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South Africa: High Courts - Kwazulu Natal
>> South Africa: High Courts - Kwazulu Natal decisions beginning with K ...
South Africa: High Courts - Kwazulu Natal decisions beginning with K ...
Kanescho Realtors (Pty) Limited v Maphumuloand Others , Chetty and Another v Thaver and Another ; Fisher Street Investments (Pty) Limited v Kabinakanwa ; Shamsha Investments (Pty) Limited v Khan (6725/05 , 7455/05 , 7540/05 , 7691/05) [2005] ZAKZHC 7; 2006 (5) SA 92 (D); [2005] 4 All SA 543 (D) (11 July 2005)
Kepko v Road Accident Fund (1701/04) [2008] ZAKZHC 93 (21 November 2008)
Khoza v Premier of Kwazulu-Natal and Others (8641/08) [2008] ZAKZHC 52 (15 July 2008)
Kingdom Caterers (KZN) (Pty) Ltd v Bid Appeals Tribunal and Others (8155/07) [2007] ZAKZHC 54 (11 October 2007)
Knopp No and Another v Standard Bank of SA Ltd (AR119/2008) [2009] ZAKZHC 12 (25 February 2009)
Kwazulu Natal Federated Insurance Guarantee Brokers (Pty) Ltd v Johannesburg Development Agency (Pty) Ltd (AR9/08) [2007] ZAKZHC 58 (1 January 2007)
Kwazulu- Natal Law Society v Moodley (7330/2007) [2009] ZAKZHC 8; [2009] 2 All SA 466 (N) (23 February 2009)
Kwazulu-Natal House of Traditional Leaders v Member of the Executive Council of the Province of Kwazulu- Natal for Local Government, Housing and Traditional Affairs and Another (10171/2008) [2008] ZAKZHC 63 (4 September 2008)
Kwazulu-Natal Law Society v Davey and Others (3406/2006) [2008] ZAKZHC 68; 2009 (2) SA 27 (N) (5 September 2008)