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South Africa: Financial Service Tribunal
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South Africa: Financial Service Tribunal
>> South Africa: Financial Service Tribunal decisions beginning with C ...
South Africa: Financial Service Tribunal decisions beginning with C ...
Cahi v Momentum Consult (Pty) Ltd t.a Consult By Momentum (FSP20/2022) [2022] ZAFST 150 (9 December 2022)
Caple v Scott-Kohler CC t/a Risk Sure Insurance Brokers and Another (FSP1/2023) [2023] ZAFST 46 (24 April 2023)
CAPO Traders (Pty) Ltd v Pension Funds Adjudicator and Another (PFA7/2022) [2022] ZAFST 62 (18 June 2022)
Carlbank Mining Contracts (Pty) Ltd v Ndlovu and Others (PFA56/2021) [2021] ZAFST 47 (4 October 2021)
Carwardine v Financial Sector Conduct Authority (A20/2022) [2022] ZAFST 49 (13 June 2022)
Castro v Scheepers and Another (FAB 149/2020) [2021] ZAFST 43 (27 September 2021)
Chaane and Another v NBC Holdings (Pty) Ltd (FSP 56/2020) [2022] ZAFST 96 (13 October 2022)
Channe and Another v NBC Holdings (Pty) Ltd (FSP10/2020) [2020] ZAFST 75 (12 May 2020)
Chauke v Clicks Group Negotiated And NMG Consultants (Pty) Ltd and Another (PFA31/2022) [2022] ZAFST 85 (30 August 2022)
Chipane v King Price Insurance Company Limited (FSP68/2023) [2024] ZAFST 19 (21 February 2024)
Chissano v Metal Industries Provident Fund and Another (PFA13/2023) [2023] ZAFST 79 (22 June 2023)
Chubb Insurance South Africa Limited v Financial Sector Conduct Authority (A8/2020) [2020] ZAFST 85 (29 June 2020)
Cillie v OMBUD for Financial Services Providers and Others (FAB17/2019) [2019] ZAFST 13 (5 December 2019)
Citibank, N.A v Financial Sector Conduct Authority (A22/2023) [2023] ZAFST 125 (26 September 2023)
Civa Risk Solutions (Pty) Ltd v Mathebula and Others (PFA15/2022) [2022] ZAFST 80 (15 August 2022)
Coetzer v De Beer and Another (FAB52/2019) [2020] ZAFST 42 (14 January 2020)
Consilium Capital (SA) (Pty) Ltd Pension Fund v Financial Sector Conduct Authority (A44/2020) [2020] ZAFST 12 (25 November 2020)
Corwil Investments Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Investec Securities (Pty) Ltd and Another (JSE2/2021) [2021] ZAFST 155 (23 February 2021)
Creda Communication (Pty) Ltd v Pension Funds Adjudicator and Others (PFA/61/2022) [2023] ZAFST 85 (7 July 2023)
Creda Communication (Pty) Ltd v Pension Funds Adjudicator and Others (PFA53/2021) [2022] ZAFST 59 (4 July 2022)
Cretchley v A E C I Defined Contribution Pension Fund and Others (PFA17/2023) [2023] ZAFST 89 (17 July 2023)
Crossmoor Transport (Pty) Ltd v Moodley and Others (PFA09/2024) [2024] ZAFST 46 (1 August 2024)