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South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban
>> South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban decisions beginning with P ...
South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban decisions beginning with P ...
P.A. Pearson (Pty) Ltd v Ethekwini Municipality and Others (13270/2012) [2015] ZAKZDHC 93; 2016 (4) SA 218 (KZD) (2 December 2015)
P.A.F v S.C.F (AR485/19) [2020] ZAKZDHC 42 (25 August 2020)
P.D and Another v A.R and Another (D779/2023) [2024] ZAKZDHC 27 (17 May 2024)
P.H obo S.H v MEC for Health for the Province of KwaZulu-Natal (11198/2016) [2020] ZAKZDHC 38; 2021 (1) SA 530 (KZD) (31 August 2020)
Pacific International Lines (PTE) Ltd v Capewinds Trading 33 CC (A45/2012) [2013] ZAKZDHC 50 (26 September 2013)
Padachie v Body Corporate of Crystal Cove and Others (6592/2016) [2017] ZAKZDHC 24 (15 June 2017)
Padayacee v Hussein and Another (9902/2018) [2019] ZAKZDHC 26 (1 November 2019)
Padayachee v Naidu and Others (613/2011) [2013] ZAKZDHC 10 (22 March 2013)
Paganelli and Another v Beisheim and Others (3087/2014) [2015] ZAKZDHC 19 (10 March 2015)
Palace Shareblock Ltd v Lavender Moon Trading 157 CC t/a the Copper Chimney (2088/2008) [2009] ZAKZDHC 41 (2 September 2009)
Palan v S (10571/2013) [2013] ZAKZDHC 60 (28 October 2013)
Pancoast Trading SA v Orient Shipping Rotterdam BV and Another (A253/2009) [2010] ZAKZDHC 7; 2010 (4) SA 369 (KZD) (16 February 2010)
Panday v Minister of Police and Others (12044/10) [2012] ZAKZDHC 20; 2012 (2) SACR 421 (KZD) (18 April 2012)
Panday v University of KwaZulu-Natal and Others (D8171/2019) [2021] ZAKZDHC 1 (8 January 2021)
Pansolutions Holdings Ltd v P & G General Dealer & Repairers CC (3624/2010) [2011] ZAKZDHC 9; 2011 (5) SA 608 (KZD) (16 February 2011)
Pareto Ltd v Tetrafull 1060 CC (8714/06) [2012] ZAKZDHC 90 (14 December 2012)
Parker v Standard Bank (AR218/15) [2016] ZAKZDHC 7 (10 February 2016)
Parshotam v Divine Life Society of South Africa and Others (D791/2021) [2023] ZAKZDHC 100 (22 December 2023)
Paruk N.O and Others v Commercial Properties (Pty) Ltd (10679/2012) [2018] ZAKZDHC 54 (11 October 2018)
Paruk N.O and Others v Commercial Properties (Pty) Ltd (10679/2012) [2021] ZAKZDHC 19 (18 June 2021)
Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa v Moollas Transport Services CC trading as My Bus African Grey and Others (D174/2022) [2024] ZAKZDHC 29 (21 May 2024)
Patel v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (4347/15) [2018] ZAKZDHC 17; 2018 (2) SACR 420 (KZD) (13 June 2018)
Patrick v Pillay (6736/2007) [2009] ZAKZDHC 24 (16 April 2009)
Pearce and Another v Pearce N.O and Another (D12149/2018) [2020] ZAKZDHC 33 (18 August 2020)
Pearce v Adrio (11645/2015) [2018] ZAKZDHC 53 (30 October 2018)
Peen N.O and Others v Westville Country Club (9308/2014) [2015] ZAKZDHC 59 (30 July 2015)
Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Limited and Another v Nexor 312 (Pty) Limited and Another (D3159/2019) [2022] ZAKZDHC 10 (28 February 2022)
Penta Shipping Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Nzenga Investments (Pty) Ltd and Another (2860/2011) [2011] ZAKZDHC 48 (2 November 2011)
Periamthambi v Gounden trading as Jessica Gounden and Associates (8590/2011) [2015] ZAKZDHC 47 (26 May 2015)
Periamthambi v Jessica Gounden t/a Jessica Gounden and Associates (8590/2011) [2015] ZAKZDHC 71 (9 September 2015)
Persadh v Ouderajh and Others (6396/2010) [2010] ZAKZDHC 59 (19 November 2010)
Persian v Wyles NO and Others (2403/2012, 1855/2012) [2012] ZAKZDHC 46 (10 August 2012)
Perumal v Ahmed Al-Kadi Private Hospital Ltd and Another (4172/2015) [2015] ZAKZDHC 57 (9 July 2015)
Perumal v Bayett and Another (14337/2007) [2009] ZAKZDHC 40 (31 August 2009)
Perumal v Ethekwini Municipality (7843/2009) [2016] ZAKZDHC 40 (2 November 2016)
Perumal v Songca and Others (D3715/2021) [2023] ZAKZDHC 42 (17 July 2023)
Peter and Another v Michau NO and Others (11070/2008) [2009] ZAKZDHC 30 (11 August 2009)
Peter v Perimal (467/2009) [2009] ZAKZDHC 71 (26 November 2009)
Petherbridge and Another v Westcott (11310/2006) [2012] ZAKZDHC 85 (19 December 2012)
PFC Food CC v Three Peaks Management (Pty) Ltd (5573/2009) [2012] ZAKZDHC 57 (10 September 2012)
PFE International Inc (BVI) and Others v Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (4663/10) [2010] ZAKZDHC 63; [2011] 2 All SA 617 (KZD) ; 2011 (4) SA 24 (KZD) (1 November 2010)
Pfotenhauer v Butcher and Others (3497/14) [2014] ZAKZDHC 38 (19 September 2014)
Pharo v Futter and Another (1206/2016) [2017] ZAKZDHC 11; 2018 (2) SACR 192 (KZD) (20 March 2017)
Pick n Pay Retailers (Pty) Ltd v Abdoola and Another (D8121/2022) [2024] ZAKZDHC 11 (11 March 2024)
Pick n Pay Retailers (Pty) Ltd v Pine Valley Supermarket (Pty) Ltd (8209/2014) [2015] ZAKZDHC 27 (20 March 2015)
Piercey v EThekwini Municipality and Others (16709/2009) [2016] ZAKZDHC 28 (12 August 2016)
Pillay and Another v Bisnath and Others (6793/2010) [2011] ZAKZDHC 83 (14 December 2011)
Pillay and Another v Moonsamy and Another (D6707/21) [2024] ZAKZDHC 35 (5 June 2024)
Pillay and Another v Pillay and Others (10874/2008) [2010] ZAKZDHC 52 (2 February 2010)
Pillay and Another v Pillay and Others (10874/2008) [2010] ZAKZDHC 53 (2 February 2010)
Pillay and Another v Pillay and Others (10874/2008) [2010] ZAKZDHC 81 (2 February 2010)
Pillay N.O and Another v Reddy and Others (10717/15) [2016] ZAKZDHC 57 (14 December 2016)
Pillay v Discovery Health (Pty) Limited and Another (8926/2018) [2023] ZAKZDHC 44 (19 July 2023)
Pillay v Huntrex 302 (Pty) Ltd and Others (D5094/2020) [2021] ZAKZDHC 40 (17 August 2021)
Pillay v Master of High Court, Durban and Another (5663/2016) [2017] ZAKZDHC 20 (26 April 2017)
Pillay v Misty Blue Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (D5095/2020) [2021] ZAKZDHC 38 (17 August 2021)
Pillay v Personify Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (D5093/2020) [2021] ZAKZDHC 39 (17 August 2021)
Pillay v Personify Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (D5093/2020; D5094/2020; D5095/2020; D5622/2020; D5623/2020; D5624/2020; D3036/2021) [2021] ZAKZDHC 41 (29 June 2021)
Pillay v Pillay (7331/1993) [2009] ZAKZDHC 63 (5 November 2009)
Pillay v S (10802/2024) [2024] ZAKZDHC 70 (16 October 2024)
Pinfold v Edge to Edge Global Investments Ltd (8744/13) [2013] ZAKZDHC 52; 2014 (1) SA 206 (KZD) (27 September 2013)
Pinnacle Micro Proprietary Limited v Govender (D12090/2022; D12091/2022) [2024] ZAKZDHC 23 (14 May 2024)
Pintado Trading 800 (Pty) Ltd v Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd (5866/2009) [2010] ZAKZDHC 22 (1 June 2010)
Pipe Makers (Pty) Ltd v Sash Consultants CC and Another (14185/08) [2009] ZAKZDHC 18 (5 June 2009)
Plaus Shipping Ltd v Due Srl (A112/2011) [2011] ZAKZDHC 52 (25 November 2011)
PLG Schools (Ballito Academy) v KwaDukuza Municipality (13896/2014) [2015] ZAKZDHC 91 (22 December 2015)
Plumb on Plumbers v Lauderdale and Another (8331/12) [2012] ZAKZDHC 62; 2013 (1) SA 60 (KZD) (15 October 2012)
Poledor Timveos v Ethekwini Municipality and others (D9680/2019) [2021] ZAKZDHC 9 (24 March 2021)
Posthumous v First National Bank Ltd and Others (7773/2011) [2011] ZAKZDHC 35 (29 July 2011)
Potwana v University of KwaZulu Natal (5347/2012) [2014] ZAKZDHC 69 (24 January 2014)
PPD Engineering & Hardware Suppliers CC v eThekwini Municipality (4880/12) [2012] ZAKZDHC 41 (6 July 2012)
Proflour (Pty) Ltd and Another v Grindrod Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Atlas Trading and Shipping and Another (14397/2009) [2009] ZAKZDHC 75; [2010] 2 All SA 510 (KZD) (15 December 2009)
Promed Technologies (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services (Customs and Excise) (D806/22) [2023] ZAKZDHC 27 (26 May 2023)
PSG Konsult Financial Planning (Pty) Ltd v Ballack and Another (12506/2010) [2010] ZAKZDHC 57 (12 November 2010)
Puma SE v Ham Trading Enterprise CC and Others (9366/2017) [2018] ZAKZDHC 42 (24 August 2018)
Putini v Edumbe Municipality (11700/2011) [2012] ZAKZDHC 26 (15 May 2012)