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South Africa: Electoral Court
>> South Africa: Electoral Court decisions beginning with M ...
South Africa: Electoral Court decisions beginning with M ...
Malawu v The Electoral Commission and Others (006/20 IEC) [2020] ZAEC 1 (18 November 2020)
MEC Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Northern Cape v Independent Electoral Commission and Others (007/14) [2015] ZAEC 3 (13 May 2015)
Mhlophe and Others v Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others (001/2016 EC) [2016] ZAEC 1 (10 March 2016)
Mvelase and Another v Electoral Commission and Others (5/2009) [2009] ZAEC 2 (1 January 2009)
Mwali v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Another (019/2016) [2016] ZAEC 5 (22 November 2016)
Mxube and Others v The Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others (0012/23EC) [2024] ZAEC 15 (13 May 2024)