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South Africa: Land Claims Court
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South Africa: Land Claims Court decisions beginning with P ...
P4 Boerdery (Pty) Ltd v Unknown Persons at Portion 2 of Farm Welgedacht 3349 Normandien and Others (LCC77/2024) [2024] ZALCC 33 (11 October 2024)
Pannar Research Farms (Pty) Ltd and Another v Magome and Another (LCC17/02) [2002] ZALCC 35; 2002 (5) SA 621 (LCC) (17 July 2002)
Paul De Villers Family Trust and Others v Pietersen and Others (06R2023; 2410/21) [2023] ZALCC 6 (28 January 2023)
Pegma 27 Investment (Pty) Ltd and Another v Regional Land Claims Commissioner, Kwazulu-Natal and Others (LCC 07/2009) [2010] ZALCC 27 (13 September 2010)
Pepler N.O and Others v Lombaard and Others (LCC 113/2020) [2024] ZALCC 1 (22 January 2024)
Phakathi and Others v Van Vos Lens Property Development CC (LCC51/03) [2003] ZALCC 36 (25 August 2003)
Pharo's Properties CC and Others v Kuilders and Others (LCC101R/00) [2001] ZALCC 1 (2 February 2001)
Philips v Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform and Another (LC 76/2010) [2013] ZALCC 9; [2014] 4 All SA 100 (LCC) (17 May 2013)
Phillips v Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform and Another (LCC76/2010) [2013] ZALCC 13 (30 July 2013)
Pienaar and Others v Minister of Rural Development And Land Reform (LCC 28/2011) [2015] ZALCC 9 (8 November 2015)
Pieters, J and Another v Stemmett, SC and Another (LCC 2022/139) [2023] ZALCC 4; [2023] 2 All SA 234 (LCC) (3 February 2023)
Pieterse and Others v Drumearn (Pty) Ltd and Others (LCC 135/2022 ; 3/2021) [2023] ZALCC 13 (19 April 2023)
Pietersen and Others v Drakenstein Municipality and Others (LCC88/2019B) [2023] ZALCC 45 (18 December 2023)
Pietersen v Rainbow Farms (Pty) Ltd (LCC08/2014) [2014] ZALCC 6 (24 April 2014)
Pietersen v Van Deventer (LCC 158/2009) [2010] ZALCC 5 (25 March 2010)
Piketberd Sunrise Farm (Pty) Ltd and Another v Menas and Others (LCC18R2024) [2024] ZALCC 34 (7 October 2024)
Pillay and Others (LCC1/99) [2004] ZALCC 16 (13 September 2004)
Pillay N.O. v The Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others (LCC 2019/42) [2022] ZALCC 21 (8 August 2022)
Pillay v Taylor-Burke Projects (Pty) Ltd and Others (LCC119/99) [1999] ZALCC 52 (19 October 1999)
Pioneer Voedsel (Edms) Bpk v Van Der West (LCC42R/00) [2000] ZALCC 24 (7 July 2000)
Pitout v Mbolane (LCC21R/00) [2000] ZALCC 14 (2 May 2000)
Popela Community v Department of Land Affairs and Another In Re: Restitution Claim Boomplaats 408LT Presently Consolidated into Goedgelegen 566LT (LCC52/00) [2005] ZALCC 9; ; (3 June 2005)
Portion 608 New Belgium CC v Monyiki (LCC62/98) [2002] ZALCC 43 (3 September 2002)
Prentjies and Others v Visagie (LCC25/98) [1999] ZALCC 53 (27 October 1999)
Pretorius v Beginsel and Another (LCC94R/01) [2001] ZALCC 52 (13 December 2001)
Pretorius v Ramoseme and Another (LCC95R/00) [2000] ZALCC 51 (19 December 2000)
Prinsloo NO and Others v Hlongwane (LCC39/2009B) [2023] ZALCC 24 (21 July 2023)
Prizetrade 44 (Pty) Ltd v Memane and Others (LCC35/02) [2003] ZALCC 19 (21 August 2003)
PSP Vennote v Lourens (LCC77R/02) [2002] ZALCC 45 (6 September 2002)