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South Africa: Land Claims Court
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South Africa: Land Claims Court decisions beginning with D ...
Daantjie Community and Others v Crocodile Valley Citrus Company (Pty) Ltd and Another (75/2008) [2015] ZALCC 7 (28 July 2015)
Daantye Community and Others v Crocodile Valley Citrus Company (Pty) Ltd and Another (LCC 75/2008) [2015] ZALCC 1 (26 February 2015)
Dalasi Community v Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform and Others (LCC55/2019) [2020] ZALCC 15 (11 November 2020)
Dangazele and Others v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Others; Mpetsheni and Others v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Others; Nkolisa v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Others (LCC16/2022;LCC17/2022;LCC18/2022) [2022] ZALCC 28 (20 October 2022)
Daniels and Others v M and Y Tombstone Granite Works (Pty) Ltd and Others (LCC161/2022) [2023] ZALCC 19 (23 March 2023)
Daniels v Scribante and Another (LCC164/2015) [2015] ZALCC 12 (11 November 2015)
Daniels v Scribante and Another (LCC164/2015) [2015] ZALCC 13 (4 December 2015)
De Facto Investments 255 (Pty) Ltd v Nkala and Others (LCC 51/2010) [2014] ZALCC 10 (30 May 2014)
De Jager & Sons v Kumalo (LCC75/98) [1999] ZALCC 23 (14 May 1999)
De Jager and Another v Mazibuko (LCC57/2020) [2020] ZALCC 7 (25 August 2020)
De Kock v Frederick (LCC41R/02) [2002] ZALCC 27 (14 June 2002)
De Kock v Juggels and Another (LCC7R/99) [1999] ZALCC 13 (11 March 1999)
De Kock v Pilane and Another (LCC40R/02) [2002] ZALCC 26 (15 June 2002)
De Rust Estate v Van Rooyen and Others (LCC74R/02) [2002] ZALCC 40 (27 August 2002)
De Villiers and Another v Smith and Others (LCC161/2021) [2021] ZALCC 32 (9 December 2021)
De Villiers Familie Trust v Hermanus and Another (LCC42R/02) [2002] ZALCC 19 (24 May 2002)
De Villiers v Adonis and Another (LCC3R/00) [2000] ZALCC 3 (20 January 2000)
De Villiers v Msimango (LCC14R/98) [1999] ZALCC 21 (6 May 1999)
De Wit v May (LCC45R/03) [2003] ZALCC 15 (12 June 2003)
Delport and Another v Botha N.O. and Others (U873/15, LCC63R/2015) [2016] ZALCC 20 (27 October 2016)
Delta 200 Properties (Pty) Ltd v D and Others (LCC31/2019) [2020] ZALCC 24 (12 August 2020)
Denleigh Farms and Another v Mhlanzi and Others (LCC22R/99) [1999] ZALCC 29 (25 June 1999)
Deo Volente Rusoord BK v Shongwe and Others (LCC18/00) [2002] ZALCC 59; 2006 (2) SA 5 (LCC) (22 November 2002)
Department of Land Affairs v Witz (LCC152/98) [2000] ZALCC 42; 2006 (1) SA 86 (LCC) (12 October 2000)
Desai v Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg and Others (LCC19/09) [2009] ZALCC 11 (19 September 2009)
Desai v Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg and Others (LCC19/09) [2011] ZALCC 7 (1 January 2011)
Dew Crisp Properties (Pty) Ltd v Regional Land Claims Commissioner Gauteng Province and Another (LCC240/2015) [2017] ZALCC 23 (27 September 2017)
Dhladhla and Others v Erasmus (LCC11/98) [1998] ZALCC 23 (24 November 1998)
Dhlomo-Dhlomo Community v Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs and Others (LCC175/10) [2012] ZALCC 15 (19 October 2012)
Diedericks v Univeg Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a Heldervue Estates (LCC18/2011) [2011] ZALCC 11 (23 August 2011)
Dikgalopeng Community (Di Thomo Tsa Bokone) and Others v Chief Land Claims Commissioner and Others [2022] ZALCC 45 (25 October 2022)
Dintsi and Another v Van Breda and Another (LCC15/2019) [2019] ZALCC 29 (10 May 2019)
District Six Commitee and Others v Minister of Rural Development & Land Reform and Others (LCC54/2018) [2019] ZALCC 15; 2019 (5) SA 164 (LCC) (20 March 2019)
District Six Committee and Others v Minister of Rural Development & Land Reform and Others (LCC54/2018) [2019] ZALCC 13; [2019] 4 All SA 89 (LCC) (2 August 2019)
Dladla v Brits (LCC57/05) [2006] ZALCC 5 (27 July 2006)
Dlamini v Mthembu and Another (LCC1R/99) [1999] ZALCC 8 (18 February 1999)
Dombo Community and Others v Tshakhus Community Trust and Another (LCC194/2013) [2024] ZALCC 26 (7 June 2024)
DPP Limpopo v Patel & Another [2021] ZALCC 10 (30 April 2021)
Drakenstein Municipality v CJ Cillie En Seun (Pty) Ltd and Others (LCC44/2015) [2016] ZALCC 9 (3 June 2016)
Dreyer v Lekgari en Andere (LCC04R/04) [2004] ZALCC 3 (25 February 2004)
Drumearn (Edms) Bpk v Wagner and Others (LCC55R/02) [2002] ZALCC 30; 2002 (6) SA 500 (LCC) (2 July 2002)
Drumearn (Pty) Ltd and Others v C P and Others (11/2020) [2020] ZALCC 21 (9 July 2020)
Du Plesis v Mosia (LCC117R/04) [2005] ZALCC 3 (12 May 2005)
Du Plessis and Another v Kriel N.O and Others (LCC88/2022) [2023] ZALCC 43; [2024] 1 All SA 702 (LCC) (14 December 2023)
Du Plessis and Another v Ross and Others (LCC257/2017) [2020] ZALCC 30 (26 May 2020)
Du Plessis and Another v Ross and Others (LCC257/2017) [2020] ZALCC 20 (31 August 2020)
Du Plessis CC v Geduld and Another (LCC72R/00) [2000] ZALCC 37 (11 September 2000)
Du Plessis v Abrahams and Others (LCC107R/01) [2002] ZALCC 17 (9 May 2002)
Du Preez v Tserema and Others (LCC36R/00) [2000] ZALCC 21 (14 June 2000)
Du Toit and Another v Minister of Land Affairs/Rural Development and Land Reform and Others (LCC60/2010, LCC61/2010, LCC62/2010) [2011] ZALCC 21 (16 June 2011)
Du Toit v Fielies and Another (LCC69R/04) [2004] ZALCC 13 (28 June 2004)
Du Toit v George and Another (LCC31R/01) [2001] ZALCC 7 (28 February 2001)
Du Toit v Le Kay alias Langtrey (LCC9R/98) [1998] ZALCC 6 (1 July 1998)
Dudley v Minister of Rural Development & Land Reform & others (LCC 05/2019) [2021] ZALCC 11 (4 May 2021)
Dukuduku Community v Regional Land Claims Commissioner: Kwazulu-Natal and another (LCC30/02) [2003] ZALCC 14; 2006 (3) SA 508 (LCC) (30 May 2003)
Dulabh and Another Re:Erf 1687 King William's Town (LCC14/96) [1997] ZALCC 1 (16 April 1997)
Dutch Reformed Presbytery: Mafikeng v Minister of Public Works and Others (LCC 43/2021) [2022] ZALCC 23 (11 March 2022)
Dutch Reformed Presbytery:Mafikeng v Minister of Public Works and Others (LCC 43/2021) [2022] ZALCC 30 (22 June 2022)