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South Africa: Labour Court
>> South Africa: Labour Court decisions beginning with Z ...
South Africa: Labour Court decisions beginning with Z ...
Zaayman v CCMA Gauteng and Others (J1134/98) [1998] ZALC 80 (13 September 1998)
Zaayman v Provincial Director CCMA Gauteng and Others (J1134/98) [1998] ZALC 145 (13 October 1998)
Zabala v Gold Reef City Casino (JS278/07) [2008] ZALC 117; [2009] 1 BLLR 94 (LC) (21 August 2008)
Zandile v Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs (J771/10) [2010] ZALC 72 (20 May 2010)
Zeelie v Price Forbes Northern Province (J837/98) [2001] ZALC 116 (2 August 2001)
Zeman v Quickelberge and Another (C45/2010) [2010] ZALC 122; 2011) 32 ILJ 453 (LC) (23 August 2010)
Zeman v Quickelberge and Another (C45/2010) [2010] ZALC 181; (2011) 32 ILJ 469 (LC) (29 November 2010)
Zero Appliances (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR805/06) [2007] ZALC 19; [2007] 7 BLLR 683 (LC); (2007) 28 ILJ 1836 (LC) (28 March 2007)
Zibi v Smile Educational System (Pty) Ltd (J303/98) [1998] ZALC 29 (15 June 1998)
Zietsman and Others v Transnet Limited (JS 614/06) [2007] ZALC 73; (2008) 29 ILJ 779 (LC) (21 September 2007)
Zilwa Cleaning and Gardening Services CC v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR2724/07) [2009] ZALC 96; (2010) 31 ILJ 780 (LC) (7 May 2009)
Ziphakamise Capitol Caterers (Pty) Ltd v Wolmarans and Others (J537/04) [2008] ZALC 82 (20 June 2008)
Zondi and Others v Milands Recycling CC (D127/98) [1998] ZALC 64 (8 September 1998)
Zonesteinn v Steinhoff southern Cape Proprietary Limited t/a Woodline Timbers (C229/2006) [2008] ZALC 11 (15 January 2008)
Zono v Minister of Correctional Services and Others (P44/08) [2009] ZALC 47; [2009] 10 BLLR 1014 (LC); (2009) 30 ILJ 2976 (LC) (9 April 2009)
Zoutspansberg Milling (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1133/02) [2008] ZALC 194 (26 November 2008)
Zulu and Others v CCMA and Others (D317/98) [2000] ZALC 61 (30 June 2000)
Zulu v Department of Education and Culture (KZN) (D520/2004) [2007] ZALC 188 (16 February 2007)
Zululand Anthracite Colliery v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (D1140/99) [2001] ZALC 6 (31 January 2001)
Zuma and Another v Richardson Electrical CC (D208/99) [2000] ZALC 66 (1 August 2000)
Zwakala v Port St Johns Municipality and Others (D1157/99) [1999] ZALC 197 (27 October 1999)