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South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng decisions beginning with L ...
L G Electronics SA (Pty Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (28562/07) [2009] ZAGPHC 12; 71 SATC 275 (30 January 2009)
La Chemise Lacoste v Rong Tai Trading CC (36037/2003) [2007] ZAGPHC 27 (13 April 2007)
LA Group Limited and Another v B & J Meltz (Pty) Limited and Others (2672/04) [2005] ZAGPHC 23 (23 February 2005)
Laco Parts (Pty) Limited t/a Aca Clutch v Turners Shipping (Pty) Limited (A5016/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 200; 2008 (1) SA 279 (W) (15 May 2007)
Lacoste SA (Formerly La Chemis La Coste) v Long Chang Trading CC (29835/05) [2008] ZAGPHC 292 (3 October 2008)
Lamula Partnership v Masingita Group (Pty) Limited and Another (07/22367) [2008] ZAGPHC 40; [2008] 2 All SA 650 (W) (18 February 2008)
Lancino Financial Investments and Another v Benett and Another (4664/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 30 (17 April 2007)
Land & Landbou Ontwikkelingsbank van SA h/a Die Landbank v Van Der Merwe en 'n Ander (18328/02) [2007] ZAGPHC 143 (3 August 2007)
Langeveld v Union Finance Holdings (Pty) Ltd (A3040/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 3; 2007 (4) SA 572 (W) (1 February 2007)
Lanngenveldt v Horn NO and Others (27302/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 318 (20 November 2007)
Lanseria International Airport (Pty) Ltd v Imperial Bank Ltd (15860/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 25 (13 April 2007)
Laubscher v Saaiman and Another (5158/99) [2005] ZAGPHC 33 (24 March 2005)
Law Society of the Northern Province v Reinecke (37823/06) [2008] ZAGPHC 218 (18 July 2008)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces (Incorporated as the Law Society of the Transvaal v Mafisa (5232/2005) [2007] ZAGPHC 34 (19 April 2007)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces (Incorporated as the Law Society of the Transvaal) v Mahlangu and Others (20901/2003) [2005] ZAGPHC 343 (22 November 2005)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces [Incorporated as the Law Society of the Transvaal] v Goosen and Others (17289/04) [2009] ZAGPHC 5 (23 January 2009)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Mantsha (21706/2003) [2007] ZAGPHC 132 (25 July 2007)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Molefe (12781/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 84 (30 April 2007)
Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Setshogoe (5273/2005) [2009] ZAGPHC 19 (5 February 2009)
Law v Massimo [2006] ZAGPHC 251; 39/06/01 (21 April 2006)
Lazarides v Chairman of the FIrearms Appeal Board and Others (14963/2004) [2005] ZAGPHC 221; [2006] 1 All SA 396 (T) (22 April 2005)
Lazarides v Chairman of the Firearms Appeal Board and Others (A1385/05) [2007] ZAGPHC 155; [2008] 2 All SA 81 (T) (22 August 2007)
Le Roux and Others v Honourable Magistrate and Others (16013/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 63 (22 June 2006)
Le Roux en Andere v Padongelukkefonds en 'n Ander (26982/2003) [2006] ZAGPHC 230 (18 August 2006)
Leas t/a Build4You v Van Kerckhoven and Another (28811/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 159 (4 June 2008)
Ledwaba v NTT Toyota Groblersdal and Another (12464/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 151 (3 June 2008)
Legoale and Others v Legoale and Others (14206/03) [2005] ZAGPHC 49 (29 April 2005)
Leib v 18 Bezuidenhout Street, Bellevue CC [2006] ZAGPHC 247; 21493/04 (9 February 2006)
Leigh v Leilou Mining Supplies CC and Another (9568/2007) [2007] ZAGPHC 136 (16 August 2007)
Lejay Mining Supplies BK v Brits (19804/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 149 (2 June 2008)
Lekoane NO and Another v Joubert (48240/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 267 (26 August 2008)
Lemottee v Marais [2007] ZAGPHC 378; 59/06/01 (28 February 2007)
Lench and Another v Cohen and Another (A5009/05) [2005] ZAGPHC 116; 2006 (2) SA 99 (W) (10 November 2005)
Lepogo Construction (Pty) Limited v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (16118/05) [2005] ZAGPHC 62 (6 June 2005)
Letseng Diamonds Limited v JCI Limited and Others (21525/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 119; 2007 (5) SA 564 (W) (28 June 2007)
Lezmin 3509 CC v Hollard Insurance Company Limited (2006/17657) [2007] ZAGPHC 271; [2008] 1 All SA 466 (W) (9 November 2007)
Liebenberg v Strydom en 'n Ander (35093/2003) [2005] ZAGPHC 346 (24 November 2005)
Limpopo Medi-Clinic v MEC for Health and Welfare Limpopo Provincial Government and Others (38008/06) [2008] ZAGPHC 83 (21 February 2008)
Lingwood and Another v Unlawful Occupiers of R/E of ERF 9 Highlands (2006/16243) [2007] ZAGPHC 231; 2008 (3) BCLR 325 (W) (16 October 2007)
Liquidators of Tradefirm 195 (Pty) Ltd v Kroons Gourmet Chickens (Pty) Ltd (4945/2007) [2007] ZAGPHC 334 (30 November 2007)
Lishwa Constructions CC v Hard Property Development Group [2005] ZAGPHC 371; 92/05/01 (17 August 2005)
Litha v Madonsela and Others (12369/05) [2005] ZAGPHC 106; (2006) 27 ILJ 780 (W) (6 October 2005)
Lloyds of London and Another v De Sousa Alho and Others (A1182/04) [2005] ZAGPHC 60 (25 May 2005)
Lochner v Heuwelkor Sewentien (Pty) Ltd and Others (16278/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 110 (20 June 2007)
Lokasia Environmental Consulting (Edms) Bpk v Projex Afrised (Edms) Bpk and Another (31108/06) [2007] ZAGPHC 81 (20 February 2007)
Lombaard v Minister of Correctional Services and Others; Du Toit v Minister of Correctional Services and Others; Pistorius v Minister of Correctional Services and Others (20371/2008, 21400/2008 , 38209A/2008) [2008] ZAGPHC 351 (10 June 2008)
Londoloza Forestry Consortium (Pty) Ltd and Another v South African Forestry Company Limited and Others (28738/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 195 (12 May 2008)
Lone Creek River Lodge (Pty) Ltd and Others v Global Forest Products (Pty) Ltd and Others (16994/2005) [2007] ZAGPHC 307 (6 November 2007)
Loots v E Brink Ingelyf (4199/03) [2006] ZAGPHC 35 (24 April 2006)
Lotter and Another v Roos and Another (54967/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 153 (3 June 2008)
Lourens v Baisch Engineering (Pty) Ltd (14995/2004) [2005] ZAGPHC 344; [2006] 5 BLLR 518 (T); (2006) 27 ILJ 1420 (T) (22 November 2005)
Louw and Another v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (8835/03) [2004] ZAGPHC 9; 2006 (2) SACR 178 (T) (6 December 2004)
Luiters v Minister of Safety and Security and Another (5159/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 173 (19 June 2008)
Lukhele v Metrorail (A5041/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 332 (24 October 2008)
Lumumba v Refugee Appeal Board and Others (17170/2006) [2007] ZAGPHC 218 (21 September 2007)
Lurco Trading 189 (Pty) Ltd v Local Municipalitiy of Madibeng (55329/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 211 (4 July 2008)
Lurgi South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Lurgi Environment (Pty) Ltd and Others (17743/05) [2007] ZAGPHC 144 (3 August 2007)
Lynn & Main Incorporated v Kruger and Others (2000/23938) [2007] ZAGPHC 342 (11 October 2007)
Lynn and Main Incorporated v Blumenthal (00007/07) [2008] ZAGPHC 490 (17 March 2008)