South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng
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South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng decisions beginning with N ...
South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng decisions beginning with N ...
- Nader v Grobler (4692/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 177 (26 April 2006)
- Naicker v Road Accident Fund (13024/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 188 (11 September 2007)
- Naidoo NO Grace Naidoo Family Trust and Another v Old Town Investment 69 CC (2000/056726/23) and Others (06/6258) [2008] ZAGPHC 161 (6 June 2008)
- Nair v Chandler (13650/06) [2006] ZAGPHC 68; 2007 (1) SA 44 (T) (19 July 2006)
- Narandren v Du Preez (EC 001/03) [2005] ZAGPHC 357 (29 March 2005)
- Nasionale Aartappel Kooperasie Beperk v Price Waterhouse Coopers Incorporated and Others (33297/1999) [2008] ZAGPHC 168 (3 June 2008)
- Nasionale Aartappel Kooperasie Beperk v Price Waterhouse Coopers Incorporated en Andere (33297/1999) [2009] ZAGPHC 33 (20 February 2009)
- Natal Bookmakers Society Co Ltd v Chairman of the Gauteng Gambling Board and Another (18592/2004) [2005] ZAGPHC 347 (24 November 2005)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions In Re: BMW328I and other items, Ex parte (15083/200) [2005] ZAGPHC 177 (15 March 2005)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Cole and Others (2001/20903) [2004] ZAGPHC 13; 2005 (2) SACR 553 (W); [2004] 3 All SA 745 (W) (11 August 2004)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Fangyun and Others (62/03/01) [2004] ZAGPHC 27 (7 April 2004)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Gerber and Another (15615/04) [2006] ZAGPHC 102; 2007 (1) SA 512 (W); [2007] 2 All SA 639 (W); 2007 (1) SACR 384 (W) (17 November 2006)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Hlongwa, National Director of Public Prosecutions v Nkosi and Others (7968/04 , 7970/04) [2006] ZAGPHC 16; [2006] 2 All SA 486 (T) (17 February 2006)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v In Re: An Application for the Issuing of a Letter of Request in terms of Section 2(2) of the International Co-operaion in Criminal Matters Act No 75 of 1996, Ex Parte (71/07/01) [2007] ZAGPHC 197 (14 September 2007)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Kochnelbantjes & Partners (Pty) Ltd and Others (34767/08) [2008] ZAGPHC 303 (26 August 2008)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Letshwalo (11783/2003) [2005] ZAGPHC 251 (23 May 2005)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Naidoo and Others (34752/2019) [2006] ZAGPHC 30; 2006 (2) SACR 403 (T) (10 April 2006)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Pelser and Others (35056/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 227 (16 August 2006)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v R O Cook Properties (Pty) Ltd (15738/01) [2002] ZAGPHC 27 (13 September 2002)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Tam and Others (2002/15441) [2006] ZAGPHC 59 (7 June 2006)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Van Zyl and Others (39358/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 154 (3 June 2008)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Vermaak (33729/2004) [2006] ZAGPHC 194 (12 May 2006)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Walsh and Others (5201/07) [2008] ZAGPHC 398 (19 November 2008)
- National Director of Public Prosecutions v Zhong (A5050/04) [2005] ZAGPHC 47; 2005 (2) SACR 544 (W) (20 April 2005)
- National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) v Botes NO and Others (18094/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 301 (20 August 2008)
- National Home Builders Registration Council v Van Rooyen and Others (11273/2006) [2006] ZAGPHC 170 (20 April 2006)
- National Lotteries Board v Bruss NO and Others (13046/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 268 (2 November 2007)
- National Lotteries Board v Firstrand Bank Limited (37196/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 106 (15 December 2006)
- National Potato Co-Operative v Price Waterhouse Coopers Inc and Others (33297/1999) [2009] ZAGPHC 38 (27 February 2009)
- National Tertiary Retirement Fund v Sithole NO and Another (4150/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 62 (6 February 2008)
- National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and Others v Master of the High Court Transvaal Provincial Division and Others (11054/04) [2006] ZAGPHC 190 (11 May 2006)
- Natural Corp Protection (Pty) Ltd and Others v Sumitomo Chemicals Company Ltd and Another (25427/2005) [2007] ZAGPHC 207 (14 September 2007)
- Ndaba v Ndaba (4826/2004) [2005] ZAGPHC 305 (16 August 2005)
- Ndhlovu v Minister of Safety and Security (34537/07) [2008] ZAGPHC 336 (27 October 2008)
- Ndlovu and Others v Liberty Properties (Pty) Ltd and Another (21564/01) [2002] ZAGPHC 19 (16 April 2002)
- Ndulini v S (A.195/99) [2000] ZAGPHC 14 (8 May 2000)
- Nedbank Beperk v Van Der Hoffweg Motors (Edms) Bpk en Andere (20023/97) [2008] ZAGPHC 386 (28 November 2008)
- Nedbank Limited and Another v Hillcrest Village (Pty) Ltd and Another In re: Hillcrest Village (Pty) Ltd and Another v Waterkloofs Pruitprojects (Pty) Ltd and Others (4741/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 239 (6 June 2008)
- Nedbank Limited v Gani, Nedbank Limited v Gani (28028/2005, 28601/2005) [2006] ZAGPHC 151 (31 January 2006)
- Nedbank Limited v Geldenhuys and Another (13509/2005) [2005] ZAGPHC 286 (27 July 2005)
- Nedbank Limited v Migolie Investments CC (37161/2005) [2007] ZAGPHC 6 (12 February 2007)
- Nedbank Limited v Mortinson (4183/05) [2005] ZAGPHC 85; [2006] 2 All SA 506 (W); 2005 (6) SA 462 (W) (23 August 2005)
- Nedbank Ltd v Mashiya and Another (35124/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 29; 2006 (4) SA 422 (T) (31 March 2006)
- Nedbank Ltd v Master of the High Court (Witwatersrand Local Division) and Others (5619/08) [2008] ZAGPHC 216 (18 July 2008)
- Nedbank Ltd v Mateman and Another, Nedbank Ltd v Stringer and Another (36472/2007, 37792/2007) [2007] ZAGPHC 295; 2008 (4) SA 276 (T); [2008] 1 All SA 593 (T) (7 December 2007)
- Nedbank Ltd v Moffett and Others (12877/02) [2005] ZAGPHC 222 (22 April 2005)
- Nedbank Ltd v Motaung (22445 / 07) [2007] ZAGPHC 367 (14 November 2007)
- Nedbank Ltd v Petch Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd and Others (26125/04) [2007] ZAGPHC 303 (26 November 2007)
- Nedcor Bank Limited v Boulbigh 224 CC (15078/98) [1998] ZAGPHC 4 (19 August 1998)
- Nedcor Bank Limited v Machete and Others (34749/20065) [2007] ZAGPHC 253 (2 November 2007)
- Nel v Baloyi (26808/02) [2005] ZAGPHC 280 (27 June 2005)
- Nel v Nel (937/2005) [2008] ZAGPHC 190 (12 May 2008)
- Nel v Road Accident Fund (13322/03) [2007] ZAGPHC 108 (20 June 2007)
- Nell v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another (410/2006) [2006] ZAGPHC 265; [2006] 7 BLLR 716 (T); (2006) 27 ILJ 2063 (T) (2 February 2006)
- Nelson v Road Accident Fund (25209/2003) [2005] ZAGPHC 325 (23 September 2005)
- Nethathe v Lukoto (17354/05 , 17354/05) [2005] ZAGPHC 79; 2007 (3) SA 569 (T) (4 August 2005)
- New Heights 326 (Pty) Ltd v George Bousentrum (Pty) Ltd (43659/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 72 (7 March 2008)
- New Reclamation Group (Pty) Limited v Eskom Holdings Ltd (07/27391) [2008] ZAGPHC 138 (14 May 2008)
- New Seasons Auto Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Ex Parte (08/8143) [2008] ZAGPHC 91; 2008 (4) SA 341 (W) (31 March 2008)
- New Smal Construction Company (Pty) Ltd v Goodwin (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (01/14116) [2004] ZAGPHC 14 (20 August 2004)
- New Smal Construction Company (Pty) Ltd v Goodwin (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (14116/01) [2004] ZAGPHC 30 (11 August 2004)
- Nextcom Cellular (Pty) Ltd v Funde NO and Others (8734/2000) [2000] ZAGPHC 34 (28 July 2000)
- Ngcobo v Torre and Others (8275/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 390 (4 December 2008)
- Ngobeni v Ngobeni (24844/03) [2005] ZAGPHC 53 (12 May 2005)
- Ngobeni v Ngobeni (39972/05) [2008] ZAGPHC 45 (20 February 2008)
- Ngoyingoho v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (3829/08) [2008] ZAGPHC 90 (27 March 2008)
- Ngwenya In Re: Ngwenya v Society of Advocates (Pretoria) and Another (3454/05), Ex parte [2005] ZAGPHC 2; 2006 (2) SA 88 (W) (14 October 2005)
- Ngwenya t/a Ngwenya Construction v Nkangala District – Municipality (19743/2002) [2008] ZAGPHC 350 (8 October 2008)
- Niemann v Road Accident Fund (5646/03) [2006] ZAGPHC 13 (10 February 2006)
- Nilsen v Vodacom Services Provider Company (Pty) Ltd and Another (60/06/01) [2008] ZAGPHC 18 (29 January 2008)
- Ninham Shand (Pty) Limted v Municipal Manager City of Matlosana and Others (25911/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 113 (25 April 2008)
- Nkabinde v Sheriff of the Magistrate's Court Kwa-Mhlanga and Another (14991/2004) [2005] ZAGPHC 216 (19 April 2005)
- Nkadimeng and Others v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (32709/07) [2008] ZAGPHC 422 (12 December 2008)
- Nkadimeng v Venter NO and Others (17571/2004) [2008] ZAGPHC 221 (2 June 2008)
- Nkhwashu v Nkhwashu N.O. (A1228/06) [2008] ZAGPHC 382 (16 October 2008)
- Nkomo v Gauteng Provincial Liquor Board (19469/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 194 (11 September 2007)
- Nkomo v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (40431/2005) [2008] ZAGPHC 388 (11 November 2008)
- Nkosi v Moatla Investments Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Another (1252/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 333 (30 November 2007)
- Nkosi v Road Accident Fund (10465/2005) [2008] ZAGPHC 57 (27 February 2008)
- Nkuma v Firstrand Bank Ltd and Another (37318/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 256 (2 November 2007)
- NLA International Holdings (Pty) (Ltd) v Thorpe Properties (Pty) Ltd and Others (08/21764) [2008] ZAGPHC 433 (1 January 2008)
- NM and Others v Smith and Others (24948/02) [2005] ZAGPHC 54; [2005] 3 All SA 457 (W) (13 May 2005)
- NM and Others v Smith and Others (24948/02) [2005] ZAGPHC 134 (19 May 2005)
- NM and Others v Smith and Others (24948/02) [2005] ZAGPHC 133 (22 August 2005)
- Nongovu v Road Accident Fund (12629/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 78; 2007 (1) SA 59 (T) (21 August 2006)
- Nordbak (Pty) Ltd v Wearcon and Others (43028/08) [2009] ZAGPHC 40 (12 February 2009)
- Norval NO v Square One Power Solutions (Pty) Ltd (24831/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 41 (2 May 2006)
- Nsele v National Commissioner of the South African Police Services and Another (33523/2004) [2007] ZAGPHC 94 (31 January 2007)
- Ntisa and Another v S (A.597/99) [2000] ZAGPHC 12 (28 April 2000)
- Ntombela and Another v Baramall (Pty) Ltd (07/13808) [2007] ZAGPHC 260 (4 July 2007)
- Ntuli v Leong and Another (2007/8744) [2007] ZAGPHC 289 (27 November 2007)
- Nu- Vita Stationaty Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd v Mafumadi and Others (29635/2000) [2005] ZAGPHC 287 (27 July 2005)
- Nu-Angle Medical (Proprietary) Limited and Another v Coloplast A/S and Another (35345/08) [2009] ZAGPHC 59 (26 February 2009)
- Nutt v Health Professions Council of South Africa and Another (19375/2004) [2005] ZAGPHC 241 (11 May 2005)
- Nyandeni v Road Accident Fund (06/26259) [2007] ZAGPHC 290 (27 November 2007)
- Nyathi v Member of the Executive Council for the Department of Health, Gauteng and Another (26014/2005) [2007] ZAGPHC 16 (30 March 2007)
- Nzima and Others v S (A1089/99) [1999] ZAGPHC 11 (1 December 1999)
- Nzima v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (99/22973) [1999] ZAGPHC 10 (29 September 1999)