 (6 September 2023)
Hanekom and Another v Lombard - Appeal (A33/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 237; [2023] 4 All SA 381 (WCC) (7 September 2023)
Makgobo v S (A121/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 238 (8 September 2023)
Siebrits v S (A150/2023; A315/2022; 6/2022; 10/2/5/3-50/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 239 (8 September 2023)
Rala v S - Appeal (A209/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 240 (12 September 2023)
S v Faku (CC13/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 342 (12 September 2023)
S v Lenting and Others (CC08/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 241; 2024 (2) SACR 157 (WCC) (14 September 2023)
Harper v ABSA Trust Limited N.O. and Others (15794/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 242 (14 September 2023)
Africa Community Media (Pty) Ltd and Others v Standard Bank of SA Ltd (9318/2022; EC08/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 243 (14 September 2023)
M.S.H v J.S.H - Application for Leave to Appeal (8470/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 345 (14 September 2023)
Strydom N.O and Others v Le Roux - Reasons (2613/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 244 (15 September 2023)
Louw N.O and Others v Louw and Others (18214/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 246 (22 September 2023)
October 2023
September v Additional Magistrate for the District of Paarl and Another - Review Judgment (2855/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 247 (2 October 2023)
S v Minnaar (CC68/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 252 (3 October 2023)
Re-opened Inquest: Late Abdullah Haron (01/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 248 (9 October 2023)
L.M and Others v Road Accident Fund - Appeal (A30/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 249 (11 October 2023)
De Ferm and Others v Hans Heinrich Ferdinand Otto Von Lieres und Wilkau N.O. and Others (10805/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 250 (11 October 2023)
Bailey N.O. and Another v Enderstein Van Der Merwe Inc (9400/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 251 (12 October 2023)
United Congregational Church of South Africa (Oudtshoorn) v Minister of the Department of Agriculture and Land Reform and Rural Development and Others (156/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 256 (12 October 2023)
K.F v M.F (10237/2037; 4001/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 253 (13 October 2023)
August v Maimane (20866/2018; 20867/2018; 20868/2023; 20869/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 254 (13 October 2023)
Roux v University of Stellenbosch and Others (6577/22; 11368/15;) [2023] ZAWCHC 255 (13 October 2023)
C.T v T.E.T (9685/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 262 (13 October 2023)
Rautenbach and Others v Governing Body of Die Hoerskool DF Malan and Another (12630/21) [2023] ZAWCHC 257; [2023] 4 All SA 801 (WCC); 2024 (4) SA 191 (WCC) (17 October 2023)
Ampcor Khanyisa (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town and Others (21512/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 258 (18 October 2023)
South African Board for Sheriffs v Seboka and Others - Appeal (A217/2022; A221/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 259; [2024] 1 All SA 273 (WCC) (19 October 2023)
Viljoen and Others v Bester N.O. and Others (17068/23; 19457/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 260 (20 October 2023)
J.J.V.R v Taxing Master, High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division) and Others (15120/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 261; [2024] 1 All SA 178 (WCC); 2024 (2) SA 457 (WCC) (20 October 2023)
Mpendulo v Groundup and Another (1050/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 263 (24 October 2023)
S v Tlali and Others (CC 60/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 264 (25 October 2023)
Du Toit v Farm Film Productions (Pty) Ltd and Another (14900/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 265 (26 October 2023)
Mokweni and Others v Plaatjies and Others - Appeal (A178/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 266 (26 October 2023)
Harding v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (14733/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 267 (30 October 2023)
Hohenfelde Dohne Merinos (Pty) Ltd v Louw and Others (30 October 2023) (5852/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 271 (30 October 2023)
LJ Turnkey Investments (Pty) Limited v Stellenbosch Municipality (16450/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 289 (31 October 2023)
November 2023
Kaxu Solar One (RF) (Proprietary) Limited v Santam Limited (1301/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 268 (1 November 2023)
Blue Dot Properties 391 (Pty) Ltd v H.G and Others (1926/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 269 (1 November 2023)
Coetzee v S - Appeal (A249/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 273 (1 November 2023)
Legal Practice Council v Ahmed (11940/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 290 (1 November 2023)
Du Toit v Human N.O. and Others (3063/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 270 (2 November 2023)
Ngcobo and Others v S - Appeal (A207/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 272 (3 November 2023)
Neovision Group (Pty) Ltd v Neovision Waterfront Incorporated and Another - Reasons for Order (16785/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 274 (3 November 2023)
Sechaba Protection Services CC (Pty) Ltd and Others v Passenger Rail Agency of SA Ltd and Others (3 November 2023) (19976/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 280 (3 November 2023)
Imran v S (A112/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 320 (7 November 2023)
Jaftha v S (A195/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 319 (8 November 2023)
L.B and Another v Kennedy N.O. and Others (22013/2015) [2023] ZAWCHC 275 (10 November 2023)
Cape Peninsula University of Technology v Ma-Afrika Hotels (Pty) Ltd - Counter-Application (4899/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 276 (10 November 2023)
Nakumba v S - Appeal (A59/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 277; 2024 (1) SACR 81 (WCC) (10 November 2023)
Williams v Shackleton Credit Management (Pty) Ltd (10771/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 279; 2024 (3) SA 234 (WCC) (10 November 2023)
Madelung and Another v Master of the High Court, Cape Town and Others (3430/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 282 (10 November 2023)
A.C.L v A.P.S and Others (16867/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 321 (10 November 2023)
Executive Mayor of the City of Cape Town v Director of Public Prosecutions and Another - Application for Leave to Intervene and Leave to Appeal (CC60/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 278 (13 November 2023)
Van der Westhuizen and Others v Life Healthcare Holdings Group (Pty) Ltd and Others - Reasons (18544/2023; 9940/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 344 (13 November 2023)
Dunn N.O. v Thompson and Others (12025/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 281 (14 November 2023)
Fantom Operations Ltd v Avenant and Others - Reasons (13632/2023; 11479/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 283 (15 November 2023)
Standard Bank of South Africa Limited and Others v Master of the High Court, Cape Town and Others (16103/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 286 (16 November 2023)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Pick 'n Pay Retailers (Pty) Ltd (12098/22) [2023] ZAWCHC 285 (17 November 2023)
I.P v N.P (16768/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 287 (20 November 2023)
T.S v S.D (7389/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 288 (20 November 2023)
J.E.R (Nee O) v B.E.S - Appeal (A16/2023; 15871/16) [2023] ZAWCHC 291 (20 November 2023)
Resident of Paradise Park Listed on Annexure Marked 'Z' v Magna Business Services (Pty) Ltd and Another (19610/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 337 (20 November 2023)
S v Lamb and Another (398/2023; RCA40/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 292; 2024 (1) SACR 198 (WCC) (21 November 2023)
City of Cape Town and Others v Sterea Digital CC and Another (A48/2023;18984/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 293; [2024] 1 All SA 680 (WCC) (21 November 2023)
Menziwa v Ndokwana and Others - Leave to Appeal (20872/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 294 (22 November 2023)
S v Beja and Another (CC18/21) [2023] ZAWCHC 295 (22 November 2023)
J.P.R.D v L.S.D (20916/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 296 (23 November 2023)
Halfon v Kempster Sedgwick (Pty) Ltd and Another (22584/2017) [2023] ZAWCHC 297 (23 November 2023)
Levi and Another v Pakdoust (8271/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 298 (24 November 2023)
Davids v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (9794/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 299 (24 November 2023)
B.K v K.M and Another (6027/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 306 (24 November 2023)
KTRPT Investments (Pty) Ltd v Edge Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (9978/2019) [2023] ZAWCHC 300 (27 November 2023)
Lifman v Director of Public Prosecution Western Cape - Bail Appeal (CC35/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 302; 2024 (1) SACR 188 (WCC) (27 November 2023)
Felix v Department of Labour; the Compensation Commissioner - Appeal (A210/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 301 (28 November 2023)
Matakata v Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) and Others (17671/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 313 (28 November 2023)
Z.B v W.B (A115/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 314 (28 November 2023)
Loghdey t/a Street Parking Solutions v City of Cape Town and Another (5276/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 303; [2024] 2 All SA 140 (WCC) (29 November 2023)
M.D v N.D - Appeal (A176/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 304 (29 November 2023)
Smith and Another v Sheriff Cape Town North and Others (6810/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 309 (29 November 2023)
Big Concerts International (Pty) Ltd and Another v Trustees of the Wrinkler Family Trust (7036/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 310 (29 November 2023)
J.K v E.S.K (15912/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 317; [2024] 1 All SA 775 (WCC) (29 November 2023)
Mtemachani v Director-General of Home Affairs and Another (3970/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 318 (29 November 2023)
Goodfind Properties (Pty) Ltd v Kennedy and Others (9919/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 307; [2024] 1 All SA 751 (WCC) (30 November 2023)
S v Ruiters (CC11/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 316; 2024 (1) SACR 391 (WCC) (30 November 2023)
December 2023
Van Tonder v Road Accident Fund (1736/2020; 9773/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 305 (1 December 2023)
Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Premier of the Western Cape Province and Another (17531/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 308 (1 December 2023)
Johannes v S (A218/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 312; 2024 (2) SACR 318 (WCC) (1 December 2023)
Municipality of Mossel Bay v Steenkamp N.O and Another (33/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 315 (1 December 2023)
Makunga v Barlequins Beleggings (Pty) Ltd t/a Indigo Spur (19733/2017) [2023] ZAWCHC 332; - (1 December 2023)
Regan Van Rooy (Pty) Ltd v Louberri 14 (Pty) Ltd (6082/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 311 (4 December 2023)
Buechel v South African Securitisation Programme (RF) Limited and Others (3450/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 323 (5 December 2023)
Buechel v South African Securitisation Programme (RF) Limited and Others (3450/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 335 (5 December 2023)
Yzerfontein Curesmiths (Pty) Ltd T/A Flying Pig and Others v Laubscher and Another (14263/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 322; [2024] 1 All SA 564 (WCC) (6 December 2023)
Wafai and Others v SA Casual Dining Concepts (Pty) Ltd and Another (7609/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 333 (6 December 2023)
J.R v H.R and Others (17519/22 ; 5633/98) [2023] ZAWCHC 347 (8 December 2023)
T.K v F.O and Another - Appeal (A52/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 324 (11 December 2023)
Desert Fruit (Pty) Ltd v Smith (20947/2018) [2023] ZAWCHC 338 (13 December 2023)
Somhlaba and Another v Breede River Municipality (19946/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 339 (13 December 2023)
M.V v E.V (nee VS) (20263/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 330 (14 December 2023)
Ilitha Group Holdings Proprietary Limited v Sunrise Energy Proprietary Limited and Others (19854/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 331 (14 December 2023)
Mahfouz v S (A124/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 325 (20 December 2023)
Bodies Under Construction CC and Others v Permasolve Investments (Pty) Ltd (19457/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 326 (20 December 2023)
Greycroft Ltd and Another v Silver Falcon Trading 544 (Pty) Ltd and Others (13863/2020) [2023] ZAWCHC 334 (20 December 2023)
Engelbrecht v S - Bail Application (CC76/2021) [2023] ZAWCHC 327 (22 December 2023)
T.C and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Another (15840/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 328 (22 December 2023)
Karino Homeland Distribution (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (21279/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 329 (27 December 2023)
Head and Another v Morris N.O and Others - Appeal (A91/2022) [2023] ZAWCHC 343 (28 December 2023)
Goldstar Finance (Pty) Ltd and Others v Capitec Bank (Pty) Ltd and Another (16589/23) [2023] ZAWCHC 336; [2024] 1 All SA 727 (WCC) (31 December 2023)