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South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg
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South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg
>> South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg decisions beginning with V ...
South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg decisions beginning with V ...
V.K and Another v R.N (10978/2012) [2016] ZAKZPHC 98 (11 October 2016)
V.K v S (AR327/23) [2024] ZAKZPHC 73 (30 August 2024)
Valuline CC and Others v Minister of Labour and Others (5642/2011) [2013] ZAKZPHC 9; 2013 (5) BCLR 589 (KZP); [2013] 6 BLLR 614 (KZP); (2013) 34 ILJ 1404 (KZP); 2013 (4) SA 326 (KZP) (13 March 2013)
Van Biljon v S (Leave to Appeal) (AR 396/2010) [2012] ZAKZPHC 60 (17 September 2012)
Van Dijk v Van Dijk (AR 245/13) [2014] ZAKZPHC 5; 2014 (3) SA 1 (KZP) (7 February 2014)
Van Heerden v Picton and Others (3793/2020) [2021] ZAKZPHC 93 (19 November 2021)
Van Jaarsveld and Others v Strydom and Another (2813/2010) [2011] ZAKZPHC 47 (5 October 2011)
Van Neijeren N.O and Another v Vulintaba Country Estate Homeowners Association and Others (7422/2022P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 114 (17 October 2023)
Van Niekerk v S (AR41/14) [2014] ZAKZPHC 51 (14 October 2014)
Van Niekerk v Van Niekerk and Another (6361/10) [2010] ZAKZPHC 85; 2011 (2) SA 145 (KZP) ; [2011] 2 All SA 635 (KZP) (17 December 2010)
Van Rensburg v Joubert and Another (596/2023P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 107 (13 October 2023)
Van Straaten v Ottman and Others (10838/11) [2015] ZAKZPHC 17 (19 March 2015)
Van Zyl v Boat Lodge Investments CC & others (9417/2019P) [2021] ZAKZPHC 29 (31 May 2021)
Vather and Others v Road Accident Fund (AR 75/2010) [2011] ZAKZPHC 36 (30 August 2011)
VDN Carriers and Logistics CC v Gennao Logistics CC and Others (5539/2014P) [2021] ZAKZPHC 15 (18 February 2021)
VDN Carriers and Logistics CC v Gennao Logistics CC and Others (AR13/22) [2022] ZAKZPHC 73 (18 November 2022)
Venator Africa (Pty) Limited v Bekker and Another (8800/2021P) [2022] ZAKZPHC 50; [2022] 4 All SA 600 (KZP) (16 September 2022)
Versfeld v Gillow and Another (AR142/2022) [2023] ZAKZPHC 145 (29 September 2023)
Vetter v S (AR 264/11) [2012] ZAKZPHC 13 (13 March 2012)
Victoria Country Club Estate Master Homeowners Association NPC v Goosen and Others (2838/2019P) [2020] ZAKZPHC 46 (27 August 2020)
Visvanathan and Another v Provincial Department of Housing for the Province of Kwazulu-Natal and Another (11184/2008) [2009] ZAKZPHC 59 (18 September 2009)
Volkar N.O and Others v Big Sky Trading 219 CC and Another (12601/23) [2024] ZAKZPHC 9 (9 February 2024)
Volkar N.O and Others v Big Sky Trading 219 CC and Another (12601/23) [2024] ZAKZPHC 40 (24 April 2024)
Volker v Volker and Another (AR155/2020) [2021] ZAKZPHC 71 (3 March 2021)
Volkswagen Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Pillay (7330/2020P) [2022] ZAKZPHC 9; 2022 (5) SA 639 (KZP) (1 April 2022)
Voltex (Pty) Ltd v Chenzela CC and Others (14833/08) [2010] ZAKZPHC 36; 2010 (5) SA 267 (KZP) (19 March 2010)
Vorster N.O v Buthelezi and Others (10754/2022P) [2023] ZAKZPHC 109; [2023] 4 All SA 889 (KZP) (13 October 2023)
Vorster N.O v Buthelezi and Others (10754/2022P) [2024] ZAKZPHC 10 (16 February 2024)
Vundla v S (AR460/2015) [2016] ZAKZPHC 19 (23 February 2016)
Vusa-Isizwe Security (Pty) Ltd v HOD: KZN Provincial Government Department of Health and Others (8206/16P) [2016] ZAKZPHC 105 (29 November 2016)