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South Africa: Electoral Court
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South Africa: Electoral Court
>> South Africa: Electoral Court decisions beginning with D ...
South Africa: Electoral Court decisions beginning with D ...
De Beer v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others (0028/24EC) [2024] ZAEC 29 (6 November 2024)
Defenders of the People and Another v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Another (0016/24EC) [2024] ZAEC 10 (9 May 2024)
Democratic Alliance and Another v African National Congress and Another (001/15 EC) [2015] ZAEC 1 (5 March 2015)
Democratic Alliance and Another v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others (004/2024EC) [2024] ZAEC 6 (26 April 2024)
Democratic Alliance v Electoral Commission of South Africa and Others (007/2019) [2019] ZAEC 2 (19 June 2019)
Democratic Alliance v Ramaphosa and Others (0027/2024EC) [2024] ZAEC 24 (21 October 2024)