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South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban
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South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban
>> South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban decisions beginning with J ...
South Africa: Kwazulu-Natal High Court, Durban decisions beginning with J ...
J & H Building Supplies CC v Masiqhame Trading 379 CC and Another (10313/2012) [2016] ZAKZDHC 10 (15 March 2016)
J.C.A v Minister of Safety and Security (3771/2007) [2023] ZAKZDHC 101 (12 September 2023)
J.M v K.M (2771/2012) [2018] ZAKZDHC 38 (31 July 2018)
J.P v J.M.C and Another (14057/2014) [2015] ZAKZDHC 73; [2016] 1 All SA 794 (KZD) (18 September 2015)
Jacobs and Another v Garlicke and Bousfield Inc and Others (1340/2011) [2023] ZAKZDHC 66 (13 September 2023)
Jacobs and Others v Minister of Transport and Others (7087/2014) [2016] ZAKZDHC 9 (11 February 2016)
Jazira Holdings Ltd v Wonderflooring (Pty) Ltd and Others (2277/09) [2015] ZAKZDHC 61 (12 August 2015)
Jeany Industrial Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Zungu-Elgin Engineering (Pty) Ltd (D4936/18) [2019] ZAKZDHC 38; 2020 (2) SA 504 (KZD) (30 July 2019)
Jeevan's Property Investment (Pty) Ltd v Reunion Cash and Carry CC (13342/2015) [2016] ZAKZDHC 48 (25 November 2016)
Jesse v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development NO and Others (15349/2010) [2011] ZAKZDHC 73 (18 October 2011)
Jicama 194 (Pty) Ltd v Lotter NO and Another, Allan NO and Others v Lotter NO and Another (6094/2007, 6095/2007) [2011] ZAKZDHC 81 (6 December 2011)
JJ and Electrical Construction (Pty) Ltd and Another v Home Investment 560 (Pty) Ltd and Another (D27/2023) [2023] ZAKZDHC 37 (27 June 2023)
JMV Textiles (Pty) Ltd v De Chalain Spareinvest 14 CC and Others (15136/09) [2010] ZAKZDHC 34; 2010 (6) SA 173 (KZD) ; [2011] 1 All SA 318 (KZD) (20 August 2010)
John and Another v Persad and Others (6348/07) [2009] ZAKZDHC 12 (6 May 2009)
Jordaan v Marquee Tent and Tarpaulin (8526/12) [2017] ZAKZDHC 34 (6 June 2017)
JVJ Logistics (Pty) Ltd v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and Others (7076/2015) [2016] ZAKZDHC 24; [2016] 3 All SA 813 (KZD); 2016 (6) SA 448 (KZD) (22 July 2016)