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South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town
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South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town
>> 2009 South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Decisions
2009 South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Decisions
January 2009
Glenister v Speaker of the National Assembly and Others (17259/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 1 (13 January 2009)
Tergniet and Toekoms Action Group and Others v Outeniqua Kreosootpale (Pty) Ltd and Others (10083/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 6 (23 January 2009)
Real People Housing (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town (9692/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 108 (28 January 2009)
Full Sail 75 (Pty) Ltd v Diamond Discount Liquor (Pty) Ltd (1387/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 109 (29 January 2009)
Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Transport for the Republic of South Africa and Others (1277/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 4; 2009 (5) SA 322 (C) (30 January 2009)
February 2009
Glazing Vision (Pty) Ltd v Rogers and Others (18325/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 110 (3 February 2009)
Tredoux v Kellerman (A 459/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 227 (3 February 2009)
Giwhala NO and Another v Spies (3350/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 111 (4 February 2009)
Muller v S (A390/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 16 (6 February 2009)
Baatjies v S (A373/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 17 (6 February 2009)
Molaudi v S (A484/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 18 (6 February 2009)
E.M v Family Advocate, Cape Town and Another (A399/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 35 (6 February 2009)
Luxande and Another v S (A407/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 69 (6 February 2009)
Baatjies v S (A373/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 112 (6 February 2009)
S v Muller (A390/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 113 (6 February 2009)
S v Luxande and Another (A407/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 114 (6 February 2009)
S v Molaudi (A484/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 115 (6 February 2009)
Abrahams and Another v R K Computer SDN-BHD and Others (7893/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 7 (10 February 2009)
Williams v S (SS104/2002) [2009] ZAWCHC 19 (10 February 2009)
Lodhdey v City of Cape Town and Others; Advance Parking Solutions CC and Another v City of Cape Town and Others (100/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 8 (11 February 2009)
S v France (SS98/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 20 (11 February 2009)
S v Petersen and Others (SS02/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 70 (11 February 2009)
Johnson v Road Accident Fund (2193/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 71 (11 February 2009)
Mlunguza v Smit (15721/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 2 (12 February 2009)
M5 Developments (Cape) (Pty) Ltd v Groenewald NO and Others (6277/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 3 (12 February 2009)
Searle v Mossel Bay Municipality and Others (1237/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 9 (12 February 2009)
Roos NO and Others v Rostberg (Pty) Limited (21108/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 116 (12 February 2009)
First Pharmacy CC v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd and Another (17682/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 10 (13 February 2009)
Stemmet v S (A502/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 23 (13 February 2009)
Minnaar v S (A533/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 36 (13 February 2009)
Bezuidenhout v S (A218/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 37 (13 February 2009)
S v De Villiers (A92/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 72 (13 February 2009)
S v De Villiers (A92/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 117 (13 February 2009)
S v Stemmet (A502/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 118 (13 February 2009)
Bezuidenhout v S (A218/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 119 (13 February 2009)
Minnaar v S (A533/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 120 (13 February 2009)
Helibase (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for Civil Aviation and Others (5185/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 136 (13 February 2009)
E.M v Family Advocate, Cape Town and Another (15972/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 5 (17 February 2009)
Goliath v S (A125/2005) [2009] ZAWCHC 27 (17 February 2009)
Meerensee Resort Limited v Meerensee Share Block Limited and Another (8381/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 52 (17 February 2009)
De Wet NO v Poly Clear International CC (7958/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 53 (17 February 2009)
Golden Arrow Bus Services (Pty) Limited v Minister of Transport for RSA and Others (1277/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 121 (17 February 2009)
Povlsen and Another v S (A594/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 11 (18 February 2009)
Berg en Dal Estate (Incorporating Mountaindale Estate) Homeowners Association v Van Huyssteen NO and Others (5418/05,787/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 12 (20 February 2009)
Joni v S (A85/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 28 (20 February 2009)
Visser v S (A486/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 38 (20 February 2009)
S v Joni (A85/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 122 (20 February 2009)
S v Visser (A486/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 123 (20 February 2009)
Sweni v S (SS88/1992) [2009] ZAWCHC 39 (24 February 2009)
Loghdey v Advanced Parking Solutions CC and Others (20766/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 15; 2009 (5) SA 595 (C) (25 February 2009)
Sikrenya v S (SS183/2003) [2009] ZAWCHC 40 (25 February 2009)
S v Depana (SS41/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 41 (26 February 2009)
Kamangana v S (SS1 06/2003) [2009] ZAWCHC 42 (26 February 2009)
National Director of Public Prosecution v De Vries and Others (SS 67 / 2005) [2009] ZAWCHC 13 (27 February 2009)
Classic Sailing Adventures (Pty) Ltd v Representative of Lloyd's and Others (AC 38/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 14 (27 February 2009)
Daniels v S (A550/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 43 (27 February 2009)
W.F v S (A458/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 44 (27 February 2009)
Lewis NO and Others v Cooper NO and Another, Lewis v Soundprops 236 (Pty) Ltd and Others (11292/08, 14889/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 51 (27 February 2009)
Patton and Another v S (A76/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 124 (27 February 2009)
Hydro-Tech Systems (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town and Others (4174/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 125; 2010 (1) SA 483 (C) (27 February 2009)
Union Square Properties (Pty) Ltd v SA National Park and Others (3124/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 126 (27 February 2009)
Jetvest 1099 BK En Ander v Engelbrecht En Ander (7551/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 146 (27 February 2009)
March 2009
Pipechem CC v Mittal Steel South Africa Ltd (7072/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 127 (2 March 2009)
Pasco Packaging CC v Wood Fibre Products CC t/a Muller Productions Machines (9787/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 21 (3 March 2009)
Ex Parte Ford, Ex Parte Venter; Ex Parte Botes (21084/08, 1034/09, 1035/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 24; 2009 (3) SA 376 (WCC) (5 March 2009)
S v April (SS6/2001) [2009] ZAWCHC 45 (5 March 2009)
S v Johnson (SS 18 / 2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 46 (5 March 2009)
Ganief v Master of the High Court (6638/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 73 (5 March 2009)
Brand v Brand (11674/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 25 (6 March 2009)
Mazokoza v S (A534/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 74 (6 March 2009)
Harmse v S (A450/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 128 (6 March 2009)
Afrikaner v S (A572/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 129 (7 March 2009)
Kiliko and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (2739/2005) [2009] ZAWCHC 79 (9 March 2009)
ABSA Makelaars (Edms) Bpk v De Lange (10367/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 54 (10 March 2009)
S v Johnson (SS 18/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 47 (11 March 2009)
Western Province Laundry Consulting Services CC v Groote Schuur Hospital and Others (19335/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 48 (12 March 2009)
S v Claasen and Another (SS04/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 65 (12 March 2009)
Oribel Properties 13 (Pty) Ltd and Another v Blue Dot Properties 271 (Pty) Ltd and Others (12901/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 32 (13 March 2009)
Intercape Ferreira Main Liner (Pty) Ltd and Others v Ngqakula NO and Others (20952/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 49 (13 March 2009)
Brümmer v Minister of Social Development and Others (10013/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 22 (16 March 2009)
McQuillen v Visagie NO and Others (20867/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 26 (16 March 2009)
Brummer v Minister of Social Development and Others (10013/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 140; [2009] 2 All SA 583 (WCC) (16 March 2009)
S v Dutywa and Others (SS1 06/2003) [2009] ZAWCHC 50 (17 March 2009)
Els v Weideman and Others (3392/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 29 (18 March 2009)
Grobbelaar v Panamo Properties Seventy (Pty) Ltd, Klein v Lagler (10626/2007, 11612/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 55 (18 March 2009)
S.F.I and Another v S.B.M.I (3319/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 130 (18 March 2009)
Nagan v Hlophe (10061/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 56 (19 March 2009)
Value Logistics Ltd v Dippenaar and Another (4359/2008) [2008] ZAWCHC 167 (19 March 2009)
Pangkaeker v S (A317/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 210 (19 March 2009)
Hogg and Others v Imperilog Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (2062/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 57 (20 March 2009)
Ndandani v S (A24/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 131 (20 March 2009)
Sphika v S (A07/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 132 (20 March 2009)
Mqanduli and Others v S (A350/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 133 (20 March 2009)
Leibrandt v S (SS131/05) [2009] ZAWCHC 195 (22 March 2009)
Dolphin Whisper Trading 10 (Pty) Ltd v Registrar of Deeds and Another (20645/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 31 (23 March 2009)
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Braun and Another (11244/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 33; 2009 (6) SA 501 (WCC) (23 March 2009)
Camps Bay Residents Ratepayers Association and Others v Augoustides and Others (2005/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 30; 2009 (6) SA 190 (WCC) (24 March 2009)
S v Themba en Anders (SS148/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 211 (25 March 2009)
Jack v Du Plessis (21068/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 34 (27 March 2009)
B v B (19820/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 58 (27 March 2009)
Jack v Du Plessis (21068/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 75 (27 March 2009)
Pringle v Pringle (H36/2006, 18754/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 207 (27 March 2009)
Tonbek (Edms) Bpk v Miskey (5822/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 134 (30 March 2009)
April 2009
Roman v Damon and Others (1601/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 63 (2 April 2009)
Buthelezi v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (6445/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 135 (2 April 2009)
Van der Merwe v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (8845/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 62 (8 April 2009)
S v Zenzile (SS106/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 59 (14 April 2009)
The Sex worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (3378/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 64; 2009 (6) SA 513 (WCC) (20 April 2009)
Neethling and Another v Oosthuizen (7060/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 60; 2009 (5) SA 376 (WCC) (21 April 2009)
Logista Inc and Others v Van der Merwe (15638/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 61; 2010 (3) SA 105 (WCC) (22 April 2009)
Diamonds Discount Liquor (Pty) Ltd v Full Sail 75 (Pty) Ltd (4365/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 66 (24 April 2009)
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Stemmet and Another (13008/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 86 (30 April 2009)
Phillips v S (SS120/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 212 (30 April 2009)
Calderwood v City of Cape Town and Another (3756/03) [2009] ZAWCHC 234 (30 April 2009)
May 2009
York International (SA) Inc v Minister of Public Works and Others (7067/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 87; - (1 May 2009)
Petersen and Another v S (CC02/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 76 (6 May 2009)
Themba v S (SS 148/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 213 (6 May 2009)
Law Society of the Cape of Good Hope v Booysen (13854/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 67 (8 May 2009)
Lopser v S (A399/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 103 (8 May 2009)
Mahon v Mahon (11457/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 83 (11 May 2009)
July v S (A104/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 68 (15 May 2009)
SMD Telecommunications CC v Mutual and Federal Insurance Company Ltd (5450/2005) [2009] ZAWCHC 147 (18 May 2009)
Visser v Hull and Others (4375/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 77; 2010 (1) SA 521 (WCC) (21 May 2009)
Garden Cities (Incorporated Association not for Gain) v City of Cape Town and Another (14355/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 78; 2009 (6) SA 33 (WCC) (21 May 2009)
Swartland Winery Ltd v Group LFE (SA) (Pty) Ltd and and Another (16231/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 80 (25 May 2009)
Road Accident Fund v Beerwinkel (A40/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 97 (26 May 2009)
Ex parte: BOE Trust Ltd NO and Others (211/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 88; 2009 (6) SA 470 (WCC) (27 May 2009)
Road Accident Fund v Beerwinkel (A40/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 89 (27 May 2009)
Raqa v Hofman (A38/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 90; 2010 (1) SA 302 (WCC) (29 May 2009)
Aroma Management Services (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Trade and Industry and Another (2625/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 98 (29 May 2009)
June 2009
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Hunkydory Investments 188 (Pty) Ltd and Others (15427/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 81; 2010 (1) SA 634 (WCC) ; 2010 (4) BCLR 374 (WCC); [2009] 4 All SA 448 (WCC) (1 June 2009)
Loubser v S (A14/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 92 (1 June 2009)
Lockhart v Thomas (7038/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 148 (1 June 2009)
Philip Claasen t/a Mostly Media v Delport t/a AD Industrial Chemicals (16123/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 84 (4 June 2009)
Munnik Basson Dagama Incorporated v Traffic Environment Services and Technologies (Pty) Ltd (13044/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 85 (4 June 2009)
Claasen t/a Mostly Media v Delport t/a AD Industrial Chemicals (16123/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 91 (4 June 2009)
S v Zaza and Others (SS231/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 214 (8 June 2009)
Grosch v S (A105/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 93 (12 June 2009)
Van Es v Brightjan Properties BK t/a Stasie Motors (A28/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 104 (12 June 2009)
S v Bezuidenhout en Ander (SS38/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 126 (12 June 2009)
S v Bezuidenhout en Ander (SS38/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 230 (12 June 2009)
De Vries and Others v Eden District Municipality and Others (9164/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 94 (17 June 2009)
Oosthuizen Obo and Another v Road Accident Fund (3287/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 196 (17 June 2009)
Tabata and Another v S (A16/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 95 (18 June 2009)
McMillan NO v Pott and Others (11125/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 96; 2011 (1) SA 511 (WCC) (18 June 2009)
Regskommissaris van die Christelike Evangelie Sendingkerk van Suid-Afrika v Daniels (5361/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 99 (19 June 2009)
Petersen v Road Accident Fund (7492/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 197 (19 June 2009)
Zanbuild Construction (Pty) Ltd v Absa Bank Limited and Others (2083/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 233 (19 June 2009)
Leibrandt v S (SS131/05) [2009] ZAWCHC 215 (22 June 2009)
Intercape Ferreira Mainliner (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (20952/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 100; 2010 (5) SA 367 (WCC) (24 June 2009)
F v Minister of Safety and Security and Another (4194/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 101; 2009 (2) SACR 639 (WCC) ; 2010 (1) SA 606 (WCC) (26 June 2009)
Steyn v Alexandra Security (Pty) Ltd and Another (A530/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 102 (26 June 2009)
July 2009
Vendomatic (Pty) Ltd v JT International South Africa (Pty) Ltd (20827/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 105 (1 July 2009)
Falk and Another v National Director of Public Prosecutions (8420/03) [2009] ZAWCHC 208 (10 July 2009)
L.M v G.J.M (10339/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 137 (21 July 2009)
Mahon v Mahon and Others (14918/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 106 (29 July 2009)
August 2009
Swart v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co. Ltd (10352/2004) [2009] ZAWCHC 107 (4 August 2009)
Manong & Associates (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town and Others (EC 2 / 2005) [2009] ZAWCHC 138 (6 August 2009)
Vacation Exchanges International (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services (A253/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 139; 71 SATC 249 (7 August 2009)
Double Option Trading 197 (Pty) Ltd v Grimbeek and Another (13703/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 204 (13 August 2009)
Nxumalo v S (A165/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 163 (21 August 2009)
Rosso Sport Auto CC v Viglietti Motors (Pty) Ltd (20900/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 141 (26 August 2009)
Owner of the Cargo Lately Laden on Board (The MV IOANNIS NK) v Giacosa and Others (Master and Crew of the MV IOANNIS NK) (AC 66/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 143; [2010] 1 All SA 158 (WCC) (26 August 2009)
Thabana Li Meli (Pty) Ltd v Thabani Wine (Pty) Ltd and Another (A552/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 142 (28 August 2009)
Woodways CC v Vallie (A251/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 155; 2010 (6) SA 136 (WCC) (31 August 2009)
September 2009
Moosa and Others v S (SS138/2005) [2009] ZAWCHC 149 (4 September 2009)
Coughlan NO v Road Accident Fund (5857/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 164 (4 September 2009)
Moodliar NO and Others v Hendricks NO and Others (7403/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 153; 2011 (2) SA 199 (WCC) (8 September 2009)
Pearl Betting CC and Another v Western Cape Gambling and Race Board and Another (14867/095) [2009] ZAWCHC 156 (9 September 2009)
ABSA Bank Ltd v Magiet NO (15967/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 144 (10 September 2009)
H.S.W v H.S.W (1694/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 159 (14 September 2009)
Gora and Another v S (A131/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 145; 2010 (1) SACR 159 (WCC) (15 September 2009)
Minnie and Others v S (A288/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 165 (15 September 2009)
Hassan v Road Accident Fund (A134/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 166 (18 September 2009)
Brits and Another v Mahon and Others (4764/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 150 (21 September 2009)
Fourie NO and Others v Newton and Another (1499/2004) [2009] ZAWCHC 57 (23 September 2009)
Bruwer and Another v Pocock & Bailey Ingelyf and Another (H84/2006, 22/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 167 (23 September 2009)
Gafoor v S (SS35/05) [2009] ZAWCHC 192 (23 September 2009)
Khoba v S (SS16/04) [2009] ZAWCHC 216 (23 September 2009)
October 2009
Hangklip/Kleinmond Federation of Ratepayers Associations v Minister for Environmental Planning and Economic Development: Western Cape and Others (4009/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 151 (1 October 2009)
Stellenbosch Municipality and Another v Fusion Properties 233 CC and Others (1833/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 168 (9 October 2009)
Phillips v S (SS120/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 217 (14 October 2009)
Law Societies of the Cape of the Good Hope v McPerson and Others (13855/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 154 (15 October 2009)
National Lotteries Board and Others v South African Education and Environment Project (22352/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 218 (15 October 2009)
Du Toit Group (Pty) Ltd v Van Breda and Others (3128/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 152 (16 October 2009)
James v S (A556/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 169 (16 October 2009)
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Van Zyl and Another (6112/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 157 (23 October 2009)
Marinus and Others v S (CC 27/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 170; 2010 (2) SACR 92 (WCC) (26 October 2009)
TMT Bulk Co Ltd v Bukers Laden Abroad (AC 26/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 158; 2010 (3) SA 138 (WCC) (28 October 2009)
Van der Westhuizen and Another v Hauck (9695/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 199 (28 October 2009)
Mfazwe and Others v S (A562/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 160; 2010 (1) SACR 504 (WCC) (29 October 2009)
Mfazwe and Others v S (A562/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 161 (29 October 2009)
November 2009
Hubbard v Mostert (A178/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 162; 2010 (2) SA 391 (WCC) (3 November 2009)
Lamonica v Baltic Reefers Management Ltd (21734/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 179; 2011 (3) SA 164 (WCC) (5 November 2009)
International Slab Sales (Pty) Ltd v South Western Granite & Marble CC and Another (9122/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 219 (5 November 2009)
Slabbert v S (A134/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 171 (6 November 2009)
Wells v Atoll Media (Pty) Ltd and Another (11961/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 173; [2010] 4 All SA 548 (WCC) (9 November 2009)
South African Junior Golf Association and Another v Registrar of Companies and Another, South African Golf Association v South African Junior Golf Association and Others (7187/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 174 (9 November 2009)
Rogalla Von Biberstein Investment Company (Pty) Ltd v Green Willows Properties 215 (Pty) Ltd (9400/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 172 (10 November 2009)
Sunset Village SPV (Pty) Ltd v Smith Tabatha Buchanan Boyes Inc and Others (20741/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 180 (10 November 2009)
Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd NO v Erasmus and Another, Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd NO v Cleophas and Another, Changing Tides 17 (Pty) Ltd NO v Frederick and Anothers (18153/09, 14229/09, 11973/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 175 (12 November 2009)
Van der Walt v S (A29/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 200 (13 November 2009)
Davidson v Jantjies (11131/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 220 (16 November 2009)
Die Volle Evangelie Kerk Van God South Africa and Others v World Hope Ministries and Another (13530/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 226 (16 November 2009)
Move On Up 254 (Pty) Ltd v Martin Kruger Associates CC and Another (1041/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 176; [2010] 2 All SA 369 (WCC) (18 November 2009)
Stellenbosch Ratepayers Association v Stellenbosch Municipality (11938/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 177 (18 November 2009)
H v D (18141/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 178; 2010 (4) BCLR 362 (WCC) ; [2010] 2 All SA 55 (WCC) (18 November 2009)
Waenhuiskrans Arniston Ratepayers Association and Another v Verreweide Eiendomsontwikkeling (Edms) Bpk and Others (1926/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 181; 2011 (3) SA 434 (WCC) (19 November 2009)
Incledon Cape (Pty) Ltd v DPI Plastics (Pty) Ltd (5850/07) [2009] ZAWCHC 182 (19 November 2009)
Driescher v S (A439/09 & A354/06) [2009] ZAWCHC 183; 2010 (1) SACR 443 (WCC) (20 November 2009)
Wilson and Others v C Sport South Africa (Pty) Ltd (13744/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 209 (20 November 2009)
Wilson v C Sport South Africa (Pty) Ltd (13744/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 221 (20 November 2009)
Erasmus NO and Another v Eikeland Boerdery (Edms) Bpk (A230/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 184 (24 November 2009)
Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa t/a The Land Bank v Twee Jonge Gezellen (Pty) Ltd and Another (19694/2008) [2009] ZAWCHC 205 (24 November 2009)
Marchelle Props 425 CC v Bristow (23874/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 201 (25 November 2009)
Hemphill and Another v Shone NO and Others (4448/2003) [2009] ZAWCHC 57 (26 November 2009)
Taylor v S (A352/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 222 (26 November 2009)
Hemphill and Another v Shone NO and Others (4448/2003) [2009] ZAWCHC 223 (26 November 2009)
Lakay v Premier of the Western Cape Provincial Government NO (1269/2006) [2009] ZAWCHC 185 (27 November 2009)
December 2009
Naidoo NO and Another v Crowhurst NO and Others (21732/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 186; [2010] 2 All SA 379 (WCC) (1 December 2009)
Pierre Cronje (Pty) Ltd v Adonis (20466/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 187; 2010 (4) SA 294 (WCC) (2 December 2009)
Wildschitt v S (A381/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 206 (3 December 2009)
De Koker v S (A484/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 188; 2010 (2) SACR 196 (WCC) (4 December 2009)
Hendricks NO and Others v Cape Kingdom (Pty) Ltd (14432/08) [2009] ZAWCHC 189; 2010 (5) SA 274 (WCC) (7 December 2009)
Firstrand Bank Limited v Golden Quilt Investments 217 CC (16626/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 193 (7 December 2009)
S v Zaza and Others (SS231/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 57 (8 December 2009)
Claassen v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another (A238/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 190; 2010 (2) SACR 451 (WCC) ; 2010 (6) SA 399 (WCC) ; [2010] 4 All SA 197 (WCC) (8 December 2009)
S v Zaza and Others (SS231/2007) [2009] ZAWCHC 224 (8 December 2009)
Zanbuild Constructions (Pty) Ltd v ABSA Bank Ltd and Others (2083/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 225 (10 December 2009)
Nitro Securitisatiqn 1 (Pty) Limited v Christians (20768/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 194 (14 December 2009)
Chakattack Number 10 CC t/a Mainline Advertising v City of Cape Town (26239/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 202 (15 December 2009)
Drakenstein Municipality v Hendricks and Others (A254/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 228 (15 December 2009)
Visser v Visser (21127/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 231 (15 December 2009)
Wideopen Platform v City of Cape Town (25622/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 191 (18 December 2009)
Zero Model Management (Pty) Ltd v Barnard and Another (25541/2009) [2009] ZAWCHC 232 (18 December 2009)
Swartland Municipality v Louw NO and Others (13703/09) [2009] ZAWCHC 203; 2010 (5) SA 314 (WCC) (21 December 2009)