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South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng
>> South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng decisions beginning with H ...
South Africa: High Courts - Gauteng decisions beginning with H ...
H v H (35849/2005) [2005] ZAGPHC 341 (21 November 2005)
Hagerdreyer en Andere v James en Andere (2005/38627) [2006] ZAGPHC 226 (11 August 2006)
Hall v Hollard Insurance Company Ltd [2007] ZAGPHC 385; 00/06/01 (10 September 2007)
Hanekom v Hanekom (313/2007) [2008] ZAGPHC 302 (28 August 2008)
Harris v Office of the Presidency, Harris v Mpumalanga Parks Board; Harris v Esterhuizen; Harris v Du Toit-Smuts and Another; Harris v Absa Bank (27876/04, 27878/04, 27879/04,27880/04, 27881/04) [2006] ZAGPHC 150 (31 January 2006)
Hasset v Koop De Vries Stryger (27230/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 266 (26 August 2008)
Hatang v Road Accident Fund (28858/2003) [2005] ZAGPHC 276 (15 June 2005)
Hawker Air (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) v Carmel Trading Co Ltd and Another (6530/2008) [2008] ZAGPHC 64 (18 February 2008)
Hazyview Associated Wholesalers CC and Another v Twin City Development (Pty) Ltd (18951/01) [2005] ZAGPHC 51 (10 May 2005)
Headland v Global East Resorts (Pty) Ltd and Others [2007] ZAGPHC 382; 10441/05 (9 May 2007)
Hendricks v Thomson (34519/2008) [2008] ZAGPHC 276 (2 September 2008)
Hentieshelf 106 CC v M & I Family Investments (Pty) Limited (07/141543) [2007] ZAGPHC 264 (3 October 2007)
Hentru Developers & Contractors CC v Hanekom NO and Another (35154/2003) [2005] ZAGPHC 322 (21 September 2005)
Hepburn v Miller (15732/07) [2007] ZAGPHC 301 (19 December 2007)
Hess v Hess (A3062/2007) [2007] ZAGPHC 266 (12 October 2007)
Higgo v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (23759/03) [2008] ZAGPHC 419 (30 January 2008)
Higgs v Carson Holdings Limited and Another (12480/03) [2004] ZAGPHC 28 (5 April 2004)
High School Ermelo and Another v Head of Department Mpumalanga Department of Education and Others (3062/2007) [2007] ZAGPHC 232 (17 October 2007)
High School Ermelo and Another v Head of the Department Mpumalanga Department of Education and Others (30627/07) [2007] ZAGPHC 165; [2008] 1 All SA 139 (T) (29 August 2007)
Hillcrest Village (Pty) Ltd and Another v Nedbank Limited and Others (1012/07) [2008] ZAGPHC 134 (29 April 2008)
Hillcrest Village (Pty) Ltd and Another v Waterkloofspruitprojects (Pty) Ltd and Others (4741/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 133 (29 April 2008)
Hilti (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd v Vodacom Services Provider Company (Pty) Ltd and Another (20829/02) [2006] ZAGPHC 91 (8 September 2006)
Hlaka and Others v Minister of Safety and Security (12911/2005) [2008] ZAGPHC 175 (19 June 2008)
Hlomane v Hlomane (15690/0) [2002] ZAGPHC 35 (31 October 2002)
Hlophe v Constitutional Court of South Africa and Others (08/22932) [2008] ZAGPHC 289 (25 September 2008)
Hoffman v Lee (4086/06) [2008] ZAGPHC 307 (22 August 2008)
Hollard Insurance Company Limited v Hall [2008] ZAGPHC 442; 00/06/01 (8 September 2008)
Holley v Auto & General Insurance Company Limited (04/31731) [2007] ZAGPHC 282 (1 October 2007)
Holtzhausen v Holtzhausen (A133/07) [2008] ZAGPHC 387 (3 December 2008)
Homefront Trading 2 BK and Another v Palm (13538/07) [2007] ZAGPHC 32 (18 April 2007)
Hoƫrschool Ermelo en 'n Ander v Departement van Onderwys en Ander (3062/07) [2007] ZAGPHC 4 (2 February 2007)
HT De Jager Properties CC v National Home Builders Registration Council (30954/2006) [2008] ZAGPHC 315 (1 February 2008)
HTF Developers (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others (24371/05) [2006] ZAGPHC 132; 2006 (5) SA 512 (T) (28 March 2006)
Huang v Du and Others (22577/2007) [2007] ZAGPHC 246 (29 October 2007)
Hudaco Trading (Pty) Ltd v Green and Another (08/20735) [2008] ZAGPHC 487 (22 October 2008)
Huntleigh Hejsani Duncan Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd v Hejsani Wagner Investments CC (17588/04) [2005] ZAGPHC 25 (4 March 2005)
Hydromulch (Pty) Ltd and Another v Thabakgolo Landscaping (Pty) Ltd (8274/04) [2005] ZAGPHC 316 (26 August 2005)
Hygrotech Saad (Edms) Bpk v Fourie (A1998/2002) [2005] ZAGPHC 231 (8 April 2005)
Hyperception Properties 98 CC and Others v Radebe (36850/05) [2005] ZAGPHC 260 (1 June 2005)
Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd v Hyundai Plant and Equipment (Pty) Ltd (2003/7707) [2006] ZAGPHC 120 (31 October 2006)