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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Makhanda
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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Makhanda
>> South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Makhanda decisions beginning with P ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Makhanda decisions beginning with P ...
P.V.S v S - Appeal (CA&R154/2022) [2023] ZAECMKHC 130 (23 November 2023)
Papana and Others v Minister of Police - Appeal Judgment (CA47/2022) [2023] ZAECMKHC 82 (8 August 2023)
Peter and Another v S (CA&R 175/2021) [2022] ZAECMKHC 97 (15 November 2022)
Phambaniso obo L.F v Road Accident Fund (3755/2018) [2024] ZAECMKHC 7 (23 January 2024)
Pieters v Minister of Police (CA 66/2022) [2023] ZAECMKHC 31 (14 March 2023)
Pieterse v Minister of Police and Another (CA192/2023) [2024] ZAECMKHC 79 (16 July 2024)
Pinzon Traders (Pty) Ltd and Another v Clublink Pty Ltd and Others (752/2022) [2022] ZAECMKHC 12 (17 May 2022)
Plaatjies v Minister of Police (CA165/2021) [2022] ZAECMKHC 8 (3 May 2022)