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>> 2014 South Africa: Constitutional Court Decisions
2014 South Africa: Constitutional Court Decisions
February 2014
Kubyana v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (CCT 65/13) [2014] ZACC 1; 2014 (3) SA 56 (CC); 2014 (4) BCLR 400 (CC) (20 February 2014)
Ronald Bobroff & Partners Inc v De La Guerre; South African Association of Personal Injury Lawyers v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development (CCT 122/13 , CCT 123/13) [2014] ZACC 2; 2014 (3) SA 134 (CC); 2014 (4) BCLR 430 (CC) (20 February 2014)
Estate Agency Affairs Board v Auction Alliance (Pty) Ltd and Others (CCT 94/13) [2014] ZACC 3; 2014 (3) SA 106 (CC); 2014 (4) BCLR 373 (CC) (27 February 2014)
March 2014
Loureiro and Others v Imvula Quality Protection (Pty) Ltd (CCT 40/13) [2014] ZACC 4; 2014 (5) BCLR 511 (CC); 2014 (3) SA 394 (CC) (20 March 2014)
Savoi and Others v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Another (CCT 71/13) [2014] ZACC 5; 2014 (5) BCLR 606 (CC); 2014 (1) SACR 545 (CC); 2014 (5) SA 317 (CC) (20 March 2014)
MEC for Health, Eastern Cape and Another v Kirland Investments (Pty) Ltd (CCT 77/13) [2014] ZACC 6; 2014 (5) BCLR 547 (CC); 2014 (3) SA 481 (CC) (25 March 2014)
Mdodana v Premier of the Eastern Cape and Others (CCT 85/13) [2014] ZACC 7; 2014 (5) BCLR 533 (CC); 2014 (4) SA 99 (CC) (25 March 2014)
April 2014
South African Informal Traders Forum and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others; South African National Traders Retail Association v City of Johannesburg and Others (CCT 173/13 ; CCT 174/14) [2014] ZACC 8; 2014 (6) BCLR 726 (CC); 2014 (4) SA 371 (CC) (4 April 2014)
Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape v The Habitat Council and Others; Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape v City of Cape Town and Others (117/13) [2014] ZACC 9; 2014 (5) BCLR 591 (CC); 2014 (4) SA 437 (CC) (4 April 2014)
National Union of Public Service & Allied Workers obo Mani and Others v National Lotteries Board (CCT 75/13) [2014] ZACC 10; 2014 (3) SA 544 (CC); 2014 (6) BCLR 663 (CC); [2014] 7 BLLR 621 (CC); (2014) 35 ILJ 1885 (CC) (10 April 2014)
Botha and Another v Rich N.O. and Others (CCT 89/13) [2014] ZACC 11; 2014 (4) SA 124 (CC); 2014 (7) BCLR 741 (CC) (17 April 2014)
Allpay Consolidated Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others v Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency and Others (No 2) [2014] ZACC 12; 2014 (6) BCLR 641 (CC); 2014 (4) SA 179 (CC) (17 April 2014)
May 2014
J v National Director of Public Prosecutions and Another (CCT 114/13) [2014] ZACC 13; 2014 (2) SACR 1 (CC); 2014 (7) BCLR 764 (CC) (6 May 2014)
Ngqukumba v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (CCT 87/13) [2014] ZACC 14; 2014 (7) BCLR 788 (CC); 2014 (5) SA 112 (CC); 2014 (2) SACR 325 (CC) (15 May 2014)
Molaudzi v S (CCT 126/13) [2014] ZACC 15; 2014 (7) BCLR 785 (CC) (20 May 2014)
June 2014
Cool Ideas 1186 CC v Hubbard and Another (CCT 99/13) [2014] ZACC 16; 2014 (4) SA 474 (CC); 2014 (8) BCLR 869 (CC) (5 June 2014)
Zulu and Others v eThekwini Municipality and Others (CCT 108/13) [2014] ZACC 17; 2014 (4) SA 590 (CC); 2014 (8) BCLR 971 (CC) (6 June 2014)
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans v Motau and Others (CCT 133/13) [2014] ZACC 18; 2014 (8) BCLR 930 (CC); 2014 (5) SA 69 (CC) (10 June 2014)
Sali v National Commissioner of the South African Police Service and Others (CCT 164/13) [2014] ZACC 19; [2014] 9 BLLR 827 (CC); 2014 (9) BCLR 997 (CC); (2014) 35 ILJ 2727 (CC) (19 June 2014)
De Klerk v Griekwaland Wes Korporatief Bpk (CCT 187/13) [2014] ZACC 20; 2014 (8) BCLR 922 (CC) (19 June 2014)
Da Silva v Road Accident Fund and Another (CCT 29/14) [2014] ZACC 21; 2014 (8) BCLR 917 (CC); 2014 (5) SA 573 (CC) (19 June 2014)
August 2014
Florence v Government of the Republic of South Africa (CCT 127/13) [2014] ZACC 22; 2014 (6) SA 456 (CC); 2014 (10) BCLR 1137 (CC) (26 August 2014)
September 2014
South African Police Service v Solidarity obo Barnard (CCT 01/14) [2014] ZACC 23; 2014 (6) SA 123 (CC); [2014] 11 BLLR 1025 (CC); 2014 (10) BCLR 1195 (CC); (2014) 35 ILJ 2981 (CC) (2 September 2014)
Turnbull-Jackson v Hibiscus Court Municipality and Others (CCT 104/13) [2014] ZACC 24; 2014 (6) SA 592 (CC); 2014 (11) BCLR 1310 (CC) (11 September 2014)
Malan v City of Cape Town (CCT 143/13) [2014] ZACC 25; 2014 (6) SA 315 (CC); 2014 (11) BCLR 1265 (CC) (18 September 2014)
October 2014
Stopforth Swanepoel and Brewis Incorporated v Royal Anthem Investments 129 (Pty) Ltd (CCT 63/14) [2014] ZACC 26; 2015 (2) SA 539 (CC); 2014 (12) BCLR 1465 (CC) (2 October 2014)
Nxumalo v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (CCT162/13) [2014] ZACC 27; 2014 (12) BCLR 1457 (CC) (2 October 2014)
Stopforth Swanepoel & Brewis Incorporated v Royal Anthem Investments 129 (Pty) Ltd and Others (2015 (2) SA 539 (CC); 2014 (12) BCLR 1465 (CC)) [2014] ZACC 39; [2014] ZACC 26 (2 October 2014)
Country Cloud Trading CC v MEC, Department of Infrastructure Development, Gauteng (CCT 185/13) [2014] ZACC 28; 2015 (1) SA 1 (CC); 2014 (12) BCLR 1397 (CC) (3 October 2014)
MC Denneboom Service Station CC and Another v Phayane (CCT 71/14) [2014] ZACC 29; 2015 (1) SA 54 (CC); 2014 (12) BCLR 1421 (CC) (3 October 2014)
National Commissioner of The South African Police Service v Southern African Human Rights Litigation Centre and Another (CCT 02/14) [2014] ZACC 30; 2015 (1) SA 315 (CC); 2015 (1) SACR 255 (CC); 2014 (12) BCLR 1428 (CC) (30 October 2014)
November 2014
Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality v Chairperson, North West Provincial Executive Committee and Others (CCT 186/14) [2014] ZACC 31; 2015 (1) BCLR 72 (CC) (18 November 2014)
Helen Suzman Foundation v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Glenister v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (CCT 07/14, CCT 09/14) [2014] ZACC 32; 2015 (1) BCLR 1 (CC); 2015 (2) SA 1 (CC) (27 November 2014)
December 2014
Khohliso v S and Another (CCT 12/14) [2014] ZACC 33; 2015 (2) BCLR 164 (CC); 2015 (1) SACR 319 (CC) (2 December 2014)
H v Fetal Assessment Centre (CCT 74/14) [2014] ZACC 34; 2015 (2) BCLR 127 (CC); 2015 (2) SA 193 (CC) (11 December 2014)
National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa v Intervalve (Pty) Ltd and Others (CCT72/14) [2014] ZACC 35; 2015 (2) BCLR 182 (CC); [2015] 3 BLLR 205 (CC); (2015) 36 ILJ 363 (CC) (12 December 2014)
Bapedi Marota Mamone v Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims and Others (CCT 67/14) [2014] ZACC 36; 2015 (3) BCLR 268 (CC) (15 December 2014)
Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town (CCT78/14) [2014] ZACC 37; 2015 (3) BCLR 243 (CC); 2015 (2) SA 584 (CC) (15 December 2014)
Stratford and Others v Investec Bank Limited and Others (CCT 62/14) [2014] ZACC 38; 2015 (3) BCLR 358 (CC); 2015 (3) SA 1 (CC); (2015) 36 ILJ 583 (CC) (19 December 2014)