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South Africa: High Courts - Kwazulu Natal
>> South Africa: High Courts - Kwazulu Natal decisions beginning with N ...
South Africa: High Courts - Kwazulu Natal decisions beginning with N ...
N3 Toll Concessions (Pty) Ltd v Nirghin's Transport Corporation CC presently known as Nirghin's Transport Proprietary Limited (7669/04) [2007] ZAKZHC 38 (11 December 2007)
Naidoo and Another v Moodley NO and Others (AR312/08) [2008] ZAKZHC 95 (12 December 2008)
Naidoo and Another v Naidoo and Others (5891/07) [2008] ZAKZHC 73 (29 September 2008)
Naidoo v Roberts and Another (2694/2007) [2008] ZAKZHC 54 (25 July 2008)
Naidoo v Sanbonani Express Freight and Another (7816/2007) [2008] ZAKZHC 9; 2008 (5) SA 530 (D); (19 February 2008)
Narot v 135 Smith Street Trust and Others (11969/2006) [2008] ZAKZHC 51 (31 July 2008)
National Director of Public Prosecution v Ncongwane and Others (84/04/01) [2005] ZAKZHC 5; 2005 (2) SACR 377 (N) (20 May 2005)
National Director of Public Prosecutions In Re Appeal (AR874/04) [2005] ZAKZHC 11; [2006] 1 All SA 304 (N); 2005 (2) SACR 610 (N) (25 August 2005)
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Mazibuko and Others (6552/05) [2007] ZAKZHC 39; 2008 (2) SACR 611 (N) (14 December 2007)
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Zuma (8652/08) [2008] ZAKZHC 77 (22 October 2008)
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Zuma and Others (13569/2006) [2007] ZAKZHC 4 (2 April 2007)
National Horse Racing Authority of Southern Africa v Naidoo and Another (AR 254/2008) [2009] ZAKZHC 7; 2010 (3) SA 182 (N) (23 February 2009)
National Horse Racing Authority of Southern Africa v Naidoo and Another (AR.254/08) [2009] ZAKZHC 6; 2010 (3) SA 182 (N) (23 February 2009)
Naugis Investments CC and Another v Kwazulu-Natal Tender Board and Others (161/2001) [2001] ZAKZHC 1 (18 December 2001)
Naval Servicos A Vanegcauo Limitada v Strang Rennies Metal Terminal (Pty) Limited (517/05) [2008] ZAKZHC 55 (10 July 2008)
Nedbank Limited v Chance and Others (496/2006) [2008] ZAKZHC 5; [2008] 2 All SA 367 (D); 2008 (4) SA 209 (D) (28 January 2008)
Nedbank Limited v Thorpe (7392/2007) [2008] ZAKZHC 72 (26 September 2008)
Ngcobo v Minister of Safety and Security (4327/06) [2008] ZAKZHC 24 (19 March 2008)
Ngcobo v Road Accident Fund (283/2003) [2007] ZAKZHC 46 (28 September 2007)
Ngema v Road Accident Fund (234/2005) [2008] ZAKZHC 98 (1 January 2008)
Ngubane v Road Accident Fund (1461/2004) [2007] ZAKZHC 41 (13 September 2007)
Njapha and Others v Govender (AR 516/06) [2008] ZAKZHC 13 (29 February 2008)
Nkosi v Vermark NO and Another (77/2007) [2008] ZAKZHC 83 (30 September 2008)
Nkwanyana and Others v Mbambo and Others (5756/2005) [2007] ZAKZHC 32; [2008] 1 All SA 375 (D) (9 November 2007)
Nofemela v Minister of Defence and Another (12670/07) [2008] ZAKZHC 96 (12 December 2008)
Nzame and Another v Minister of Safety and Security (9689/94) [2008] ZAKZHC 91 (25 September 2008)