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>> 2015 African Union Decisions
2015 African Union Decisions
Africa's Engagements in the Global Climate Negotiations (Assembly/AU/Dec. 580(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 1
Date and Venue of the 26th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in January 2016 (Assembly/AU/Dec. 581(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 2
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak (Assembly/AU/Dec. 570(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 3
Election of Six (6) Members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACEWRC) (Assembly/AU/Dec. 575(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 4
Election of Three (3) Members of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR) (Assembly/AU/Dec. 576(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 5
Framework for a Renewed UN-AU Partnership on Africa's Integration and Development Agenda (PAIDA) 2017-2027 (Assembly/AU/Dec. 587(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 6
High Level Committee (HLC) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Assembly/AU/Dec. 573(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 7
Items Proposed by Member States (Assembly/AU/Dec. 572(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 8
Launch of Continental Free Trade Area Negotiations (Assembly/AU/Dec. 569(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 9
Report of Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC) on NEPAD (Assembly/AU/Dec. 579(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 10
Report of the AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) (Assembly/AU/Dec. 571(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 11
Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Africa (Assembly/AU/Dec. 584(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 12
Report of the Commission on Governance in Africa (with Focus on the African Governance Architecture and Elections) (Assembly/AU/Dec. 585(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 13
Report of the Peace and Security Council on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa (Assembly/AU/Dec. 583(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 14
Scale of Assessment and Alternative Sources of Financing the African Union (Assembly/AU/Dec. 578(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 15
Sixteenth Report of the Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council (Assembly/AU/Dec. 574(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 16
Streamlining of the AU Summits and the Working Methods of the African Union (Assembly/AU/Dec. 582(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 17
Update of the Commission on the Implementation of Previous Decisions on the International Criminal Court (Assembly/AU/Dec. 586(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 18
Budget of the African Union for the 2016 Financial Year (Assembly/AU/Dec. 577(XXV)) [2015] AUDECISIONS 19