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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Grahamstown
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South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Grahamstown
>> South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Grahamstown decisions beginning with O ...
South Africa: Eastern Cape High Court, Grahamstown decisions beginning with O ...
O.L.J v O.L.A (1370/2018) [2020] ZAECGHC 94 (3 August 2020)
Okundu v S (CA&R117/16) [2016] ZAECGHC 131 (22 November 2016)
Old Time Ministries and Another v South African Evangelistic Mission (1618/2006) [2012] ZAECGHC 104 (29 November 2012)
Olgar v Minister of Safety and Security and Another (586/2012) [2012] ZAECGHC 8; 2012 (4) SA 127 (ECG) (20 February 2012)
Oliphant and Another v S (C.A. & R: 26/2015) [2015] ZAECGHC 48 (7 May 2015)
Olivewood Trade & Invest 41 (Pty) Ltd and Another v Amathole District Municipality and Another (264/2013) [2014] ZAECGHC 32 (22 May 2014)
OLJ v OLA (1370/2018) [2020] ZAECGHC 92 (21 August 2020)
Onose v S (CA&R 276/2011) [2012] ZAECGHC 52 (25 June 2012)
Onwuakpa and Others v S (CA&R271/2015) [2015] ZAECGHC 108 (19 October 2015)
Oos Vrystaat Kaap Operations Ltd v de Klerk and Others (1075/2020) [2020] ZAECGHC 71 (3 June 2020)
Oosthuizen and Others v Vorster (1491/2016) [2019] ZAECGHC 35 (26 March 2019)
Oryx Oil South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Mo Than Gas Corporation (Pty) Ltd trading as Mogas and Others; In re: Easigas (Pty) Ltd v Mo Than Gas Corporation (Pty) Ltd trading as Mogas and Others (3762/2013, 4149/2013) [2014] ZAECGHC 105 (17 July 2014)
Osborne and Another v Dairybelle (Pty) Limited and Another (2293/2015) [2015] ZAECGHC 137 (24 November 2015)
Osborne v Cockin and Others; Osborne v Cockin N.O. and Others (5618/2015, 6053/2015) [2016] ZAECGHC 19 (12 April 2016)
Osteen Health Group (Pty) Ltd and Another v Cross-Med Health Centre (Pty) Ltd and Others (3542/2019) [2020] ZAECGHC 19 (3 March 2020)
Oude Woning Boerdery (Pty) Ltd v Stander NO and Others (1703/2020) [2021] ZAECGHC 114 (7 December 2021)
Oudehoutlkloof Boerdery (Pty) Ltd and Others v Venter (1649/2018) [2021] ZAECGHC 85 (16 September 2021)