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South Africa: Consumer Goods and Services Ombud
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South Africa: Consumer Goods and Services Ombud
>> South Africa: Consumer Goods and Services Ombud decisions beginning with D ...
South Africa: Consumer Goods and Services Ombud decisions beginning with D ...
Damage altered (201605-0007205) [2016] ZACGSO 11 (16 September 2016)
Damage to wedding gown by drycleaner: Restore if possible (2014114294) [2014] ZACGSO 13 (23 May 2014)
Defect material; Consumer entitled to refund (2013611175) [2013] ZACGSO 4 (16 August 2013)
Defect: Consumer unable to provide proof of purchase : refund (201388163) [2013] ZACGSO 3 (28 August 2013)
Defective Gazebo (201504-0027) [2015] ZACGSO 5 (27 July 2015)
Defective goods - right to tinker (201509-11123409565) [2016] ZACGSO 4 (18 February 2016)
Defective Wheelchair (201505-0125) [2015] ZACGSO 7 (17 September 2015)
Dispute Identification (201503-0232) [2015] ZACGSO 4 (11 May 2015)
Dispute Identification (201504-0174) [2015] ZACGSO 6 (5 May 2015)
Dispute: Loss / Theft of consumer's goods (201610-0010101) [2016] ZACGSO 16 (5 December 2016)
Disputed cash withdrawal: transaction successful (2013913356) [2013] ZACGSO 6 (10 October 2013)
DVD player plug cut off and replaced: Supplier not liable to replace or refund (21/1/2014) [2014] ZACGSO 7 (15 January 2014)