- D G B (Pty) Ltd v CCMA and Others (J3332/00) [2000] ZALC 17 (22 March 2000)
- Da Fonseca v Roets In re: Roets Da Fonseca and Another (J2440/00) [2001] ZALC 21 (3 February 2001)
- Da Gama v Ralefetane N.O and Others (JR 3034/05) [2007] ZALC 108 (4 October 2007)
- Daimler Chrysler (SA) (Pty) Ltd v CCMA and Others (P698/2000) [2001] ZALC 149 (26 September 2001)
- Dairybellle (Pty) Ltd v Hempe N.O. And Others (C1214/2001) [2002] ZALC 96 (15 November 2002)
- Dama and Others v Northern Province Development Coroparation (J532/97) [1998] ZALC 17 (26 May 1998)
- Dana Spicer Axle (Pty) Ltd v Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council and Others (P 534/06) [2008] ZALC 47 (17 April 2008)
- Dani v Minister of Safety and Security and Other (J4833/02) [2003] ZALC 38 (29 April 2003)
- Daniel v Wynford and Another (P190/98) [1998] ZALC 114 (19 November 1998)
- Dannhauser and Others v Ethekwini Municipality (D332/03) [2003] ZALC 74 (26 June 2003)
- Datt v Gunnebo Industries (Pty) Ltd (JS 355/07) [2009] ZALC 23; [2009] 5 BLLR 449 (LC); (2009) 30 ILJ 2429 (LC) (20 February 2009)
- David Crouch Marketing CC v Du Plessis (J2499/08) [2009] ZALC 63; (2009) 30 ILJ 1828 (LC) (17 June 2009)
- Davidson and Others v Wingprop (Pty) Ltd (JS 622/07) [2009] ZALC 83; (2010) 31 ILJ 605 (LC) ; [2010] 4 BLLR 396 (LC) (2 September 2009)
- Davis Plumbing Civils CC v Commission For Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1363/07) [2008] ZALC 49 (19 March 2008)
- Dawson v NUPSAW (J2292/05) [2007] ZALC 165 (1 January 2007)
- Daybreak Farms CC v SAMDAWU and Others (J976/99) [1999] ZALC 54 (9 April 1999)
- Dayeni v Container Link (J814/01) [2001] ZALC 207 (14 November 2001)
- Daymon Worldwide SA Inc. v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 184/07) [2008] ZALC 111; (2009) 30 ILJ 575 (LC) (20 August 2008)
- De Beer v Allies Meat Market (C206/2007) [2010] ZALC 229 (29 March 2010)
- De Beer v SA Export Connection CC t/a Global Paws (JS270/06) [2007] ZALC 104; [2008] 1 BLLR 36 (LC); (2008) 29 ILJ 347 (LC) (31 August 2007)
- De Beers Consolidated Mines (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 1583/09) [2010] ZALC 41; (2010) 31 ILJ 2087 (LC) (22 February 2010)
- De Beers Consolidated Mines (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR1583/09) [2010] ZALC 234 (22 January 2010)
- De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J2399/99) [2000] ZALC 7 (29 February 2000)
- De Bruin v Sunnyside Locksmith Suppliers (Pty) Limited (J 361/98) [1999] ZALC 60 (19 April 1999)
- De Jager v Minister of Labour and Others (J705/01) [2006] ZALC 36; [2006] 7 BLLR 654 (LC); (2006) 27 ILJ 1506 (LC) (10 February 2006)
- De Kock v Munisipaliteit van Villiersdorp (C141/2000) [2001] ZALC 43 (26 March 2001)
- De Laan v Van Dyck Carpeting Company (D893/00) [2002] ZALC 69; [2003] 3 BLLR 257 (LC) (23 August 2002)
- De Nysschen v General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JR1531/03) [2006] ZALC 96; [2007] 5 BLLR 461 (LC); (2007) 28 ILJ 375 (LC) (24 November 2006)
- De Villiers v Head of Department: Education Western Cape Province (C934/2008) [2009] ZALC 259 (4 December 2009)
- De Villiers v Head of Department: Education, Western Cape Province (C934/2008) [2009] ZALC 139; (2010) 31 ILJ 1377 (LC) (4 December 2009)
- De Vries v Lionel Murray Schwormstedt & Louw (C483/2000) [2001] ZALC 12 (1 February 2001)
- Deetlefs v Minister of the South African Defence Force (J5549/00) [2001] ZALC 133 (22 August 2001)
- Defensor Security v Mabalane NO and Others (JR922/07) [2009] ZALC 188 (30 January 2009)
- Defy Appliances Limited and Another v NUMSA and Others (D645/2001) [2001] ZALC 98 (5 July 2001)
- Dell v HPD Construction (J 1449/09) [2010] ZALC 20; (2010) 31 ILJ 1871 (LC) ; [2010] 6 BLLR 626 (LC) (3 February 2010)
- Dell v Seton (Pty) Ltd and Others (JR164/06) [2008] ZALC 98; [2009] 2 BLLR 122 (LC) (23 July 2008)
- Delport v Parts Incorporated Africa of Genuine Parts (Pty) Ltd (J2561/00) [2002] ZALC 16 (14 February 2002)
- Delta Motor Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (199/98) [1998] ZALC 72 (21 September 1998)
- Delta v De Bruin (J727/98) [1998] ZALC 105 (9 November 1998)
- Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa and Others v Somerset West Society for the Aged (C641/99) [2000] ZALC 147 (19 December 2000)
- Democratic Nursing Organization of South Africa and Another v Director General, Department of Health and Others (J2386/08) [2009] ZALC 211 (5 January 2009)
- Democratic Nursing Organization of South Africa and Another v Director General, Department of Heath and Others (J 2386/08) [2008] ZALC 151; (2009) 30 ILJ 1845 (LC) (15 November 2008)
- Dempster v Ariel Technology and Others (J94/98) [1998] ZALC 10 (4 May 1998)
- Denel Informatics Staff Association and Another v Denel Informatics (Pty) Ltd (J1330/97) [1998] ZALC 38 (24 June 1998)
- DENOSA and Others v Provincial Administration Western Cape (C553/2000) [2000] ZALC 70 (4 August 2000)
- DENOSA obo van der Merwe v Department of Health and Social Development (J1282/09) [2010] ZALC 293 (30 August 2010)
- Department of Community Safety: Western Cape Provincial Government v General Public Service Sectorial Bargaining Council and Others (C 609/2008) [2010] ZALC 153; (2011) 32 ILJ 890 (LC) (22 October 2010)
- Department of Correctional Services v Sibeko NO and Others (JR1335/09, JR1756/09) [2010] ZALC 245 (21 October 2010)
- Department of Education, Limpopo Province v Education Labour Relations Council and Others (JR 2556/07) [2009] ZALC 74 (6 August 2009)
- Department of Education- North west v Van Eck and Others (JR1524/09) [2010] ZALC 194; [2011] 4 BLLR 341 (LC); (2011) 32 ILJ 1346 (LC) (17 December 2010)
- Department of Health v Jones and Another (C 340/07) [2008] ZALC 237 (18 June 2008)
- Department of Health v Jones and Another (C340/07) [2008] ZALC 112; (2009) 30 ILJ 314 (LC) ; [2009] 3 BLLR 195 (LC) (12 June 2008)
- Department of Health Western cape v Hospital Personnel Trade Union and Another (C484/98) [1999] ZALC 34 (10 March 1999)
- Department of Health, Eastern Province v Public Health and Welfare Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (P217/07 & P219/07) [2008] ZALC 121; [2009] 2 BLLR 131 (LC) (12 September 2008)
- Department of Health, Kwazulu Natal v Ngcobo and Others (D1306/01) [2003] ZALC 39 (29 April 2003)
- Department of Home Affairs (Limpopo) v General Public Service Sector Bargaining Council and Others (JR1576/14) [2015] ZALC 2 (4 June 2015)
- Department of Justice and Constitutional Development v Van der Merwe NO and Others (JR 297/08) [2009] ZALC 161; (2010) 31 ILJ 1184 (LC) (27 November 2009)
- Department of Justice v Commission for Conciliation, and Mediation and Arbitration & Others (C718/00) [2002] ZALC 19; (2001) 22 ILJ 2439 (LC) (1 March 2002)
- Department of Justice v Commmission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (C718/00) [2001] ZALC 140 (7 September 2001)
- Department of Labour v Cowling and Another (D498/98) [1998] ZALC 59 (24 August 1998)
- Department of Public Works Roads and Transport v Motshoso and Others (JR795/03) [2005] ZALC 62; [2005] 10 BLLR 957 (LC) (17 March 2005)
- Department of Public Works v General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (D1646/02) [2005] ZALC 52 (11 February 2005)
- Department of Transport, North-West Province v Sebotha NO and Others (JR1511/05) [2009] ZALC 53; (2010) 31 ILJ 97 (LC) (13 May 2009)
- Department of Transport: Limpopo Provincial Government v General Public Sectoral Bargaining Council and Others (JR718/04) [2006] ZALC 127 (17 November 2006)
- Devan Lotter Construction v Dube and Others (JR 2910/06) [2009] ZALC 14 (30 January 2009)
- Devan Lotter Construction v Dube and Others (JR 2910/06) [2010] ZALC 15 (30 January 2010)
- Dhlamini and Others v Durban Deep Wholesale Meat supply (J13/98) [1998] ZALC 51 (7 August 1998)
- Dhlamini And Others v Faraday Wholesale Meat supply (J1953/98) [1999] ZALC 69 (7 May 1999)
- Dhlamini and Others v Filta-Matix (Pty) Ltd (J 248/99) [1999] ZALC 2 (1 January 1999)
- Dhlamini and Others v Savo and Others (J41/98) [1998] ZALC 2 (25 February 1998)
- Dial Tech CC v Hudson and Another (JS972/04) [2007] ZALC 21; (2007) 28 ILJ 1237 (LC) (29 March 2007)
- Diamond and Others v Daimler Chrysler SA (Pty) Ltd and Another (LP88/05 , P88/05) [2006] ZALC 24; [2007] 3 BLLR 197 (LC); (2006) 27 ILJ 2595 (LC) (8 September 2006)
- Diarmid v Securicor Gray (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (J3865/00) [2003] ZALC 69 (6 June 2003)
- Diarybelle (Pty) Ltd v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (J3020/98) [1999] ZALC 85 (1 June 1999)
- Dieckmann v CCMA (JR476/2001) [2001] ZALC 188 (26 October 2001)
- Dierks v University of South Africa (J399/98) [1998] ZALC 126 (14 December 1998)
- Digistics (Pty) Ltd v South African Transport and Allied Workers Union and Others (J 1316/10) [2010] ZALC 290 (4 July 2010)
- Digwamaye v Faverite (Pty) Ltd (J2578/98) [2000] ZALC 68 (3 August 2000)
- Dihlabeng Local Municipality v Van Aarde and Others (JR 1607/2001, JR 1608/2001, JR 1609/2001) [2004] ZALC 28 (11 March 2004)
- Dimbaza Foundaries Limited v Commision For Conciliation Mediation And Arbitration (P 216/98) [1999] ZALC 36 (11 March 1999)
- Dimbaza Foundaries Limited v Commision For Conciliation Mediation And Arbitration and Others (P216/98) [1999] ZALC 76 (14 May 1999)
- Dince and Others v Department of Education North West Province and Others (J2234/09; J2193/09) [2009] ZALC 159; [2010] 6 BLLR 631 (LC); (2010) 31 ILJ 1193 (LC) (26 November 2009)
- Director General of the Department of Labour and Another v Comair Limited (J2326/07) [2009] ZALC 78; [2009] 11 BLLR 1063 (LC); (2009) 30 ILJ 2711 (LC) (11 August 2009)
- Director General, Department of Labour v Win-Cool Industrial Enterprise (Pty) Ltd (D731/05) [2007] ZALC 27; [2007] 9 BLLR 845 (LC); (2007) 28 ILJ 1774 (LC) (16 April 2007)
- Director-General of the Department of Labour v Jinghua Garments (Pty) Ltd (D730/05) [2006] ZALC 100; (2007) 28 ILJ 880 (LC) (5 December 2006)
- Director-General: Office of the Premier of the Western Cape and Another v South African Medical Association obo Broens and Others (C420/2007) [2010] ZALC 204; (2011) 32 ILJ 1077 (LC) (26 November 2010)
- Discovery Health Limited v Commission For Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 2877/06) [2008] ZALC 24; [2008] 7 BLLR 633 (LC) ; (2008) 29 ILJ 1480 (LC) (28 March 2008)
- Ditsamai v Gauteng Shared Services Centre (JS746/06) [2009] ZALC 11; [2009] 5 BLLR 456 (LC); (2009) 30 ILJ 2072 (LC) (29 January 2009)
- Dladla v Council of Mbombela Local Municipality and Another (J 270/07) [2008] ZALC 28; [2008] 8 BLLR 751 (LC) ; (2008) 29 ILJ 1902 (LC) (3 March 2008)
- Dladla v Council of Mbombela Local Municipality and Another (J230/08) [2008] ZALC 22; (2008) 29 ILJ 1893 (LC) (25 February 2008)
- Dlala v Commissioner for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Another (P277/98) [1999] ZALC 19 (15 February 1999)
- Dlamini and Other v Sakota and Others (J 450/98) [1999] ZALC 58 (15 April 1999)
- Dlamini and Others v Green Four Security (LD671/03 , D671/2003) [2006] ZALC 4; [2006] 11 BLLR 1074 (LC); (2006) 27 ILJ 2098 (LC) (20 June 2006)
- Dlongolo v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR999/01) [2002] ZALC 124 (5 March 2002)
- Dolo v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 1655/07) [2010] ZALC 148; (2011) 32 ILJ 905 (LC) (19 October 2010)
- Donato v MEC for Health and WelfareLimpopo Province and Others (J507/03) [2003] ZALC 71; (2003) 24 ILJ 1682 (LC); [2003] 8 BLLR 750 (LC) (10 June 2003)
- Doornpoort Kwik Spar CC v Odendaal and Others (JR1453/06) [2007] ZALC 70; (2008) 29 ILJ 1019 (LC) (11 September 2007)
- Dos Santos and Other v Khuene Nagel SA (Pty) Ltd and Others (JR1549/02) [2003] ZALC 124 (3 March 2003)
- Douglas and Others v Gauteng MEC of Health (JS 736/06) [2008] ZALC 8; [2008] 5 BLLR 401 (LC) ; (2008) 29 ILJ 1499 (LC) (12 February 2008)
- Drake International v Raga and Another (P158/2000, P159/2000) [2000] ZALC 78 (11 August 2000)
- Driefontein Consolidated (Pty) Limited v CCMA (JR138/01) [2001] ZALC 173 (16 October 2001)
- Driver Brothers CC t/a Cargo Works v South African Transport and Allied Workers Union and Others (JR 302/10) [2010] ZALC 90 (18 March 2010)
- Du Plessis v Kaap Agri Bedryf Ltd (C168/2007) [2008] ZALC 128 (24 June 2008)
- Du Toit v Bloemfontein Municipality (J2088/99) [2001] ZALC 102 (9 July 2001)
- Du Toit v Free State Consolidated Gold Mine (Operations) Ltd (J901/98) [2001] ZALC 64 (30 April 2001)
- Duarte v Carrim (J617/98) [1998] ZALC 20 (4 June 1998)
- Dube v Ithala Development Bank Ltd (D 655/06) [2010] ZALC 82 (7 June 2010)
- Ducan Manufacturing v Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council and Others (P491/08) [2010] ZALC 131 (7 September 2010)
- Dudley v City of Cape Town and Another (C 828/2002) [2004] ZALC 1; [2004] 5 BLLR 413 (LC); (2004) 25 ILJ 305 (LC) (16 January 2004)
- Duiker Mining Ltd and Another v Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration and Others (JR 716/01) [2006] ZALC 124 (1 January 2006)
- Durand & Bowden (Pty) Ltd v Kleinot N.O and Others (JR 728/01) [2002] ZALC 116 (7 February 2002)
- Dyasi v Onderstepoort Biological Products Ltd and Others (J 1780/10) [2010] ZALC 205; [2011] 7 BLLR 671 (LC); (2011) 32 ILJ 1085 (LC) (16 November 2010)
- Dyasi v University of Limpopo and Others (J1747/06) [2007] ZALC 167 (14 March 2007)