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South Africa: Labour Court
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South Africa: Labour Court decisions beginning with F ...
Fabbriciani v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J3298/98) [1998] ZALC 149 (18 December 1998)
Failsafe Fire Projects (Pty) Ltd v Baloyi N.O. And Another (J1614/99) [2002] ZALC 32 (27 March 2002)
Fairweather v A B Charter Motors Holdings CC (J1644/99) [1999] ZALC 144 (14 September 1999)
Fairy Tales Boutique t/a Baby City Centurion v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR469/09) [2010] ZALC 160 (20 August 2010)
Fakude v Spoornet and Others (JR1327/06) [2010] ZALC 189 (9 December 2010)
Falcon Forest (Pty) Ltd t/a Royal Ascot Superspar (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C 374/06) [2009] ZALC 261 (4 November 2009)
FAWU and Others v Clover SA Ltd (D1321/99) [2000] ZALC 93 (11 September 2000)
FAWU obo Jacobs v Coca Cola (Pty) Ltd and Others (P 374/2008) [2010] ZALC 93 (23 March 2010)
FAWU obo Kapesi and Others v Premier Foods Ltd t/a Ribbon Salt River (C640/07) [2010] ZALC 61; (2010) 31 ILJ 1654 (LC); [2010] 9 BLLR 903 (LC) (4 May 2010)
FAWU obo Vickers v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (D390/08) [2009] ZALC 255 (4 December 2009)
FCCDTAWU obo Mathiba v Clover SA (Pty) Ltd (J2834/2000) [2001] ZALC 145 (14 September 2001)
Fedcraw v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1158/07) [2009] ZALC 185 (19 June 2009)
Federal Gaming (Cape) (Pty) Ltd v Brown NO and Others (C309/2007) [2008] ZALC 238 (15 July 2008)
Federated Timbers (Pty) Ltd v Lallie N.O and Others (P47/98) [1998] ZALC 77 (30 September 1998)
Feltex Foam Converting, a division of Feltex Limited v SACTWU and Others (D279/02) [2003] ZALC 45 (2 May 2003)
Feni v Pan South African Language Board (J 1010/10) [2010] ZALC 287 (1 June 2010)
Ferdinand Peter Harmsen v Alstom Electrical Machines (Pty) Ltd (J 4320/99) [2003] ZALC 120 (8 December 2003)
Fernandes v H M Leibowitz (Proprietary) Limited t/a Auto Industrial Centre Group of Companies (AIC) (D687/98) [2000] ZALC 159 (1 September 2000)
Fernandes v Lezmin 1081 CC T/A Jazztime Cafe (JS 913/05) [2007] ZALC 79; (2008) 29 ILJ 662 (LC) (2 November 2007)
Ferro Pestana v Gideon Pretorious Inc and Others (JR 346/09) [2010] ZALC 271 (13 April 2010)
Fidelity Cash Management Services (Pty) Ltd v Muvhango NO and Others (JR648/02) [2005] ZALC 68; (2005) 26 ILJ 876 (LC); [2005] 8 BLLR 783 (LC) (22 April 2005)
Fidelity Cash Managmement Service v Commissionf for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (DA 10/05) [2007] ZALC 92 (5 December 2007)
Fidelity Guards Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation Arbitration and Others (J1330/98) [2000] ZALC 45 (14 June 2000)
Fidelity Gurad Holdings v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (D99/01) [2002] ZALC 6 (30 January 2002)
Fidelity Springbok Security Services (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1275/01) [2006] ZALC 41 (7 March 2006)
Fidelity Supercare Cleaning (Pty) Ltd v Busakwe NO and Others (P301/08) [2009] ZALC 165; [2010] 3 BLLR 260 (LC) (4 December 2009)
Fihla v Nonke Petroleum (Pty) Ltd, Nonke Petroleum (Pty) Ltd v National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight Industry and Others (JR 299/08) [2010] ZALC 272 (14 April 2010)
Filter And Hose Solutions A Division of Hudaco Trading (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR601/11) [2014] ZALC 1 (7 January 2014)
Financial Security Services CC v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR3065/04) [2006] ZALC 53 (20 April 2006)
Fipaza v Eskom Holdings Ltd and Others (JR 2220/08) [2010] ZALC 66; (2010) 31 ILJ 2903 (LC) (6 May 2010)
Fipaza v Eskom Holdings Ltd and Others (JR 2220/08) [2010] ZALC 169 (17 November 2010)
First National Bank Limited (Westbank Division) v Mooi NO and Others (JR1018/07) [2008] ZALC 99; (2009) 30 ILJ 336 (LC) (24 July 2008)
First National Bank Ltd (Westbank Division) v Mooi NO and Others (JR1018/07) [2009] ZALC 184 (5 February 2009)
First National Battery (Pty) Ltd v Matshoba and Others (P34/09) [2009] ZALC 132; (2010) 31 ILJ 1203 (LC) ; [2010] 5 BLLR 534 (LC) (19 November 2009)
First Rand Bank Ltd v Negota NO and Others (JR 190/06) [2009] ZALC 203 (5 May 2009)
Fleming v Ngwenya N.O and Others (J2381/98) [1999] ZALC 159 (28 October 1999)
Fletcher v Elna Sewing Machine Centres (Pty) Ltd (J2430/98) [1999] ZALC 160 (29 October 1999)
Folami v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C268/2009) [2010] ZALC 336 (12 March 2010)
Fonseca v Roets (J2440/00) [2001] ZALC 19 (2 February 2001)
Food & Allied Workers Union (FAWU) en Andere v Ceres Fruit Growers Operation Beperk (C424/99) [2000] ZALC 120 (24 October 2000)
Food & Allied Workers Union (FAWU) v Commission for Conciliatoin Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C536/06) [2006] ZALC 30; [2007] 6 BLLR 499 (LC); (2007) 28 ILJ 382 (LC) (27 January 2006)
Food & Allied Workers Union v Foodtown Incorporated (Pty) Limited (C6/98) [1999] ZALC 148 (21 September 1999)
Food & Allied Workers' Union and Others v Pets Products (Pty) Limited (C283/99) [2000] ZALC 25 (31 March 2000)
Food & Genaral Workers Union and Others v Irvin & Johnson Limited (P159/98) [1999] ZALC 33 (9 March 1999)
Food & Genaral Workers Union and Others v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (P508/98) [1999] ZALC 6 (2 January 1999)
Food and Allied Workers Union and Another v The Cold Chain (C324/06) [2007] ZALC 17; [2007] 7 BLLR 638 (LC); (2007) 28 ILJ 1593 (LC) (8 March 2007)
Food and Allied Workers Union and Others v Albany Bakery (Germiston) (J5110/99) [2001] ZALC 53 (17 April 2001)
Food and Allied Workers Union and Others v Foodtown Incorporated (Pty) Limited (C6/98) [1998] ZALC 60 (27 August 1998)
Food And Allied Workers Union and Others v South African Breweries Limited (C 1008/2001) [2004] ZALC 65; [2004] 11 BLLR 1093 (LC); (2004) 25 ILJ 1979 (LC) (3 September 2004)
Food And Allied Workers Union v Buthelezi and Others (C114/97) [1998] ZALC 4 (6 March 1998)
Food and Allied Workers Union v Cold Chain (Pty) Ltd and Another (C565/2009) [2009] ZALC 109; [2010] 1 BLLR 49 (LC); (2009) 30 ILJ 2919 (LC) (30 September 2009)
Food and Allied Workers Union v Ngubo and Others (D1200/00) [2001] ZALC 134 (24 August 2001)
Food And General Workers Union and Another v Fedelity Guards Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Another (P117/98) [1999] ZALC 56 (14 April 1999)
Food And General Workers Union v Labuschagne and Others (P155/98) [1998] ZALC 116 (20 November 1998)
Ford Motor Company of SA (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Metalworkers Union SA and Others (J2080/07) [2007] ZALC 81; (2008) 29 ILJ 667 (LC) (16 October 2007)
Fordham v OK Bazaars (1929) Ltd (J1374/97) [1997] ZALC 13 (9 December 1997)
Foschini Group (Pty) Limited v CCMA and Others (J5079/00) [2001] ZALC 52 (10 April 2001)
Foschini Group (PTY) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J4903/00) [2002] ZALC 137 (9 May 2002)
Foschini Group v Maidi and Others (JR 1996/03) [2008] ZALC 77 (22 February 2008)
Fouldien and Others v House of Trucks (Pty) Ltd (C825/02) [2002] ZALC 79; (2002) 23 ILJ 2259 (LC) (16 September 2002)
Fourie v Amatola Water Board (P 830/00) [2000] ZALC 133 (16 November 2000)
Fourie v Stanford Driving School and Others (J 2218/08) [2010] ZALC 137; (2011) 32 ILJ 914 (LC) (23 September 2010)
Fourie's Poultry Farm (Pty Limited t/a Chubby Chick v Commision for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J2828/00) [2001] ZALC 107 (16 July 2001)
France v National Bargaining Counsel for the Road Freight Industry and Others (JR 1393/03) [2004] ZALC 58; [2004] 12 BLLR 1262 (LC) (17 August 2004)
Franken and Others v Molly Mop Cleaning Services CC (JS 501/01) [2002] ZALC 119 (12 February 2002)
Franks and Others v University of the North (J4122/00) [2001] ZALC 22 (6 February 2001)
Fraser v City of Cape Town (C638/2005) [2007] ZALC 204 (14 December 2007)
Frasers International Removers v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C 310/98) [1999] ZALC 21 (22 February 1999)
Fredericks v Grobler NO and Others (C590/2007) [2010] ZALC 18; [2010] 6 BLLR 644 (LC) (3 February 2010)
Free State Consolidated Gold Mine v Jammy and Others (J768/98) [1998] ZALC 50 (6 August 1998)
Freight Dynamics v South African Transport & Allied Workers Union and Others (J2540/08) [2009] ZALC 230 (4 November 2009)
Freshmark (Pty) Limited v SACCAWU and Others (D550/2006) [2008] ZALC 94; (2009) 30 ILJ 341 (LC) (10 July 2008)
Fritz v British American Tobacco Company (J2360/00) [2001] ZALC 119 (6 August 2001)
Fuel Retailers Association of SA v Motor Industry Bargaining Council (J2612/00) [2001] ZALC 46 (28 March 2001)
Fuller v Megacor Holdings (J3263/99) [2003] ZALC 63; [2003] 7 BLLR 711 (LC) (28 May 2003)
Fynn v University of KwaZulu-Natal (LD654/04) [2006] ZALC 5; [2006] 11 BLLR 1099 (LC); (2006) 27 ILJ 1665 (LC) (6 April 2006)