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South Africa: Land Claims Court
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South Africa: Land Claims Court decisions beginning with G ...
Ga Mabohlatjana Community v Capricorn District Municipality and Others (LLC48/20138) [2021] ZALCC 31 (5 July 2021)
Ga-magashula Community Trust v Marsfontein and Others (LCC105/00) [2000] ZALCC 50 (19 December 2000)
Gamevest (Pty) Ltd v Regional Land Claims Commissioner for the Northern Province and Mpumalanga and Others (LCC87/00) [2001] ZALCC 29 (6 July 2001)
Gamevest (Pty) Ltd v Regional Land Claims Commissioner for the Northern Province and Mpumalanga and Others (LCC87/00) [2001] ZALCC 38 (13 September 2001)
Gartmore Farm (Pty) Ltd v Mahlaba (LCC67R/00) [2000] ZALCC 36 (8 September 2000)
Gartmore Farm (Pty) Ltd v Ndlovu and Others (LCC68R/00) [2000] ZALCC 35 (8 September 2000)
Gate Development (Pty) Ltd and Another v Mahlangu and Others (LCC103/08) [2009] ZALCC 2 (4 March 2009)
Gawie Rossouw Trust v Goeieman and Another (LCC93R/00) [2000] ZALCC 45 (30 November 2000)
Gay NO v Sibiya and Others (LCC120/00) [2002] ZALCC 12 (4 April 2002)
Gazebo Ranch (Pt) Ltd v Minister of Land Affairs and Others (LCC 158/2010) [2010] ZALCC 34 (21 December 2010)
Gcumisa Land Claims Committee, Concerning farms in New Hanover District (LCC22/2007) [2023] ZALCC 34 (29 September 2023)
Geldenhuys v Msimang and Another (LCC 37R/03) [2002] ZALCC 69 (22 May 2002)
Geldenhuys v Msimang and Another (LCC 37R/03) [2003] ZALCC 30 (22 May 2003)
Geldenhuys v Msimang and another (LCC37R/03) [2003] ZALCC 13 (22 May 2003)
Geldenhuys v Thwala and Others (LCC18/05) [2005] ZALCC 7 (21 September 2005)
Genadedal Transformation Committee and Others v Theewaterskloof Municipality and Others (LCC64/2014) [2014] ZALCC 14 (10 October 2014)
Germishuys v Petersen and Another (LCC47R/02) [2002] ZALCC 22 (31 May 2002)
Gili Greenworld Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Shisonge and Others (LCC19/02) [2002] ZALCC 25 (11 June 2002)
Glen Elgin Trust v Titus and Another (LCC81R/00) [2000] ZALCC 52 (2 December 2000)
Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Mnguni and Others (LCC105/2017) [2018] ZALCC 2 (23 January 2018)
Glover and Others v Sethuoa and Another (LCC54R/00) [2000] ZALCC 30 (4 August 2000)
Goedverdiend Plase Pty Ltd v Andrews and Another (LCC232/2017) [2018] ZALCC 24 (15 June 2018)
Goedverwaching Farm (Pty) Ltd v Roux and Others (LCC 129/2022) [2023] ZALCC 20 (21 June 2023)
Goosen v Mtetwa (LCC27R/2010) [2010] ZALCC 22 (18 August 2010)
Gounden v Properties Formerly known as the Farm Cato Manor No 812 (LCC87/99) [2003] ZALCC 11 (25 April 2003)
Grand Valley Estates (Edms) Bpk v Nkosi (LCC73/99) [1999] ZALCC 30 (25 June 1999)
Greater Tenbosch Land Claims Committee and Others v Regional land Claims Commissioner and Others (74/06) [2010] ZALCC 25 (15 September 2010)
Greeff and 21 Others v Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd and Others (LCC 2021/42) [2021] ZALCC 22 (17 September 2021)
Green N.O and Others v Khumalo and Others (LCC 197/2021) [2022] ZALCC 26 (27 May 2022)
Green v Gumede aka Silevu (LCC92R/00) [2000] ZALCC 46 (30 November 2000)
Gregory and Others v Mathebula and Others (LCC29R/2016) [2016] ZALCC 13 (18 August 2016)
Greyling and Another v Nkosi and Others (LCC 71/2022 B) [2022] ZALCC 17 (9 June 2022)
Greyling and Others v Nkosi and Others (LCC45/05) [2008] ZALCC 14 (26 November 2008)
Greyling and Others v Nkosi and Others (LCC45/05) [2009] ZALCC 16 (26 November 2009)
Grootdraai Boerdery (Pty) Ltd v Dlamini (LCC05/07) [2007] ZALCC 25 (1 March 2007)
Gruft N.O and Others v Muller and Others (LCC33R/2023) [2024] ZALCC 4 (25 January 2024)
Gumbu/Mutele Land Claimants v MEC of Land and Agriculture Northern Province (LCC80/01) [2001] ZALCC 47 (16 November 2001)